Community Development (CED)

This is an archived copy of the 2023-24 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

CED 709. Foundations in Community Development. 3 Credits.

Introduces students in the on-line Master's degree program in community development to the on-line classroom environment, and to the science, practice, and profession of community development.

CED 711. Principles and Strategies of Community Change. 3 Credits.

Analyze theories, principles, strategies and practices of community change and development from a multidisciplinary perspective in order to construct a personal framework for the practice of community economic development. Prereq: CED 709.

CED 713. Community Development II: Organizing for Community Change. 3 Credits.

An examination of the role of civil society in community planning efforts, the connection between social relationships and economic activity, the structure and implications of power, conflict management, inclusiveness, and equitable change. Prereq: CED 709.

CED 715. Community Analysis: Introduction to Methods. 3 Credits.

An introduction to the research methods relevant to community development, strategies for reporting and applying findings in community action, and issues of research ethics and inclusiveness. Prereq: CED 709.

CED 717. Community and Regional Economic Policy and Analysis. 3 Credits.

Explores theories of economic growth, community economic and industrial base, sources of economic growth or decline, and strategies for local and regional economic development. Prereq: CED 709.

CED 719. Community Natural Resource Management. 3 Credits.

Theoretical frameworks, methodological investigation, and applied practices of natural resource development as a component of community economic development. Prereq: CED 709.

CED 721. Introduction to Native Community Development. 3 Credits.

Examines community development in the context of diverse tribal structures and cultures, and provides a holistic analysis of the unique histories and jurisdictional considerations of Native communities. Prereq: CED 709.

CED 723. Building Native Community/Economic Capacity. 3 Credits.

Non-Western approaches to helping Native communities build their economic capacity through participatory, culture-centered, and strength-based approaches to development. Prereq: CED 709.

CED 731. Ecological Economics. 3 Credits.

Examines the synthesis of ecology and economic utility through the inherent interdependence, jointness, and potential complementarity between the ecology and economy of a place. Prereq: CED 709.

CED 733. Sustainable Communities. 3 Credits.

Links the management of natural capital in communities and society to their implications for community sustainability in terms of economic vitality, social well-being, and ecosystem health. Prereq: CED 709.

CED 741. Economic Development Strategies and Programs. 3 Credits.

This course covers the most widely used strategies and programs for economic development within an action planning process, including retention and expansion of business and industry, retail development, downtown revitalization, incubating new firm creation, industrial attraction, and tourism development. Prereq: CED 709.

CED 745. Land Management Planning. 3 Credits.

Examines the principles and practices of real estate, including legal, economic, and social implications from the viewpoint of real estate practicioners, investors, and society. The course covers land use programs and methods of zoning. Prereq: CED 709.

CED 752. Basic Grant Development and Management. 3 Credits.

Introduces the grant development and management process, explores steps in the search for funding sources, examines program budgets and justifications, and lists plans for program sustainability. Prereq: CED 709.

CED 753. Not-for-profit Management. 3 Credits.

This course examines the unique management issues faced by not-for-profit community economic development organizations in terms of policy setting, participation, administration, and accountability. Prereq: CED 709.

CED 755. Community Leadership and Capacity Building. 3 Credits.

This course defines and applies leadership strategies to the community economic development context. The course examines the link between leadership and community capacity. Prereq: CED 709.

CED 756. Community Engagement. 3 Credits.

Provides foundational knowledge of community engagement, including community change readiness assessment, goal determination, and strategies to achieve change. Prereq: Students must be admitted to the GP-IDEA Community Development Master's degree program or have permission from the instructor.

CED 758. Evaluation of Organizations and Programs. 3 Credits.

Introduction to philosophy, techniques, and methodologies of organizational and program evaluation. Topics include overview of program evaluation and theory, techniques to evaluate program progress and performance, evaluation designs, assessing program efficiency, models to diagnose organizations, and methods to assess program performance. Prereq: Students must be admitted to the GP-IDEA Community Development Master's degree program or have permission from the instructor.

CED 761. Government, Politics, & Community Development. 3 Credits.

Introduction to classical and contemporary concepts of federalism, public administration, public policy, and politics with an emphasis on their bearing on community development activities and outcomes.

CED 763. Immigrants and Communities. 3 Credits.

Using current scholarship and primary data gathered by the students, this course examines community-immigrant interaction and how it influences community development and the human capital of immigrant inclusion. Prereq: The course is open first to students in the GP-IDEA Community Development program and secondly to other graduate students with the permission of the instructor.

CED 790. Graduate Seminar. 1-5 Credits.

CED 793. Individual Study/Tutorial. 1-5 Credits.

CED 798. Master's Thesis. 1-10 Credits.