Message from the President

North Dakota State University is a truly amazing place, a model for others in higher education to emulate. Our proud university is a shining example of a successful student-focused, land-grant, research institution—and that means NDSU commands a powerful niche.
The rest of the country and the world are noticing our accomplishments.
NDSU is listed at 84 among 402 public universities based on NDSU’s research expenditures reported to the National Science Foundation. In addition, NDSU is listed in the National Science Foundation’s top 100 in several areas, including: agricultural sciences, social sciences, physical sciences, chemistry, psychology and computer sciences.
NDSU has more than 14,500 students in our undergraduate and graduate programs. We have more than 2,400 graduate and professional students. NDSU student-athletes compete and succeed in the ranks of NCAA Division I.
The level of interest in the university has risen dramatically among students, the public and colleagues around the globe. This institution has evolved and progressed—we have increased our productivity, visibility and contributions to a greater number of constituencies.
We have a strong sense of community and campus pride at NDSU. We are dedicated to the land-grant mission of quality education, leading research and outstanding service. NDSU clearly makes a difference in the lives of students and the vitality of our community, state, region and nation.
The future of the great state of North Dakota is at a point of awakening—and our imagination is the only limit to the future. We at NDSU are poised to help make that future a reality.
I urge you to use this catalog to explore the many educational opportunities offered by our university. Join us as NDSU moves forward. The best is yet to come.
Dean L. Bresciani