
This is an archived copy of the 2023-24 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Commencement exercises are held at the close of fall and spring semesters for students earning bachelor, master and/or doctoral degrees.

Students who complete graduation requirements during the summer are eligible to participate in the May commencement ceremony within the calendar year of their graduation. To participate in the May commencement exercises, students must be registered in the remaining graduation requirements for the summer session of the same year.

A student may participate in commencement only once for a particular degree. The date of degree conferral will be printed on the academic transcript and diploma according to the academic calendar of the university.

Reservations for student participation in the commencement ceremony must be made by the date specified by the Office of Registration and Records. Orders for caps, gowns, and hoods are made by the date specified by the NDSU Bookstore. Commencement information is available at