Microbiology (MICR)

This is an archived copy of the 2023-24 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.ndsu.edu.

MICR 189. Skills for Academic Success. 1 Credit.

This course is designed to ease the transition for new students at NDSU. Students will learn skills and techniques used by successful college students. In addition to introducing the students to campus resources and governance, topics will include study techniques, time management, test taking, note taking, goal setting, wellness, stress management, and career orientation.

MICR 194. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

MICR 196. Field Experience. 1-15 Credits.

MICR 199. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

MICR 202L. Introductory Microbiology Lab. 1 Credit.

Study of the characteristics and importance of microorganisms with emphasis on their identification, control, and relationships to health and disease. Not for microbiology majors.

MICR 202. Introductory Microbiology. 2 Credits.

Study of the characteristics and importance of microorganisms with emphasis on their identification, control, and relationships to health and disease. Not for microbiology majors.

MICR 291. Seminar. 1-3 Credits.

MICR 292. Global Practicum: Study Abroad. 1-15 Credits.

Pre-Arranged study at accredited foreign institutions (study abroad), domestic institutions (National Student Exchange) or on approved study abroad programs. Pre-requisite: Sophomore standing and prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. Graded 'P'or 'F' (Undergraduate), or 'S' or 'U' (Graduate).

MICR 294. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

MICR 299. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

MICR 350L. General Microbiology Lab. 2 Credits.

Principles of microbiology for students requiring a rigorous professionally-oriented course. Prereq: BIOL 150 and CHEM 122.

MICR 350. General Microbiology. 3 Credits.

Principles of microbiology for students requiring a rigorous professionally oriented course. This course is a prerequisite to most microbiology courses. Topics, as applied to an overview of microorganisms, include structure, physiology, metabolism, growth, genetics, ecology, pathogenesis, immunology, immunization, and infectious disease treatment/prevention. Prereq: BIOL 151 and CHEM 122.

MICR 352. Critical Skills in Microbiology. 3 Credits.

Further exploration and application of microbiological concepts introduced in MICR 350 in a manner that develops skills important for successful completion of a microbiology degree and success in careers related to microbiology. Prereq: MICR 350.

MICR 352L. Critical Skills in Microbiology Laboratory Research. 2 Credits.

Application of microbiology skills, techniques, and tools to perform novel research. Prereq: MICR 350L. Coreq: MICR 352.

MICR 379. Global Seminar. 1-6 Credits.

NDSU instructed experience or field study in a foreign country. Conducted in English for residence credit. Pre-requisite: Prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. May be repeated. Standard Grading.

MICR 391. Seminar. 1-3 Credits.

MICR 392. Global Practicum: Study Abroad. 1-15 Credits.

Pre-Arranged study at accredited foreign institutions (study abroad), domestic institutions (National Student Exchange) or on approved study abroad programs. Pre-requisite: Sophomore standing and prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. Graded 'P'or 'F' (Undergraduate), or 'S' or 'U' (Graduate).

MICR 394. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

MICR 397. Fe/Coop Ed/Internship. 1-4 Credits.

MICR 399. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

MICR 445. Animal Cell Culture Techniques. 2 Credits.

Methods of animal cell culture propagation and uses for cell culture systems. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MICR 645.}.

MICR 452. Microbial Ecology. 3 Credits.

Study of the relationships between microbes and the physical, chemical, and biotic components of their environments. The role of microbes in nutrient cycling, bioremediation, biocontrol, biological waste treatment, fuel production, and energy recovery. Prereq: MICR 350, MICR 350L. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MICR 652.}.

MICR 453. Food Microbiology. 3 Credits.

Study of the nature, physiology, and interactions of microorganisms in foods. Introduction to foodborne diseases, effects of food processing on the microflora of foods, principles of food preservation, food spoilage, and foods produced by microorganisms. Prereq: MICR 350L. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MICR 653.}.

MICR 455. Microbial Biotechnology. 3 Credits.

Students will explore how microbes are used to solve problems in industry, environment, agriculture, food production, and medicine. Emphasis will be placed on biotechnological techniques utilizing microbes, careers that employ these techniques, and how these techniques are used to impact global problems. Prereq: MICR 350. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MICR 655.}.

MICR 460. Microbial Pathogenesis. 3 Credits.

Study of the microorganisms that cause disease and of disease processes. Prereq: MICR 202 or 350. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MICR 660.}.

MICR 460L. Microbial Pathogenesis Laboratory. 2 Credits.

Isolation and identification of pathogenic microorganisms. Prereq: MICR 350L. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MICR 661.}.

MICR 463. Clinical Parasitology. 2 Credits.

A study of protozoan and helminthic parasites of humans, with an emphasis on clinical identification, life histories, and control. Prereq: BIOL 150, BIOL 150L. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MICR 663.}.

MICR 470. Basic Immunology. 3 Credits.

An overview of the role of the immune system including the functions of humoral and cell-mediated immunity in health and disease. Prereq: MICR 350. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MICR 670.}.

MICR 471. Immunology and Serology Laboratory. 2 Credits.

Basic immunological and serological procedures. Prereq or Co-req: MICR 350 and MICR 350L. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MICR 671.}.

MICR 475. Virology. 3 Credits.

The biology of viruses with emphasis on virus replication and pathogenesis. Co-req: MICR 470. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MICR 675.}.

MICR 480. Microbial Physiology. 3 Credits.

This class will explore the composition and function of eubacterial and archaebacterial cell structure. Further functional exploration will go into nutrient transport in bacteria, principles of energy-yielding carbohydrate metabolism, bacterial fermentation, respiration, and gene regulations of metabolic pathways. Topics such as biofilms, quorum sensing, and the microbiome will be used to apply physiological concepts. Prereq: MICR 350, MICR 350L. Co-req: BIOC 460. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MICR 680.}.

MICR 481. Microbial Genomics with Computational Laboratory. 3 Credits.

Microbial genome science with additional emphasis on microbial evolution and environmental science. Topics include: i) genomic diversity, ii) the consequences of horizontal gene transfer, iii) single cell and population genomics, and iv) environmental metagenomics. Recommended: STAT 330. Prereq: BIOL/PLSC 315. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MICR 681.}.

MICR 482. Microbial Genetics. 3 Credits.

Microbial genetics will explore gene identification, mutation, DNA repair, gene transfer, recombination, bacteriophage genetics, and gene regulation. Topics such as bacterial antibiotic resistance, genetic testing and manipulation for biotechnological applications will be used to apply genetic concepts. Prereq: MICR 350. Coreq: BIOC 460. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MICR 682.}.

MICR 485. Capstone Experience in Microbiology I: Reflecting and Planning. 1 Credit.

The capstone experience is the reflection of earlier coursework that will allow students to integrate their knowledge of microbiology. Students will spend time reflecting on their degree progress, plan and prepare for the transition from undergraduate to their next step, and create a prospectus that outlines their capstone experience. Prereq: MICR 352, MICR 352L and Microbiology majors only.

MICR 486. Capstone Experience in Microbiology II: Reflection and Dissemination. 1 Credit.

Students will support each other through peer mentoring activities and reflect on their capstone experience in relation to the outlined goals. The course culminates in the dissemination of the knowledge gained from their experience at a designated event open to the department. Prereq: MICR 485 and Microbiology majors only.

MICR 491. Seminar. 1-5 Credits.

MICR 492. Global Practicum: Study Abroad. 1-15 Credits.

Pre-Arranged study at accredited foreign institutions (study abroad), domestic institutions (National Student Exchange) or on approved study abroad programs. Pre-requisite: Sophomore standing and prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. Graded 'P'or 'F' (Undergraduate), or 'S' or 'U' (Graduate).

MICR 493. Undergraduate Research. 1-5 Credits.

MICR 494. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

MICR 496. Field Experience. 1-15 Credits.

MICR 497. FE/Coop Ed/Internship. 1-15 Credits.

MICR 499. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

MICR 645. Animal Cell Culture Techniques. 2 Credits.

Methods of animal cell culture propagation and uses for cell culture systems. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MICR 445.}.

MICR 652. Microbial Ecology. 3 Credits.

Study of the relationships between microbes and the physical, chemical, and biotic components of their environments. The role of microbes in nutrient cycling, bioremediation, biocontrol, biological waste treatment, fuel production, and energy recovery. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MICR 452.}.

MICR 653. Food Microbiology. 3 Credits.

Study of the nature, physiology, and interactions of microorganisms in foods. Introduction to foodborne diseases, effects of food processing on the microflora of foods, principles of food preservation, food spoilage, and foods produced by microorganisms. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MICR 453.}.

MICR 655. Microbial Biotechnology. 3 Credits.

Students will explore how microbes are used to solve problems in industry, environment, agriculture, food production, and medicine. Emphasis will be placed on biotechnological techniques utilizing microbes, careers that employ these techniques, and how these techniques are used to impact global problems. {Also offered for graduate credit - see MICR 655.}.

MICR 660. Microbial Pathogenesis. 3 Credits.

Study of the microorganisms that cause disease and of disease processes. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MICR 460.}.

MICR 661. Microbial Pathogenesis Lab. 2 Credits.

Isolation and identification of pathogenic microorganisms. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MICR 460L.}.

MICR 663. Clinical Parasitology. 2 Credits.

A study of protozoan and helminthic parasites of humans, with an emphasis on clinical identification, life histories, and control. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MICR 463.}.

MICR 670. Basic Immunology. 3 Credits.

An overview of the role of the immune system including the functions of humoral and cell-mediated immunity in health and disease. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MICR 470.}.

MICR 671. Immunology and Serology Laboratory. 2 Credits.

Basic immunological and serological procedures. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MICR 471.}.

MICR 675. Virology. 3 Credits.

The biology of viruses with emphasis on virus replication and pathogenesis. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MICR 475.}.

MICR 680. Microbial Physiology. 3 Credits.

This class will explore the composition and function of eubacterial and archaeobacterial cell structure. Further functional exploration will go into nutrient transport in bacteria, principles of energy-yielding carbohydrate metabolism, bacterial fermentation, respiration, and gene regulations of metabolic pathways. Topics such as biofilms, quorum sensing, and the microbiome will be used to apply physiological concepts. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MICR 480.}.

MICR 681. Microbial Genomics with Computational Laboratory. 3 Credits.

Microbial genome science with additional emphasis on microbial evolution and environmental science. Topics include: i) genomic diversity, ii) the consequences of horizontal gene transfer, iii) single cell and population genomics, and iv) environmental metagenomics. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MICR 481.}.

MICR 682. Microbial Genetics. 3 Credits.

Microbial genetics will explore gene identification, mutation, DNA repair, gene transfer, recombination, bacteriophage genetics, and gene regulation. Topics such as bacterial antibiotic resistance, genetic testing and manipulation for biotechnological applications will be used to apply genetic concepts. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see MICR 482.}.

MICR 690. Graduate Seminar. 1-3 Credits.

MICR 695. Field Experience. 1-15 Credits.

MICR 696. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

MICR 701. Introduction to Graduate Research. 1-3 Credits.

This course is designed to help students transition to their graduate careers in microbiological sciences. Emphasis is placed on planning for success in graduate school, career planning, familiarity with the process of research, rotations with faculty in the department, cohort building, self-efficacy, and mental health.

MICR 720. Scientific Integrity. 1 Credit.

A survey of contemporary issues relating to responsible conduct in research including academic integrity, mentoring, scientific record keeping, and genetic technology. Class sessions will involve student discussion of case studies that emphasizes a particular scientific ethical dilemma.

MICR 762. Advanced Microbial Pathogenesis. 3 Credits.

Biophysical and biochemical mechanisms by which microorganisms cause infectious disease and host reactions to the disease.

MICR 767. Critical Thinking for the Life Sciences. 3 Credits.

This course is designed to impart critical thinking skills to graduate students in the life sciences. Topics such as information retrieval, problem-solving, Socratic questioning and logical fallacies in sciences will be covered by in-class work shops and application-based assignments.

MICR 770. Immunology of Chronic Infections. 3 Credits.

A study of the host's response to chronic infections, which is illustrated using a framework of diseases of worldwide importance that present different pathologies and outcomes. Prereq: MICR 670.

MICR 781. Advanced Bacterial Physiology. 3 Credits.

In-depth consideration of various topics in bacterial physiology such as autotrophy, bacterial growth and growth yields, energy-yielding metabolism, and regulation of catabolic pathways. Prereq: MICR 680.

MICR 782. Molecular Microbiological Techniques. 3 Credits.

Familiarize students with current molecular and immunologic strategies and techniques commonly used to study infectious disease processes.

MICR 783. Advanced Bacterial Genetics and Phage. 3 Credits.

Mechanisms of genetic rearrangement and regulation in bacteria and phage. Recombinant DNA. Prereq: MICR 682.

MICR 790. Graduate Seminar. 1-3 Credits.

MICR 791. Temporary/Trial Topics. 1-5 Credits.

MICR 792. Graduate Teaching Experience. 1-6 Credits.

MICR 793. Individual Study/Tutorial. 1-5 Credits.

MICR 794. Practicum/Internship. 1-8 Credits.

MICR 795. Field Experience. 1-15 Credits.

MICR 796. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

MICR 797. Master's Paper. 1-3 Credits.

MICR 798. Master's Thesis. 1-10 Credits.

MICR 892. Graduate Teaching Experience. 1-6 Credits.

MICR 893. Individual Study/Tutorial. 1-5 Credits.

MICR 894. Practicum/Internship. 1-8 Credits.

MICR 899. Doctoral Dissertation. 1-15 Credits.