Biomedical Engineering (BME)

This is an archived copy of the 2023-24 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

BME 220. Introduction to Biomedical Engineering. 2 Credits.

This course covers the fundamental concepts in a variety of biomedical engineering topics and applications, including biomechanics, biosensors, biomaterials, biomanufacturing and bio data processing. Prereq: MATH 165 or MATH 146, MATH 128 or MATH 129, and sophomore standing.

BME 790. Graduate Seminar. 1-5 Credits.

BME 793. Individual Study/Tutorial. 1-5 Credits.

BME 795. Field Experience. 1-15 Credits.

BME 797. Master's Paper. 1-3 Credits.

BME 798. Master's Thesis. 1-10 Credits.

BME 892. Graduate Teaching Experience. 1-6 Credits.

BME 899. Doctoral Dissertation. 1-15 Credits.