Statistics (STAT)

This is an archived copy of the 2022-23 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

STAT 194. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

STAT 196. Field Experience. 1-15 Credits.

STAT 199. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

STAT 291. Seminar. 1-5 Credits.

STAT 292. Global Practicum: Study Abroad. 1-15 Credits.

Pre-Arranged study at accredited foreign institutions (study abroad), domestic institutions (National Student Exchange) or on approved study abroad programs. Pre-requisite: Sophomore standing and prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. Graded 'P'or 'F' (Undergraduate), or 'S' or 'U' (Graduate).

STAT 294. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

STAT 299. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

STAT 330. Introductory Statistics. 3 Credits.

Frequency tables, histograms, probability, well-known probability distributions, one and two sample tests of hypotheses, confidence intervals, and contingency tables. Prereq: MATH 103, MATH 104 or MATH 107 or Math placement into MATH 105, MATH 146 or MATH 165.

STAT 331. Regression Analysis. 2 Credits.

Simple and multiple regression techniques and correlation coefficients. Extensive use of SAS. Emphasis on applications. Prereq: STAT 330.

STAT 367. Probability. 3 Credits.

Probability, probability distributions for discrete random variables, probability density functions, marginal joint probability density functions, expected value and variance, and transformations. Prereq: MATH 166.

STAT 368. Statistics. 3 Credits.

Moments, moment generating functions, central limit theorem, one and two sample tests of hypotheses, estimation, and simple linear regression and correlation. Prereq: STAT 367.

STAT 379. Global Seminar. 1-6 Credits.

NDSU instructed experience or field study in a foreign country. Conducted in English for residence credit. Pre-requisite: Prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. May be repeated. Standard Grading.

STAT 391. Seminar. 1-5 Credits.

STAT 392. Global Practicum: Study Abroad. 1-15 Credits.

Pre-Arranged study at accredited foreign institutions (study abroad), domestic institutions (National Student Exchange) or on approved study abroad programs. Pre-requisite: Sophomore standing and prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. Graded 'P'or 'F' (Undergraduate), or 'S' or 'U' (Graduate).

STAT 394. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

STAT 399. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

STAT 450. Stochastic Processes. 3 Credits.

Discrete time Markov chains, Poisson processes, continuous time Markov chains, birth and death processes, renewal processes, branching processes, queuing systems, and applications. Prereq: STAT 368. {Also offered for graduate credit - see STAT 650.}.

STAT 460. Applied Survey Sampling. 3 Credits.

Simple random, stratified, systematic and cluster sampling; two-stage sampling. Estimation of population means and variances. Ratio and regression estimators. Prereq: STAT 330 or STAT 368. {Also offered for graduate credit - see STAT 660.}.

STAT 461. Applied Regression Models. 3 Credits.

Simple linear regression, matrix approach to multiple regression, and introduction to various tests and confidence intervals. Includes discussion of multicollinearity and transformations. Prereq: MATH 128 or MATH 129, MATH 165, STAT 330 or STAT 368. {Also offered for graduate credit - see STAT 661.}.

STAT 462. Introduction to Experimental Design. 3 Credits.

Fundamental principles of designing an experiment, randomized block, Latin square, and factorial. Also covers analysis of covariance and response surface methodology. The class is designated as an undergraduate capstone course. Prereq: STAT 331 or STAT 461 and senior standing. {Also offered for graduate credit - see STAT 662.}.

STAT 463. Nonparametric Statistics. 3 Credits.

Various tests and confidence intervals that may be used when the underlying probability distributions are unknown. Includes the Wilcoxon, Kruskal-Wallis, and Friedman. Prereq: STAT 330 or STAT 368 {Also offered for graduate credit - see STAT 663.}.

STAT 464. Discrete Data Analysis. 3 Credits.

Application of binomial, hypergeometric, Poisson, mixed Poisson, and multinomial distributions in discrete data analysis. Log-linear models and contingency tables. Logistic regression. Discrete discriminant analysis. Prereq: STAT 367. {Also offered for graduate credit - see STAT 664.}.

STAT 465. Meta-Analysis Methods. 3 Credits.

Statistical methods for meta-analysis with applications. Various parametric effect size from a series of experiments: fixed effect, random effect linear models; combining estimates of correlation coefficients; meta-analysis in the physical and biological sciences. Prereq: STAT 331, STAT 461, or STAT 725. {Also offered for graduate credit - see STAT 665.}.

STAT 467. Probability and Mathematical Statistics I. 3 Credits.

Random variables, discrete probability distributions, density functions, joint and marginal density functions, transformations, limiting distributions, central limit theorem. Prereq: MATH 265 or STAT 368.

STAT 468. Probability and Mathematical Statistics II. 3 Credits.

Properties of estimators, confidence intervals, hypotheses testing, Neyman-Pearson lemma, likelihood ratio tests, complete and sufficient statistics. Prereq: STAT 467.

STAT 469. Introduction to Biostatistics. 3 Credits.

Introduction to biostatistical concepts and reasoning. Inference on means and proportion; Hypothesis testing; Group comparisons; Nonparametric methods; Sample size estimation; Contingency table; Simple and multiple regression; Logistic regression. Prereq: STAT 330. {Also offered for graduate credit - see STAT 669.}.

STAT 470. Statistical SAS Programming. 3 Credits.

Focuses on statistical problem solving and writing SAS computer code. Data types, data management, data input/output, SAS as a programming language, data analysis, report writing, and graphing. Prereq: STAT 461 or STAT 462. {Also offered for graduate credit - see STAT 670.}.

STAT 471. Introduction to the R Language. 3 Credits.

R commands, expressions, functions, and matrix operations. Elements of programming and graphics in R. Statistical problem solving with R: linear regression, experimental design. Knowledge of matrix algebra and inferential statistics is expected. Prereq: STAT 330 or STAT 368; MATH 128 or MATH 129. {Also offered for graduate credit - see STAT 671.}.

STAT 472. Time Series. 3 Credits.

Estimation of trend in time series data; seasonal models; stationary models; moving average, autoregressive, and ARMA models; model identification; forecasting; and intervention analysis. Prereq: STAT 468, STAT 461, course in matrix algebra. {Also offered for graduate credit - see STAT 672.}.

STAT 473. Actuarial Statistical Risk Analysis. 3 Credits.

Individual and collective actuarial risk models for claim random variables with applications in risk and survival analysis. Basics of interest theory and utility theory are also covered. The course is intended to prepare students for taking SOA/CAS Exam-2. Prereq: STAT 367 or STAT 467. {Also offered for graduate credit - see STAT 673.}.

STAT 476. Actuary Exam Study. 1 Credit.

Selected material from probability and mathematical statistics in preparation for the national actuarial exam. Prereq: STAT 368 or STAT 468. Cross-listed with MATH.

STAT 477. Introductory Survival and Risk Analysis I. 3 Credits.

Survival distributions, life tables, and various risk models, intended to prepare students for taking higher level actuarial exams: SOA1 Course FM/CAS2 Exam 2 and SOA Course MLC/CAS Exam 3L. Prereq: STAT 367 or STAT 467. {Also offered for graduate credit - see STAT 677 .}.

STAT 478. Introductory Survival & Risk Analysis II. 3 Credits.

Distribution of the random variable- the time until future of a joint-life status, life tables, competing risks and multiple decrement probabilities, Markov chain and Poisson models, indented to prepare students for taking the actuarial exams: SOA1 Course MLC/CAS2 Exam 3L. Prereq: STAT 477 or STAT 677. {Also offered for graduate credit - see STAT 678.}.

STAT 491. Seminar. 1-5 Credits.

STAT 492. Global Practicum: Study Abroad. 1-15 Credits.

Pre-Arranged study at accredited foreign institutions (study abroad), domestic institutions (National Student Exchange) or on approved study abroad programs. Pre-requisite: Sophomore standing and prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. Graded 'P'or 'F' (Undergraduate), or 'S' or 'U' (Graduate).

STAT 494. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

STAT 496. Field Experience. 1-15 Credits.

STAT 499. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

STAT 650. Stochastic Processes. 3 Credits.

Discrete time Markov chains, Poisson processes, continuous time Markov chains, birth and death processes, renewal processes, branching processes, queuing systems, and applications. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see STAT 450.}.

STAT 660. Applied Survey Sampling. 3 Credits.

Simple random, stratified, systematic and cluster sampling; two-stage sampling. Estimation of population means and variances. Ratio and regression estimators. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see STAT 460 .}.

STAT 661. Applied Regression Models. 3 Credits.

Simple linear regression, matrix approach to multiple regression, and introduction to various tests and confidence intervals. Includes discussion of multicollinearity and transformations. Knowledge of matrix algebra and knowledge of differential calculus is expected. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see STAT 461.}.

STAT 662. Introduction to Experimental Design. 3 Credits.

Fundamental principles of designing an experiment, randomized block, Latin square, and factorial. Also covers analysis of covariance and response surface methodology. Knowledge of inferential statistics and regression analysis is expected. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see STAT 462.}.

STAT 663. Nonparametric Statistics. 3 Credits.

Various tests and confidence intervals that may be used when the underlying probability distributions are unknown. Includes the Wilcoxon, Kruskal-Wallis, and Friedman. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see STAT 483.}.

STAT 664. Discrete Data Analysis. 3 Credits.

Application of binomial, hypergeometric, Poisson, mixed Poisson, and multinomial distributions in discrete data analysis. Log-linear models and contingency tables. Logistic regression. Discrete discriminant analysis. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see STAT 464.}.

STAT 665. Meta-Analysis Methods. 3 Credits.

Statistical methods for meta-analysis with applications. Various parametric effect size from a series of experiments: fixed effect, random effect linear models; combining estimates of correlation coefficients; meta-analysis in the physical and biological sciences. Prereq: STAT 661 or STAT 725. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see STAT 465.}.

STAT 669. Introduction to Biostatistics. 3 Credits.

Introduction to biostatistical concepts and reasoning. Inference on means and proportion; Hypothesis testing; Group comparisons; Nonparametric methods; Sample size estimation; Contingency table; Simple and multiple regression; Logistic regression. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see STAT 469.}.

STAT 670. Statistical SAS Programming. 3 Credits.

Focuses on statistical problem solving and writing SAS computer code. Data types, data management, data input/output, SAS as a programming language, data analysis, report writing, and graphing. Prereq: STAT 661 or STAT 662. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see STAT 470.}.

STAT 671. Introduction to the R Language. 3 Credits.

R commands, expressions, functions, and matrix operations. Elements of programming and graphics in R. Statistical problem solving with R: linear regression, experimental design. Knowledge of matrix algebra and inferential statistics is expected. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see STAT 471.}.

STAT 672. Time Series. 3 Credits.

Estimation of trend in time series data; seasonal models; stationary models; moving average, autoregressive, and ARMA models; model identification; forecasting; and intervention analysis. Prereq: STAT 768, STAT 661, course in matrix algebra. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see STAT 472.}.

STAT 673. Actuarial Statistical Risk Analysis. 3 Credits.

Individual and collective actuarial risk models for claim random variables with applications in risk and survival analysis. Basics of interest theory and utility theory are also covered. The course is intended to prepare students for taking SOA/CAS Exam-2. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - See STAT 473.}.

STAT 677. Introductory Survival and Risk Analysis I. 3 Credits.

Survival distributions, life tables, and various risk models, intended to prepare students for taking higher level actuarial exams: SOA1 Course FM/CAS2 Exam 2 and SOA Course MLC/CAS Exam 3L. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see STAT 477.}.

STAT 678. Introductory Survival and Risk Analysis II. 3 Credits.

Distribution of the random variable- the time until future of a joint-life status, life tables, competing risks and multiple decrement probabilities, Markov chain and Poisson models, indented to prepare students for taking the actuarial exams: SOA1 Course MLC/CAS2 Exam 3L. Prereq: STAT 677. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see STAT 478.}.

STAT 690. Graduate Seminar. 1-3 Credits.

STAT 696. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

STAT 711. Basic Computational Statistics using R. 3 Credits.

Basic Statistics, General R, Data Manipulation, Basic Statistical Programming Skills, Simple Linear Regression, Classical Testing, and Categorical Data Analysis. Restriction: This course is designed for the certificate degree in Big Data Applied Statistics Analysis and it may not be used toward any other statistics degree.

STAT 712. Applied Statistical Machine Learning. 3 Credits.

This course provides several fundamental concepts and methods in statistical machine learning: linear method for regression, linear method for classification, KNN, regression tree, classification tree, bagging, random forest, boosting, support vector machine, neural networks, K-means clustering. Knowledge of basic inferential statistical methods is expected. Restriction: This course is one of the courses for the Certificate of Applied Big Data Analysis and it may not be used for the M.S. or Ph.D. in Statistics.

STAT 713. Introduction to Data Science. 3 Credits.

Large Scale Data Manipulation, Data Management, Big Data Construction using Probabilistic and Machine Learning Data Linkage, Web Crawling, Parallel Statistical Computing, and Transferring Data Between Statistical Software. Prereq: STAT 711. Restrictions: This course is designed for the certificate degree in Big Data Applied Statistics Analysis and it may not be used toward any other statistics degree.

STAT 714. Statistical Big Data Visualization. 3 Credits.

Principles of Data Visualization: charts, tables, line, density curve, and effective presentations using R, SAS, Matlab, and Python. Graphical Methods and Interpretation for Specialized Data Types. Advanced Data Visualization R packages and Software, Dynamic and Interactive Plot, Network Visualization: Twitter API Visualization of Spatial Data: Google Map API. Prereq: STAT 711. Restrictions: This course is designed for the certificate degree in Big Data Applied Statistics Analysis and it may not be used toward any other statistics degree.

STAT 725. Applied Statistics. 3 Credits.

Data description, probability, inference on means, proportions, difference of means and proportions, categorical data, regression, analysis of variance, and multiple comparisons. Prereq: Knowledge of algebra. This course is not intended for statistics or mathematics majors.

STAT 726. Applied Regression and Analysis of Variance. 3 Credits.

Simple and multiple regression, ANOVA tables, correlation, regression diagnostics, selection procedures, analysis of covariance, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA. Prereq: STAT 725.

STAT 730. Biostatistics. 3 Credits.

Logit model, bioessays, clinical trials, designs, and sequential estimation methods. Prereq: STAT 661 and STAT 768.

STAT 732. Introduction to Bioinformatics. 3 Credits.

An introduction to the principles of bioinformatics including information relating to the determination of DNA sequencing. Prereq: STAT 661. Cross-listed with CSCI 732 and MATH 732.

STAT 761. Advanced Regression. 3 Credits.

Multiple regression, analysis of residuals, model building, regression diagnostics, multicollinearity, robust regression, and nonlinear regression. Prereq: STAT 661.

STAT 764. Multivariate Methods. 3 Credits.

Sample geometry; correlation; multiple, partial, canonical correlation test of hypothesis on means; multivariate analysis of variance; principal components; factor analysis; and discriminant analysis. Prereq: STAT 661.

STAT 767. Probability and Mathematical Statistics I. 3 Credits.

Random variables, discrete probability distributions, density functions, joint and marginal density functions, transformations, limiting distributions, central limit theorem. Additional project required.

STAT 768. Probability and Mathematical Statistics II. 3 Credits.

Properties of estimators, confidence intervals, hypotheses testing, Neyman-Pearson lemma, likelihood ratio tests, complete and sufficient statistics. Additional projects required. Prereq: STAT 767.

STAT 770. Survival Analysis. 3 Credits.

Basic methodology in the analysis of Censored Data, two basic types of censoring, parametric estimation, nonparametric estimation, and life table methods. Prereq: STAT 768.

STAT 772. Computational Statistics. 3 Credits.

Assortment of computational statistics and statistical computing techniques. Specific topics include: random variable generation, optimization and root finding, resampling statistics, Monte Carlo methods, statistical graphics, non-linear and generalized least squares, and the EM algorithm. Prereq: STAT 661 and STAT 768.

STAT 774. Generalized Linear Models. 3 Credits.

This course introduces the statistical theory and inference of generalized linear models (GLMs) which deals the cases that the normality of response data is in absence. The course starts from a review of linear regression with matrix approach. The topic includes exponential distribution family, link functions, contingency tables, GLMs, quasi-GLMs, deviance, residuals, model selection and diagnostics. Students are expected to be able to apply GLMs technique to deal with real world problems in diverse areas. Prereq: STAT 768.

STAT 775. Using Statistics in Sports. 3 Credits.

This course explores the use of statistics in various sports including football, basketball, baseball, among others. Research articles in sports statistics will be discussed. Various statistical techniques will be considered. Prereq: STAT 661, 662, 768.

STAT 777. Multivariate Theory. 3 Credits.

Wishart distribution, distribution of Hotelling's T-square and Lambda statistics, cluster analysis, correspondence analysis, principal components, factor analysis, discriminant analysis, multidimensional scaling. Prereq: STAT 764.

STAT 778. Modern Probability Theory. 3 Credits.

Probability theory presented from the measure theoretic perspective. Emphasis on various types of convergence and limit theorems. Discussion of random walks, conditional expectations, and martingales. Prereq: STAT 768 or MATH 750. Cross-listed with MATH 778.

STAT 780. Asymptotics, Bootstrap, and Other Resampling Plans. 3 Credits.

Development of large sample and small sample properties of a variety of estimators. Prereq: STAT 768.

STAT 786. Advanced Inference. 3 Credits.

This course is aimed at providing theoretical tools in mathematical statistics and cultivating students' ability in understanding statistical research papers. Theory of point estimation and asymptotic theory will be covered. Prereq: STAT 768.

STAT 790. Graduate Seminar. 1-3 Credits.

STAT 791. Temporary/Trial Topics. 1-5 Credits.

STAT 793. Individual Study/Tutorial. 1-5 Credits.

STAT 794. Practicum/Internship. 1-15 Credits.

STAT 795. Field Experience. 1-15 Credits.

STAT 796. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

STAT 797. Master's Paper. 1-3 Credits.

STAT 798. Master's Thesis. 1-10 Credits.

STAT 840. Introduction to Statistical Design and Analysis of Gene Expression Experiments. 3 Credits.

Introduction to microarray and next generation sequencing technologies; design of gene expression experiments; normalization methods; methods for identifying differentially expressed genes; multiple testing and false discovery rate; gene category analysis.Prereq: STAT 661, STAT 662. Prereq or Co-req: STAT 671.

STAT 851. Bayesian Statistical Inference. 3 Credits.

Bayesian approach to statistics inference including model estimation and hypothesis test. The topic covers prior and posterior, Bayes estimate, credible interval, risk, Bayes factor, hypothesis testing, Bayesian hierarchical models, and Bayes computational methods. Prereq: STAT 768.

STAT 852. Longitudinal Data Analysis. 3 Credits.

To introduce students to statistical models and methods for the analysis of the longitudinal data, i.e. data collected repeatedly on experimental units over time. The topic covers repeated measurements; event history studies; linear and nonlinear mixed effects models; marginal mean and rate models; joint analysis of longitudinal and survival data. Prereq: STAT 661, STAT 768.

STAT 859. Applied Spatial Statistics. 3 Credits.

Elementary statistical analysis of spatial data are covered. The course is repeatable for credit on a non-standard basis. Prereq: STAT 661, STAT 764 and STAT 768. Co-req: STAT 671.

STAT 860. Statistical Machine Learning. 3 Credits.

This course provides several fundamental concepts and methods in statistical machine learning: linear method for regression, linear method for classification, KNN, regression tree, classification tree, bagging, random forest, boosting, support vector machine, neural networks, K-means clustering. Prereq: STAT 661, STAT 671 and STAT 768.

STAT 899. Doctoral Dissertation. 1-15 Credits.