Music (MUSC)

This is an archived copy of the 2022-23 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

MUSC 100. Music Appreciation. 3 Credits.

Understanding and appreciating musical styles and composers with some emphasis on the relationship of music to concurrent social and artistic trends. Designed for non-music majors.

MUSC 101. Fundamentals of Music. 3 Credits.

Introduction to fundamental elements of music through the study of scales, chords, basic harmonic progressions, rhythms, and terminology.

MUSC 103. Introduction to Music History. 3 Credits.

Introduction to the major works of music in the Western tradition which define the stylistic elements of musical periods in history.

MUSC 108. Roots of American Popular Music. 3 Credits.

Survey of American popular music and musicians from Civil War times through the present with an emphasis on historical and sociological influences. Designed for non-music majors.

MUSC 111. Marching Band. 1 Credit.

Membership in all organizations is subject to approval of the director. May be repeated.

MUSC 112. University Band. 1 Credit.

Membership in all organizations is subject to approval of the director. May be repeated.

MUSC 114. University Summer Band. 1 Credit.

Membership in all organizations is subject to approval of the director. May be repeated.

MUSC 115. University Chorus. 1 Credit.

Membership in all organizations is subject to approval of the director. May be repeated.

MUSC 116. Cantemus. 1 Credit.

A non-auditioned women's choir which will perform music of all style periods. May be repeated for credit.

MUSC 117. Statesmen of NDSU. 1 Credit.

A non-auditioned men's choir which will perform music of all style periods.

MUSC 130. Theory and Analysis I. 3 Credits.

Introduction to the compositional practices of the 18th and 19th centuries. Coreq: MUSC 132.

MUSC 131. Theory and Analysis II. 3 Credits.

Introduction to the compositional practices of the 18th and 19th centuries. Prereq: MUSC 130. Coreq: MUSC 133.

MUSC 132. Ear Training & Sight Singing I. 1 Credit.

Development of sight singing and ear training skills. Laboratory band and chorus required. Coreq: MUSC 130.

MUSC 133. Ear Training & Sight Singing II. 1 Credit.

Development of sight singing and ear training skills. Laboratory band and chorus required. Coreq: MUSC 131.

MUSC 160. Piano Class I. 1 Credit.

Group instruction in the basic fundamentals of playing the piano. Designed primarily to meet the basic piano proficiency requirements for music education majors.

MUSC 161. Piano Class II. 1 Credit.

Group instruction in the basic fundamentals of playing the piano. Designed primarily to meet the basic piano proficiency requirements for music education majors.

MUSC 162. Voice Class. 1 Credit.

Group instruction in the fundamentals of singing. For music students who do not major in voice. May be repeated.

MUSC 163. Voice Class for Instrumentalists. 2 Credits.

Group instruction in the fundamentals of singing. For instrumental music education students who do not major in voice. May be repeated. Instrumental music majors only.

MUSC 165. Applied Piano. 1 Credit.

Private lessons. Prereq: Qualifying examination in performance. May be repeated.

MUSC 166. Applied Composition. 1 Credit.

Introductory individual lessons in composition focusing on mastering simple compositional techniques in both melody and harmony. May be repeated for credit. Prereq: MUSC 132.

MUSC 167. Applied Voice. 1 Credit.

Private lessons. Prereq: Qualifying examination in performance. May be repeated.

MUSC 168. Applied Wind Instruments. 1 Credit.

Private lessons. Prereq: Qualifying examination in performance. May be repeated.

MUSC 169. Applied Percussion Instruments. 1 Credit.

Private lessons. Prereq: Qualifying examination in performance. May be repeated.

MUSC 170. Applied Upper Strings. 1 Credit.

Individual lessons for upper strings. May be repeated.

MUSC 171. Applied Lower Strings. 1 Credit.

Individual lessons for lower strings. May be repeated.

MUSC 172. Applied Guitar. 1 Credit.

Individual lessons for guitar. May be repeated.

MUSC 173. Supplementary Applied Study. 1-4 Credits.

Private lessons. For music performance majors. Supplementary pedagogy study may be from 1 - 4 credits. May be repeated. Prereq: Qualifying examination in performance.

MUSC 174. Pronunciation for Singers I. 1 Credit.

Instruction in the proper pronunciation of English, Italian, Spanish, and Latin for song, oratorio, and opera.

MUSC 175. Pronunciation for Singers II. 1 Credit.

Instruction in the proper pronunciation of German and French for song, oratorio, and opera. Prereq: MUSC 174.

MUSC 180. Performance Attendance. 0 Credits.

Attendance at regional performances, including NDSU events. Minimum of five registrations necessary for graduation for music majors, two registrations for music minors. May be repeated. P/F only.

MUSC 189. Skills for Academic Success. 1 Credit.

This course is designed to ease the transition for new students at NDSU. Students will learn skills and techniques used by successful college students. In addition to introducing the students to campus resources and governance, topics will include study techniques, time management, test taking, note taking, goal setting, wellness, stress management, and career orientation.

MUSC 194. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

MUSC 196. Field Experience. 1-15 Credits.

MUSC 199. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

MUSC 215. University Chamber Singers. 1 Credit.

This is a mixed ensemble which will study and perform a wide variety of choral repertoire and become more musically literate. It will meet needs of developing musicianship within an auditioned smaller ensemble. Admission by audition only. Repeatable for credit.

MUSC 230. Theory and Analysis III. 3 Credits.

Advanced harmonic and chromatic materials of the common practice period, and analysis and stylistic compositions of music from ancient Greece to contemporary practice. Prereq: MUSC 130 Coreq: MUSC 232.

MUSC 231. Theory and Analysis IV. 3 Credits.

Advanced harmonic and chromatic materials of the common practice period, and analysis and stylistic compositions of music from ancient Greece to contemporary practice. Prereq: MUSC 230. Coreq: MUSC 233.

MUSC 232. Ear Training & Sight Singing III. 1 Credit.

Advanced work with ear training and sight singing materials. Laboratory band and chorus required. Coreq: MUSC 230.

MUSC 233. Ear Training & Sight Singing IV. 1 Credit.

Advanced work with ear training and sight singing materials. Laboratory band and chorus required. Coreq: MUSC 232.

MUSC 250. Basic Conducting. 2 Credits.

Study and development of basic ensemble conducting skills.

MUSC 260. Piano Class III. 1 Credit.

Intermediate instruction in class piano. Prereq: MUSC 161.

MUSC 261. Piano Class IV. 1 Credit.

Intermediate instruction in class piano. Prereq: MUSC 161.

MUSC 265. Applied Piano. 1 Credit.

Private lessons. Prereq: Qualifying examination in performance. May be repeated twice.

MUSC 266. Applied Composition. 1 Credit.

Individual lessons in composition for a variety of musical media. May be repeated twice. Prereq: MUSC 166.

MUSC 267. Applied Voice. 1 Credit.

Private lessons. Prereq: Qualifying examination in performance. May be repeated twice.

MUSC 268. Applied Wind Instruments. 1 Credit.

Private lessons. Prereq: Qualifying examination in performance. May be repeated twice.

MUSC 269. Applied Percussion Instruments. 1 Credit.

Private lessons. Prereq: Qualifying examination in performance. May be repeated twice.

MUSC 270. Applied Upper Strings. 1 Credit.

Individual lessons for upper strings. May be repeated.

MUSC 271. Applied Lower Strings. 1 Credit.

Individual lessons for lower strings. May be repeated.

MUSC 272. Applied Guitar. 1 Credit.

Individual lessons for guitar. May be repeated.

MUSC 273. Supplementary Applied Study. 1-4 Credits.

For music performance majors. Supplementary pedagogy study may register for 1-4 credits. May be repeated.

MUSC 291. Seminar. 1-3 Credits.

MUSC 292. Global Practicum: Study Abroad. 1-15 Credits.

Pre-Arranged study at accredited foreign institutions (study abroad), domestic institutions (National Student Exchange) or on approved study abroad programs. Pre-requisite: Sophomore standing and prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. Graded 'P'or 'F' (Undergraduate), or 'S' or 'U' (Graduate).

MUSC 294. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

MUSC 299. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

MUSC 301. Musical Theatre Troupe. 1 Credit.

A select performance ensemble of musical theatre performers. This ensemble meets twice a week to develop scenes, songs, and choreography from classic and contemporary musical theatre repertoire. May be repeated. Prereq: selection by audition only.

MUSC 302. Wind Ensemble. 1 Credit.

Membership in all organizations is subject to approval of the director. May be repeated.

MUSC 303. Wind Symphony. 1 Credit.

Membership in all organizations is subject to approval of the director. May be repeated.

MUSC 304. University Symphony Orchestra. 1 Credit.

Major symphonic ensemble jointly sponsored by NDSU and MSUM. Prereq: Membership by audition only. May be repeated.

MUSC 306. Concert Choir. 1 Credit.

Membership in all organizations is subject to approval of the director. May be repeated.

MUSC 311. Jazz Ensemble. 1 Credit.

Membership in all organizations is subject to approval of the director. May be repeated.

MUSC 312. Percussion Ensemble. 1 Credit.

Membership in all organizations is subject to approval of the director. May be repeated.

MUSC 313. Trombone Ensemble. 1 Credit.

Membership in all organizations is subject to approval of the director. May be repeated.

MUSC 314. Brass Chamber Ensemble. 1 Credit.

Membership in all organizations is subject to approval of the director. May be repeated.

MUSC 315. Woodwind Chamber Ensemble. 1 Credit.

Membership in all organizations is subject to approval of the director. May be repeated.

MUSC 316. String Chamber Ensemble. 1 Credit.

Membership in all organizations is subject to approval of the director. May be repeated.

MUSC 317. Madrigal Singers. 1 Credit.

Membership in all organizations is subject to approval of the director. May be repeated.

MUSC 318. Mixed Chamber Ensemble. 1 Credit.

Mixed chamber ensemble. Membership in all organizations is subject to approval of the director. May be repeated for credit.

MUSC 319. Opera Workshop. 1 Credit.

Membership in all organizations is subject to approval of the director. May be repeated.

MUSC 320. Vocal Chamber Ensemble. 1 Credit.

Membership in all organizations is subject to approval of the director. May be repeated.

MUSC 321. Piano Chamber Music. 1 Credit.

Membership in all organizations is subject to approval of the director. May be repeated.

MUSC 322. Jazz Combo. 1 Credit.

Membership in all organizations is subject to approval of the director. May be repeated.

MUSC 331. Instrumental Arranging. 2 Credits.

Arranging materials for bands. Prereq: MUSC 231.

MUSC 332. Survey of Choral Literature. 2 Credits.

A study of choral literature from Renaissance through the 21st century. Prereq: MUSC 340.

MUSC 340. Music History I. 3 Credits.

Study of the history of music from the Greek period through the Baroque. Prereq: MUSC 103.

MUSC 341. Music History II. 3 Credits.

Study of the history of music from the Classical period through the 20th century. Prereq: MUSC 340.

MUSC 344. Wind Band Literature. 2 Credits.

A survey of suitable literature for the wind band, covering the repertoire considered basic to the wind band as well as literature of quality for a variety of levels of difficulty.

MUSC 346. Survey/Vocal Literature. 2 Credits.

An overview of vocal literature from 1600 to present. Representative works will include literature from the Western tradition.

MUSC 349. Vocal Methods & Pedagogy I. 2 Credits.

Instruction in vocal pedagogy and methods for music majors.

MUSC 350. Vocal Methods & Pedagogy II. 2 Credits.

Advanced instruction in vocal pedagogy and methods for music education majors. Prereq: MUSC 349.

MUSC 351. Instrumental Conducting & Literature. 2 Credits.

Fundamentals and techniques of conducting instrumental ensembles with practical application through the study of instrumental literature.

MUSC 352. Choral Conducting & Literature. 2 Credits.

Fundamentals and techniques of conducting choral ensembles with practical application through the study of choral literature. Prereq: MUSC 103 and MUSC 250.

MUSC 353. Woodwind Methods I. 2 Credits.

Class instruction in woodwind instruments for vocal and instrumental music education majors. Emphasis on pedagogical principles, applied competency of fundamentals, and literature.

MUSC 354. Woodwind Methods II. 2 Credits.

Class instruction in woodwind instruments for instrumental music education majors. Emphasis on advanced pedagogical principles, applied competency of fundamentals and in-depth coverage of literature.

MUSC 355. Brass Methods. 2 Credits.

Class instruction in brass instruments for vocal and instrumental music education majors. Emphasis on pedagogical principles, applied competency of fundamentals, and literature.

MUSC 357. Marching Band Methods and Techniques. 1 Credit.

This course is intended to assist in developing the skills and knowledge essential for the successful administration and implementation of a sports band (marching and pep bands) program within the public school context. Prereq: Students must be music majors.

MUSC 358. Jazz Methods. 1 Credit.

This course is intended to assist in developing the skills and knowledge essential for the successful administration and implementation of a jazz program (Big Band and Combos) within the public school context. Prereq: music majors only.

MUSC 359. Percussion Methods. 2 Credits.

Class instruction in percussion instruments for music education majors. Emphasis on pedagogical principles, applied competency, and literature.

MUSC 364. Jazz Improvisation. 2 Credits.

Basic concepts necessary to play and teach the fundamentals of jazz improvisation. May be repeated.

MUSC 365. Applied Piano. 1 Credit.

Private lessons. Prereq: Qualifying examination in performance. May be repeated twice.

MUSC 366. Applied Composition. 1 Credit.

Individual lessons in composition for a variety of musical media. May be repeated twice. Prereq: MUSC 231.

MUSC 367. Applied Voice. 1 Credit.

Private lessons. Prereq: Qualifying examination in performance. May be repeated twice.

MUSC 368. Applied Wind Instruments. 1 Credit.

Private lessons. Prereq: Qualifying examination in performance. May be repeated twice.

MUSC 369. Applied Percussion Instruments. 1 Credit.

Private lessons. Prereq: Qualifying examination in performance. May be repeated twice.

MUSC 370. Applied Upper Strings. 1 Credit.

Individual lessons for upper strings. May be repeated.

MUSC 371. Applied Lower Strings. 1 Credit.

Individual lessons for lower strings. May be repeated.

MUSC 372. Applied Guitar. 1 Credit.

Individual lessons for guitar. May be repeated.

MUSC 373. Supplementary Applied Study. 1-4 Credits.

For music performance majors. Supplementary pedagogy study may register for 1-4 credits. May be repeated.

MUSC 379. Study Tour Abroad - Eastern Europe. 3 Credits.

Musical tour of Eastern Europe, including the countries of Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and the Czech Republic.

MUSC 380. Recital. 1 Credit.

Preparation and presentation of a half recital in instrumental, keyboard, or vocal performance. May be repeated.

MUSC 384. Composition I. 1 Credit.

This course will serve as an introduction to compositional techniques. Group and private instruction will be given during the semester. Prereq: MUSC 231.

MUSC 385. Music Entrepreneurship. 3 Credits.

Students will learn and display entrepreneurial skills through class work, guest lectures, and project-based activities and assignments in technology, business, writing, promotion, networking, and other music professional studies.

MUSC 391. Seminar. 1-3 Credits.

MUSC 392. Global Practicum: Study Abroad. 1-15 Credits.

Pre-Arranged study at accredited foreign institutions (study abroad), domestic institutions (National Student Exchange) or on approved study abroad programs. Pre-requisite: Sophomore standing and prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. Graded 'P'or 'F' (Undergraduate), or 'S' or 'U' (Graduate).

MUSC 394. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

MUSC 399. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

MUSC 411. Form and Analysis. 3 Credits.

Study of the types of tonal relationships which create musical works of art. Examination of small forms such as motive and phrase, and progressing to large forms such as fugue, variation, and sonata. Prereq: MUSC 231. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MUSC 611.}.

MUSC 423. Piano Pedagogy. 3 Credits.

Approaches to piano teaching of beginning to advanced students. May be repeated. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MUSC 623}.

MUSC 430. Counterpoint. 3 Credits.

Study of contrapuntal techniques of the Renaissance and Baroque periods through analysis and composition exercises. Prereq: MUSC 231. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MUSC 630.}.

MUSC 431. Contemporary Harmonic Techniques. 3 Credits.

Study of harmonic and contrapuntal techniques of contemporary composers, with exercises in writing in the various styles. Prereq: MUSC 231. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MUSC 631.}.

MUSC 434. Analytical Techniques. 3 Credits.

Analysis of music of all periods, using a variety of techniques. Music to be analyzed will vary with each offering; may be repeated with permission of instructor. Prereq: MUSC 231. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MUSC 634.}.

MUSC 441. Symphonic Literature. 2 Credits.

Survey of the history of symphonic literature with emphasis on selected works. Prereq: Permission of instructor. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MUSC 641.}.

MUSC 442. Opera Literature. 2 Credits.

Survey of the history of opera with emphasis on selected works. Prereq: MUSC 340 and MUSC 341 or consent of instructor. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MUSC 642.}.

MUSC 443. Keyboard Literature. 3 Credits.

Survey of keyboard styles, instrumental development, and literature (excluding organ) from the early 14th century through the 21st century, with special emphasis on works from 1775-1925. Prereq: Permission of instructor. May be repeated. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MUSC 643.}.

MUSC 465. Applied Piano. 1 Credit.

Private lessons. Prereq: Qualifying examination in performance. May be repeated twice.

MUSC 466. Applied Composition. 1 Credit.

Individual lessons in composition for a variety of musical media. May be repeated. Prereq: MUSC 366.

MUSC 467. Applied Voice. 1 Credit.

Private lessons. Prereq: Qualifying examination in performance. May be repeated twice.

MUSC 468. Applied Wind Instruments. 1 Credit.

Private lessons. Prereq: Qualifying examination in performance. May be repeated twice.

MUSC 469. Applied Percussion Instruments. 1 Credit.

Private lessons. Prereq: Qualifying examination in performance. May be repeated twice.

MUSC 470. Applied Upper Strings. 1 Credit.

Individual lessons for upper strings. May be repeated.

MUSC 471. Applied Lower Strings. 1 Credit.

Individual lessons for lower strings. May be repeated.

MUSC 472. Applied Guitar. 1 Credit.

Individual lessons for guitar. May be repeated.

MUSC 473. Supplementary Applied Study. 1-4 Credits.

For music performance majors. Supplementary pedagogy study may register for 1-4 credits. May be repeated.

MUSC 480. Recital. 1 Credit.

Capstone for performance majors. May be repeated.

MUSC 481. Instrumental Music Methods. 2 Credits.

Specialized methods and classroom practices dealing with teaching instrumental music at the secondary level.

MUSC 482. Choral Music Methods. 2 Credits.

Specialized methods and classroom practices dealing with teaching choral music at the secondary level.

MUSC 483. Elementary Music Methods. 2 Credits.

Specialized methods and classroom practices dealing with teaching elementary music.

MUSC 484. Composition II. 1 Credit.

This course will continue study of compositional techniques and will require finished compositions for performances. Group and private instruction will be given during the semester. Prereq: MUSC 231 and MUSC 384.

MUSC 491. Seminar. 1-5 Credits.

MUSC 492. Global Practicum: Study Abroad. 1-15 Credits.

Pre-Arranged study at accredited foreign institutions (study abroad), domestic institutions (National Student Exchange) or on approved study abroad programs. Pre-requisite: Sophomore standing and prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. Graded 'P'or 'F' (Undergraduate), or 'S' or 'U' (Graduate).

MUSC 494. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

MUSC 496. Field Experience. 1-15 Credits.

MUSC 499. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

MUSC 611. Form and Analysis. 3 Credits.

Study of the types of tonal relationships which create musical works of art. Examination of small forms such as motive and phrase, and progressing to large forms such as fugue, variation, and sonata. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MUSC 411.}.

MUSC 623. Piano Pedagogy. 3 Credits.

Approaches to piano teaching of beginning to advanced students. May be repeated. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MUSC 423.}.

MUSC 630. Counterpoint. 3 Credits.

Study of contrapuntal techniques of the Renaissance and Baroque periods through analysis and composition exercises. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MUSC 430.}.

MUSC 631. Contemporary Harmonic Techniques. 3 Credits.

Study of harmonic and contrapuntal techniques of contemporary composers, with exercises in writing in the various styles. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MUSC 431.}.

MUSC 634. Analytical Techniques. 3 Credits.

Analysis of music of all periods, using a variety of techniques. Music to be analyzed will vary with each offering; may be repeated with permission of instructor. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MUSC 434.}.

MUSC 641. Symphonic Literature. 2 Credits.

Survey of the history of symphonic literature with emphasis on selected works. Prereq: Permission of instructor. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MUSC 441.}.

MUSC 642. Opera Literature. 2 Credits.

Survey of the history of opera with emphasis on selected works. Prereq: consent of instructor. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MUSC 442.}.

MUSC 643. Keyboard Literature. 3 Credits.

Survey of keyboard styles, instrumental development, and literature (excluding organ) from the early 14th century through the 21st century, with special emphasis on works from 1775-1925. May be repeated. Prereq: Permission of instructor. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MUSC 443.}.

MUSC 692. Global Practicum: Study Abroad. 1-15 Credits.

Pre-Arranged study at accredited foreign institutions (study abroad), domestic institutions (National Student Exchange) or on approved study abroad programs. Pre-requisite: Sophomore standing and prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. Graded 'P'or 'F' (Undergraduate), or 'S' or 'U' (Graduate).

MUSC 701. Psychology Of Music. 3 Credits.

Study of acoustics, the anatomy and physiology of hearing, and how the listener perceives music and sound.

MUSC 702. Graduate Theory Survey. 3 Credits.

This course is structured as a theory review course for graduate students in music. It will enable students to be able to do advanced course work in analytical studies and other technical graduate courses.

MUSC 703. Foundations of Music Education. 3 Credits.

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive view of the basic foundations inherent in the study of music education at the graduate level, with the emphasis on the development of a personal philosophical perspective that accounts for historical, philosophical, practical and sociological perspectives. Prereq: admission to the Master of Music program.

MUSC 704. Graduate Music History Survey. 3 Credits.

Reading, discussion and listening assignments covering music from the Medieval period through the 21st Century.

MUSC 705. Graduate Diction Survey I. 2 Credits.

A survey of diction training in English and Italian.

MUSC 706. Graduate Diction Survey II. 2 Credits.

A survey of diction training in German and French.

MUSC 709. Graduate Ensemble. 1 Credit.

Ensemble registration for graduate students. Study and performance of major works of each ensemble. May be repeated.

MUSC 713. Advanced Choral Music Methods. 3 Credits.

Advanced study of current choral music methods, materials and assessment strategies. The course will focus on implementation of teaching strategies into choral music classrooms to increase student learning and understanding. Additional information and resources will be studied and used to develop effective secondary music curriculum guidelines. Prereq: admission to graduate studies in music.

MUSC 714. Advanced Elementary Music Methods. 3 Credits.

Advanced study of current elementary music methodologies and the implementation of teaching strategies into elementary music classrooms. Additional information and resources will be studied and used to develop effective elementary music curriculum guidelines. Prereq: admission to the Master of Music in Music Education program.

MUSC 715. History of Choral Literature. 3 Credits.

A survey of the history of choral literature from the Renaissance to the present, with special emphasis on representative compositions in both large and small forms.

MUSC 721. Advanced Vocal Pedagogy. 3 Credits.

In-depth study of the physical and physiological considerations of vocal technique with application to specific voices and suitable repertoire. May be repeated.

MUSC 722. Applied Instrumental Pedagogy. 1-3 Credits.

Advanced study of the physical and physiological considerations of instrumental technique with application to specific instruments and suitable repertoire. May be repeated.

MUSC 731. Applied Study. 1-4 Credits.

Private applied music study (instrumental, keyboard, vocal, conducting). Course credit determined by program and recommendation of instructor. May be repeated.

MUSC 733. Choral Studies and Pedagogy. 2 Credits.

Topics in advanced choral pedagogy, historical performance practice, graduate level applied conducting and other choral studies will be explored. This course may be repeated once by MM students and up to 3 times by DMA choral conducting students. Prereq: admission to the MM or DMA in choral conducting.

MUSC 734. Analytical Techniques. 3 Credits.

Analysis of music of all periods, using a variety of techniques. Music to be analyzed will vary with each offering; may be repeated with permission of instructor.

MUSC 735. Music Theory Pedagogy I. 3 Credits.

Organization, goals, and procedures for teaching music theory and ear training to undergraduates, with an emphasis on ear training. Topics include: choice and sequencing of topics, pacing of courses, supplementary materials, educational philosophies, and the relevance of theory, ear training, and analysis to performance. Restrictions: Students must be admitted as a graduate student in the Challey School of Music in good academic standing.

MUSC 736. Music Theory Pedagogy II. 3 Credits.

Organization, goals, and procedures for teaching music theory and ear training to undergraduates, with an emphasis on written theory. Topics include: choice and sequencing of topics, pacing of courses, supplementary materials, educational philosophies, and the relevance of theory, ear training, and analysis to performance. Prereq: Students must have successfully passed either 1) the theory portion of the graduate diagnostic exam or 2) MUSC 702: Graduate Theory Survey. Restrictions: Students must be admitted as a graduate student in good academic standing.

MUSC 740. Medieval/Renaissance Music History. 3 Credits.

In-depth historical study of Medieval and Renaissance musical styles and genres through critical listening, discussions, and student and instructor presentations.

MUSC 741. Baroque and Classical Music History. 3 Credits.

In-depth historical study of Baroque and Classical musical styles and genres through critical listening, discussions, and student and instructor presentations.

MUSC 743. Romantic Music History. 3 Credits.

In-depth historical study of Romantic musical styles and genres through critical listening, discussions, and student and instructor presentations.

MUSC 744. 20th Century Music History. 3 Credits.

In-depth study of the 20th century musical language and compositional values and goals through critical listening, score analysis, discussions, and student and instructor presentations.

MUSC 745. Music History Seminar. 3 Credits.

An in-depth aural, interpretational, and factual study of a specific category of composition, style, or composer through individual study, listening, and in-class exchanges of ideas. Restrictions: A graduate student in Music in good standing or by consent of instructor.

MUSC 746. Topics in Song Literature. 3 Credits.

An in-depth study of the classical song literature of a national song school to be chosen by the instructor and based on the needs of the students. Topics will rotate among national song schools focused on a single language or related languages, e.g. English, French, German, Italian, or Russian song, etc. May be repeated for credit.

MUSC 748. Music Bibliography/Research Methods. 2 Credits.

Introduction to music reference works, general music bibliography, and research methods.

MUSC 758. Jazz Methods and Pedagogy in Music Education. 3 Credits.

Exploration of the historical and creative components of jazz; methodologies for beginning implementation of jazz into the music classroom; and beginning to advanced techniques for performance groups will be identified.

MUSC 760. Medieval/Renaissance Choral Literature. 3 Credits.

A study of choral literature of the Medieval and Renaissance periods, including major composers, genres, forms, and compositional styles.

MUSC 761. Baroque Choral Literature. 3 Credits.

A study of choral literature of the Baroque period, including major composers, genres, forms, and compositional styles.

MUSC 762. Classical/Romantic Choral Literature. 3 Credits.

A study of choral literature of the Classical and Romantic periods, including major composers, genres, forms, and compositional styles.

MUSC 763. Contemporary Choral Literature. 3 Credits.

A study of choral literature of the 20th and 21st centuries, including major composers, genres, forms and compositional styles.

MUSC 764. Applied Instrumental Literature. 1-3 Credits.

Advanced study of historically significant repertoire for the student's applied instrument. Repertoire will include, but not be limited to, solo and chamber works, as well as orchestral excerpts. May be repeated.

MUSC 765. Band Literature:History and Development. 3 Credits.

Historical survey of instrumental literature for wind band, covering repertoire from the Renaissance to the present.

MUSC 766. Band Literature:Chamber Music,Other Genres. 3 Credits.

Survey of instrumental literature for wind band, covering music for young bands, wind band and voice, wind band and solo instruments, chamber music, and other genres.

MUSC 767. Vocal Literature I-Baroque/Classical. 3 Credits.

Performance and research-based study of the vocal literature of the Baroque and Classical eras, including national trends and performance practice.

MUSC 768. Vocal Literature II-Romantic. 3 Credits.

Performance and research-based study of the vocal literature of the Romantic era (1800-1915), including national trends and performance practice.

MUSC 769. Vocal Literature III-20Th Century/Contemporary. 3 Credits.

Performance and research-based study of the vocal literature from 1915 to present, including national trends and performance practice.

MUSC 771. Orff Schulwerk Level I. 3 Credits.

An introduction to the teaching philosophy, techniques and classroom application of the basic Orff methodology. Students participate in recorder study and movement skills each day while studying the elements of music including improvisation.

MUSC 772. Orff Schulwerk Level II. 3 Credits.

An in-depth study of the teaching philosophy, technique and classroom application of the Orff-Schulwerk methodology. Students further develop their knowledge of classical compositions, recorder study, orchestration techniques and movement skills each day while studying the elements of music including improvisation. Prereq: MUSC 771.

MUSC 773. Orff Schulwerk Level III. 3 Credits.

Pedagogical study for classroom integration of the teaching philosophy, technique and classroom application of the Orff-Schulwerk methodology. Students further develop their knowledge of classical forms, modes, compositions, recorder study, orchestration techniques and movement skills each day while studying the elements of music including improvisation. May be repeated. Prereq: MUSC 771, MUSC 772.

MUSC 780. Recital. 2-4 Credits.

Preparation and presentation of a professional full-length recital in instrument, keyboard, vocal, or conducting performance, with accompanying document. May be repeated for credit.

MUSC 789. D.M.A. Thesis. 1-4 Credits.

Preparation of a capstone written document for the Doctor of Musical Arts degree. At least three registrations required for the Music Education track. At least one registration required for the Performance and Conducting tracks. Restricted to Doctor of Musical Arts program students only.

MUSC 790. Graduate Seminar. 1-5 Credits.

MUSC 791. Temporary/Trial Topics. 1-5 Credits.

MUSC 793. Individual Study/Tutorial. 1-5 Credits.

MUSC 794. Practicum. 1-8 Credits.

MUSC 796. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.