Management (MGMT)

This is an archived copy of the 2023-24 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

MGMT 320. Foundations of Management. 3 Credits.

Study of the major functional areas of management including an international perspective of management. Restricted to College of Business professional major or minor, and a 2.50 minimum NDSU grade point average.

MGMT 330. Foundations of Organizational Behavior. 3 Credits.

A behavioral approach to management with emphasis on the understanding of individual behavior in groups in organizations. Topics include motivation, communication, perception, and cultural diversity. Prereq: MGMT 320. Restricted to College of Business professional major or minor and a 2.50 minimum NDSU grade point average.

MGMT 394. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

MGMT 430. Leadership in Organizations. 3 Credits.

A comprehensive study of the principles, practices, and challenges of contemporary leadership and followership. Prereq: MGMT 320. Restricted to College of Business professional major or minor and a 2.50 minimum NDSU grade point average. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MGMT 630.}.

MGMT 434. Leading Virtual Teams. 3 Credits.

The recent advances in technologies and the growth of multi-national operations make leading virtual teams an essential skill for leaders to develop a high-performance team. In this course, students will acquire the theoretical and practical tools to lead a virtual team effectively. Prereq: MGMT 320.

MGMT 436. Ethical Leadership. 3 Credits.

Leaders often encounter the need to make decisions in the face of conflicting personal, organizational, and societal value sets. In this course, students will examine the interconnectedness of leadership and ethics by addressing questions such as: What are ethical leaders, what do they do, and how do they do it? How are values and ethics formed in individuals and organizations? What are the responsibilities of leaders to establish ethics and values in their organizations? Are there tensions that exist between ethics and leadership? What tools and skills should leaders develop to address ethical dilemmas in organizations? This course will give students relevant theoretical and practical knowledge related to ethics and will provide strategies to help students develop as ethical leaders who understand their own values and how to apply them to complex ethical situations in organizations.

MGMT 440. International Management. 3 Credits.

Focused on management challenges associated with business activity across national boundaries. Development of management skills for global contexts. Prereq: MGMT 320. Restricted to College of Business professional major or minor and a 2.50 minimum NDSU grade point average.{Also offered for graduate credit - see MGMT 640.}.

MGMT 450. Human Resource Management. 3 Credits.

Survey of human resource management, including job analysis, recruitment, selection, performance appraisal, compensation, training, and labor relations. The impact of environmental influences such as legislation, court decisions, and unions on human resource activities are addressed. Prereq: MGMT 320. Restricted to College of Business professional major or minor and a 2.50 minimum NDSU grade point average. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MGMT 650 .}.

MGMT 451. Negotiations. 3 Credits.

An exploration of negotiation and conflict settlement in interpersonal, business, and international settings. Topics include techniques used in negotiations, conflict resolution, and mediation. Prereq: Restricted to Jr or Sr classification and a 2.50 minimum NDSU grade point average. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MGMT 651.}.

MGMT 452. Compensation Management. 3 Credits.

Study of the human resource management function of compensation. Topics include the job analysis, job evaluation, wage determination, pay-for-performance, and employee benefits. The impact of compensation on recruitment, satisfaction, and performance is examined. Prereq: MGMT 450. Restricted to College of Business professional major or minor and a 2.50 minimum NDSU grade point average. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MGMT 652.}.

MGMT 453. Understanding and Managing Diversity in Organizations. 3 Credits.

Use of case analysis and experiential learning to consider the theoretical perspectives and practical implications of different forms of diversity at three management levels: personal values and actions; group dynamics; institutional policies and practices. Prereq: MGMT 320. Restricted to College of Business professional major or minor and a 2.50 minimum NDSU grade point average.

MGMT 454. Labor-Management Relations. 3 Credits.

Analysis of human resource management in the presence of labor unions. Topics include: labor history, labor law, organizing unions, contract negotiation and administration, contract dispute resolution, labor-management cooperation, and strikes. Prereq: MGMT 320. Restricted to College of Business professional major or minor and a 2.50 minimum NDSU grade point average. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MGMT 654.}.

MGMT 470. Entrepreneurship/Small Business Management. 3 Credits.

A comprehensive entrepreneurship/small business course that examines entrepreneurial ideas, processes, individuals; new venture creation and growth (including franchises and family business); and application of management, marketing, and finance tools to the small business context. Restricted to College of Business professional major or minor and a 2.50 minimum NDSU grade point average.

MGMT 471. Leading Social Entrepreneurship and Nonprofit Organizations. 3 Credits.

This course covers theories, tools, and perspectives for leading and managing social entrepreneurship and nonprofit organizations. This course provides frameworks and case examples to help students on their journey to becoming the leaders we need, leaders who can take action from a place of systems understanding. We explore similarities and differences between nonprofits and business firms, discuss current and controversial issues in the nonprofit sector, and emphasize practical applications for nonprofit leadership in managerial, staff, and volunteer roles. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MGMT 671.}.

MGMT 472. Managing Family Enterprises. 3 Credits.

A comprehensive family business course that examines governance, conflict management, succession, and topics pertinent to family businesses. Restricted to College of Business professional major or minor and a 2.50 minimum NDSU grade point average.

MGMT 494. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

MGMT 496. Field Experience. 1-15 Credits.

MGMT 499. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

A group study of the known and established literature of a field, or other evidence, for purposes of scholarly development.

MGMT 630. Leadership in Organization. 3 Credits.

This course will give students a comprehensive view of the principles, practices, and challenges of contemporary leadership and followership. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MGMT 430.}.

MGMT 640. International Management. 3 Credits.

Focused on management challenges associated with business activity across national boundaries. Development of management skills for global contexts. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MGMT 440.}.

MGMT 650. Human Resource Management. 3 Credits.

Survey of human resource management, including job analysis, recruitment, selection, performance appraisal, compensation, training, and labor relations. The impact of environmental influences such as legislation, court decisions, and unions on human resource activities are addressed. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MGMT 450.}.

MGMT 652. Compensation Management. 3 Credits.

Study of the human resource management function of compensation. Topics include the job analysis, job evaluation, wage determination, pay-for-performance, and employee benefits. The impact of compensation on recruitment, satisfaction, and performance is examined. Prereq: MGMT 650. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MGMT452.}.

MGMT 654. Labor-Management Relations. 3 Credits.

Analysis of human resource management in the presence of labor unions. Topics include: labor history, labor law, organizing unions, contract negotiation and administration, contract dispute resolution, labor-management cooperation, and strikes. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MGMT 454.}.

MGMT 661. Supply Chain Management. 3 Credits.

Identification of the key elements in a firm's management of their supply chain. Theory and practical applications for analyzing and developing strategies to assist firms in obtaining and maintaining a competitive advantage. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MGMT 461.}.

MGMT 671. Leading Social Entrepreneurship and Nonprofit Organizations. 3 Credits.

This course covers theories, tools, and perspectives for leading and managing social entrepreneurship and nonprofit organizations. This course provides frameworks and case examples to help students on their journey to becoming the leaders we need, leaders who can take action from a place of systems understanding. We explore similarities and differences between nonprofits and business firms, discuss current and controversial issues in the nonprofit sector, and emphasize practical applications for nonprofit leadership in managerial, staff, and volunteer roles. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MGMT 471.}.

MGMT 696. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

MGMT 727. Organizational Change Management. 3 Credits.

Change management as the process of making either incremental improvements or radical changes to an organization for the purpose of enhancing both organizational and individual effectiveness. A multi-perspective systems viewpoint is employed, stressing pragmatic implications for leadership.

MGMT 752. Organizational Restructuring. 3 Credits.

This course aims to provide students with a fundamental understanding of organizational design and restructuring, and exposes them to a broad range of activities-involved organizational restructuring, such as mergers and acquisitions, reorganization, and downsizing. The emphasis is placed on the driving forces and mechanisms of organizational restructuring and its impacts on organizations and employees.

MGMT 793. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

MGMT 893. Individual Study/Tutorial. 1-5 Credits.