Academic Honesty and Integrity

This is an archived copy of the 2023-24 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

NDSU strives to create an atmosphere of honesty, trust, and integrity amongst its students, faculty, staff.

Faculty members are responsible for providing guidelines concerning academic honesty and expectations at the beginning of the semester for each course.

Students are responsible for submitting their own work. Students who cooperate on oral or written examinations or work without authorization share the responsibility for violation of academic principles and are subject to disciplinary action even when one of the students is not enrolled in the course where the violation occurred. Students have the right to be informed when they are suspected of violating academic principles and have the right to a fair opportunity to refute them.

Faculty have the prerogative of determining the penalty regarding prohibited academic conduct in their classes. Faculty members may, among other sanctions, fail the student for the particular assignment, test, or course involved. Penalties may be varied with the gravity of the offense and the circumstances of the particular case. A student may not drop a course in which they have been formally accused of academic misconduct. Any instructor who suspects a student of academic misconduct must contact Registration and Records to issue an "IP" grade while the investigation is being conducted. Students are prohibited from forfeiting, withdrawing, or dropping any courses for which they have been found guilty of academic misconduct.

Faculty members will report the incident via the Student Academic Misconduct Report form. In cases of repeat offenses, higher sanctions, up to and including suspension or expulsion may be recommended to the Provost and Committee on Academic Standards.

For complete information regarding academic honesty and integrity, student expectations, disciplinary sanctions, appeal procedures, and hearing guidelines, refer to