SCMTH College Requirements
Department and College Requirements
- Students may not minor in biology with this major
- Except for courses offered only as pass/fail grading, no course may be taken Pass/Fail.
Bachelor of Science (BS) Degree – An additional 6 credits in Humanities or Social Sciences*
Bachelor of Arts (BA) Degree – An additional 12 credits Humanities and Social Sciences* and proficiency at the second year level in a modern foreign language.
* | Humanities and Social Sciences may be fulfilled by any course having the following prefix: ADHM, ANTH, ARCH, ART, CJ, CLAS, COMM, ECON, ENGL, FREN, GEOG, GERM, HDFS, HIST, LA, LANG, MUSC, PHIL, POLS, PSYC, RELS, SOC, SPAN, THEA, WGS, or any course from the approved list of general education courses in humanities and social sciences (general education categories A and B). These credits must come from outside the department of the student’s major. |