This is an archived copy of the 2022-23 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.ndsu.edu.
North Dakota State University offers students a philosophy curriculum that may be approached either as a philosophy-ethics major and a philosophy/humanities minor.
The Program
People have always had fundamental questions about the world in which they live, such as what is truth, knowledge, morality, goodness, or life’s meaning? By means of dialogue, logic, critical reasoning, and creative thought, philosophers have trailblazed pathways to practical wisdom and an understanding of the human condition, which not only helps our students live more fulfilled lives but makes them more competitive in their careers.
The Faculty
- Dennis Cooley
- Anthony Flood
- John Helgeland (Emeritus)
- Bradley Morris
- Adam Taylor
The Philosophy-Ethics Major
The philosophy-humanities major consists of 32 semester credits: 21 required and 11 elective credits, which can be independent studies, complete the major.
The Philosophy/Humanities Minor
The philosophy-humanities minor consists of 21 semester credits: 15 required and 6 elective credits, which can be independent studies, complete the minor.
THE Certificate in Professional Ethics
The certificate consists of 9 semester credits: 3 in Ethical Theory and Application; 3 in Critical Reasoning, and 3 in Applied Ethics in the Profession.
Independent Study
Independent study along the lines of Oxford tutorials may be pursued by students wanting to read on a special philosophical topic (e.g., aesthetics) or read the work of a particular philosopher. To initiate independent study, students must contact a philosophy faculty member.
Sample Program Guide
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: A Sample Program Guide provides an unofficial guide of program requirements and should be used by prospective students who are considering attending NDSU in the future. It is NOT an official curriculum and should NOT be used by current NDSU students for official degree planning purposes. Note that the official curriculum used by current NDSU students can vary from the Sample Program Guide due to a variety of factors such as, but not limited to, start year, education goals, transfer credit, and course availability.
To ensure proper program completion, enrolled students should utilize Degree Map and Schedule Planner in Campus Connection and consult regularly with their academic advisor to ensure requirements are being met.
First Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
ENGL 110 | 3 | ENGL 120 | 3 |
PHIL 101 | 3 | PHIL 210 or 215 | 3 |
PHIL 257 | 3 | GE Quantitative Reasoning | 3 |
GE Science and Technology | 3 | GE Science and Technology | 3 |
GE Social and Behavioral Science | 3 | GE Social and Behavioral Science | 3 |
15 | 15 | ||
Second Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
COMM 110 | 3 | PHIL 323 or 324 | 3 |
PHIL 321 or 322 | 3 | GE Wellness | 2 |
GE Humanities Req. | 3 | AHSS Social and Behavioral Science | 3 |
GE Science and Technology w/ Lab | 4 | GE Fine Arts Req. | 3 |
Minor/Free Elective | 3 | Free Electives | 6 |
16 | 17 | ||
Third Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
PHIL 450 or 486 | 3 | PHIL 451 | 3 |
AHSS Humanities Req. | 3 | AHSS Fine Arts Req. | 3 |
Minor or Foreign Language | 3 | Minor or Foreign Language | 3 |
Minor or Free Electives | 6 | Minor or Free Electives | 6 |
15 | 15 | ||
Fourth Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
PHIL/HUM Electives | 6 | PHIL/HUM Electives | 5 |
Minor or Foreign Language | 3 | Minor or Foreign Language | 3 |
Minor or Free Electives | 6 | Minor or Free Electives | 6 |
15 | 14 | ||
Total Credits: 122 |