
This is an archived copy of the 2023-24 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Minor Requirements

Minor: Botany

Required Credits: 17

Required Courses
BIOL 150General Biology I3
BIOL 150LGeneral Biology I Laboratory1
BIOL 151General Biology II3
BIOL 151LGeneral Biology II Laboratory1
BIOL 359Evolution3
BIOL 472Structure and Diversity of Plants and Fungi3
300-400 Elective: Select from the following:3
Plant Systematics
Plant Ecology
Conservation Biology
Principles of Plant Physiology
Total Credits17

Minor Requirements and Notes

  • A minimum of 8 credits must be taken at NDSU.
  • Biological Sciences Majors: Electives taken for the Biological Sciences major cannot be double-counted with the Botany minor.  The only classes that can be double counted are BIOL 150/150L, 151/151L, and 359.