Logistics Management

Minor Requirements

Minor: Logistics Management

Required Credits: 18


A grade of 'C' or better is required in all courses used to satisfy the minor.

Core Course
SCM 320Integrated Supply Chain Management3
Select 15 credit from the following:15
Quantitative Methods & Decision Making
Introduction to Transportation & Logistics
Advanced Logistical Analysis
Program and Project Management
Operations Research I
Production and Inventory Control
Supply Chain Analysis and Analytics
Procurement & Sourcing
Transportation & Distribution
Supplier & Customer Relations
Financing the Supply Chain
Supply Chain Technology Enablers
Modeling the Supply Chain
International Supply Chain Management
Total Credits18

Minor Requirements and Notes

  • To enroll in 300/400 level college of business courses, students must have 2.5 minimum institutional cumulative GPA.
  • To complete this minor, students must earn at minimum 2.50 GPA in courses used to satisfy the minor requirements. Courses may not be taken pass/fail. Minors must satisfy all course prerequisites.
  • Students majoring in Supply Chain Management are not eligible for this minor.
  • A minimum of 8 credits must be taken at NDSU.