Natural Resources Management
This is an archived copy of the 2019-20 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://bulletin.ndsu.edu.
Program Description
Natural Resources Management (NRM) in the School of Natural Resource Sciences prepares students for the environmental challenges of the 21st century. The Master of Natural Resources Management (MNRM), Master of Science (M.S.) and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) NRM degrees are interdisciplinary and offer a broad, systems- based approach toward managing natural resources. NRM graduates are prepared to compete for and be productive in jobs where issues reach beyond a single discipline or subject area. They have the skills necessary to address problems from a sustainable social-ecological perspective.
Through the NRM graduate program, students gain a breadth of knowledge in relevant planning, analysis and management.
In cooperation with the following NDSU academic programs and departments, students select a curriculum and an adviser from one of these participating units:
- Agribusiness and Applied Economics
- Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
- Biological Sciences (Botany and Zoology)
- Civil Engineering
- Communications
- Entomology
- Plant Sciences
- Range Sciences
- Earth and Climate Science
- Geosciences
- Soil Science
- Sociology/Anthropology/Emergency Management
- Veterinary and Microbiological Sciences
The educational objective of the NRM graduate program is to provide formal education in a chosen specialty area, introductions to other subject areas, appropriate course work in analytical methods, and research and writing experiences in the general area of natural resource management. Problem recognition, definition, analysis and resolution, along with critical thinking are the ultimate learning objectives.
Admissions Requirements
The graduate program in Natural Resources Management is open to qualified graduates of universities and colleges of recognized standing. In addition to the Graduate School requirements, applicants may be recommended or required to take the GRE general exam. Consult with the NRM Program Director.
Financial Assistance
Both research and teaching assistantships may be available through the participating academic units. Application for financial aid must be made directly to a department. Applicants are considered on the basis of scholarship and potential to undertake advanced study and research. Limited scholarships are available.
To qualify for the MNRM degree, the candidate must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 32 semester credits of course work in his/her selected curriculum, and an oral presentation based on an NRM topic of the candidate’s choice.
To qualify for the M.S. degree, the candidate must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 30 semester units in his/her selected curriculum, an oral examination, and a thesis or comprehensive study paper.
To qualify for the Ph.D. degree, the candidate must satisfactorily complete a course of study of no less than 90 semester credits (including 30 semester credits from the M.S. degree or equivalent), both a written and an oral preliminary examination, a research-based dissertation, and an oral defense of the dissertation. In addition, the candidate presents final public seminar based on the dissertation research. For more specific information, please refer to the Natural Resources Management Graduate Student Guidelines available on the NRM Web site.
NRM program courses are offered by NRM and the other participating academic units. These include:
- Agribusiness and Applied Economics
- Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
- Agricultural Systems Management
- Anthropology
- Biology
- Botany
- Civil Engineering
- Communication
- Computer Science
- Economics
- Entomology
- Geosciences
- Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
- Mathematics
- Microbiological Sciences
- Philosophy
- Plant Pathology
- Plant Sciences
- Political Science
- Range Science
- Sociology
- Soil Science
- Statistics
- Zoology
Adnan Akyuz, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor/Climatologist
University of Missouri-Columbia, 1994
Francis Casey, Ph.D.
Professor of Soil Science
Iowa State University, 2000
Amitava Chatterjee, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Soil Science
University of Wyoming, 2007
Larry J. Cihacek, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Soil Science
Iowa State University, 1979
Dennis Cooley, Ph.D.
Professor of Philosophy
University of Rochester, 1995
Edward (Shawn) DeKeyser, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Range Science
North Dakota State University, 2000
Tom DeSutter, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Soil Science
Kansas State University, 2004
Gary A. Goreham, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology
South Dakota State University, 1985
Christina Hargiss, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Natural Resources Management
North Dakota State University, 2009
Robert Hearne, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics
University of Minnesota, 1995
Xinhua Jia, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
University of Arizona, 2004
Chiwon W. Lee, Ph.D.
Professor of Plant Sciences
Purdue University, 1977
Wei Lin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Buffalo, 1992
Zhulu Lin, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering
University of Georgia, 2003
Rodney G. Lym
Professor of Plant Sciences
University of Wyoming, 1979
Mark Andrew Meister, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Communication
University of Nebraska, 1997
Jack E. Norland, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Natural Resources Management
North Dakota State University, 2008
G. Padmanabhan, Ph.D.
Professor of Civil Engineering,
Purdue University, 1980
Deirdre Prischmann-Voldseth, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Entomology
Washington State University, 2005
David A. Rider, Ph.D.
Professor of Entomology
Louisiana State University, 1988
David Ripplinger, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Agribusiness and Applied Economics
North Dakota State University, 2012
David Roberts, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Agribusiness and Applied Economics
Oklahoma State University, 2009
Kevin Sedivec, Ph.D.
Professor of Range Science
North Dakota State University, 1994
Halis Simsek, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering
North Dakota State University, 2012
Dean D. Steele, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
University of Minnesota, 1991
Joseph D. Zeleznik
Extension Forester
Michigan State University, 2001