Reporting Grievances & Complaints
The University Provost has established a procedure for students to file a formal grievance regarding the University's provision of educational and academic services claiming a violation of a University rule, policy, or established practice that affects a student's education.
A student may also file a written student complaint concerning a college or university issue alleging improper, unfair, or arbitrary treatment. Academic complaints may be submitted in writing/email to the Provost. Non-academic complaints may be submitted in writing/email to the Vice President for Student Affairs. The purpose of the procedure is to provide an orderly collection of information, address students' complaints in a timely manner by appropriate university personnel, and help students learn effective conflict resolution skills.
Be aware that the University has already established specific procedures for the following and student academic grievances would not include the following:
- University employment
- Disciplinary action under the Code of Student Life
- Grade disputes/appeals
- University admission decisions
- Billing and student accounts
Guidelines have been established to assist students in stating the problem and desired problem resolution and are available from either the Vice President for Student Affairs or the Dean of Student Life office. Students also may arrange a meeting with Student Rights and Responsibilities at any time during the process for advice and direction in resolving the problem.