University Studies

This is an archived copy of the 2023-24 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Degree Requirements

Degree Type: Bachelor of University Studies (B.U.S)
Minimum Degree Credits to Graduation: 120

The Bachelor of University Studies (B.U.S.) degree is a baccalaureate degree program offered through the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, and is advised through the Career and Advising Center. The B.U.S degree is designed to provide a unique, nontraditional and interdisciplinary program for students whose goals and objectives cannot be met via a traditionally established academic major or minor. Courses taken include those that fulfill general education requirements, as well as others chosen for their appropriateness in achieving the goals of the individual student.

Degree Plan Proposal

Students seeking the B.U.S. degree will begin by working with an advisor to create the Bachelor of University Studies proposal, which includes a statement of goals, a summary of previous education and experience, and a proposed plan of study (i.e., remaining coursework) for the degree. After both have signed the proposal, it is forwarded to the Bachelor of University Studies Program Review Committee for approval. If the proposal is approved by the committee, it becomes the student's requirements for graduation. Each plan of study must meet the general education requirements (including the Capstone Experience, Cultural Diversity and Global Perspectives categories) and the graduation requirements of the university. The B.U.S. degree does not allow a designated major, instead a student will create an area or areas of emphasis that will help him or her attain post-graduation goals. Each area of emphasis must include a minimum of 12 credits of study with at least 6 of those credits being upper division credits. In addition to the emphasis area a student may choose to declare an academic minor that they feel will strengthen their plan of study. No fewer than 15 credits must be proposed (remain to be taken after approval) and included in the proposal.

The degree plan proposal must be submitted to the B.U.S Program Review Committee by guideline due dates (October 1 for spring or summer graduation; February 1 for fall graduation).

University Degree Requirements

  1. Satisfactory completion of all requirements of the curriculum in which one is enrolled.
  2. Earn a minimum total of 120 credits in approved coursework.  Some academic programs exceed this minimum.
  3. Satisfactory completion of the general education requirements as specified by the university.
  4. A minimum institutional GPA of 2.00 based on work taken at NDSU.
  5. At least 30 credits must be NDSU resident credits.  Resident credits include credits registered and paid for at NDSU.
  6. At least 36 credits presented for graduation must be in courses numbered 300 or higher.
  7. Students presenting transfer credit must meet the NDSU residence credits and the minimum upper level credit. Of the 30 credits earned in residence, a minimum of 15 semester credits must be in courses numbered 300 or above, and 15 semester credits must be in the student’s curricula for their declared major.

For complete information, please refer to the Degree and Graduation Requirements section of this Bulletin.

Communications (C)12
Quantitative Reasoning (R)3
Science & Technology (S) (A laboratory course is included in this requirement.)10
Humanities & Fine Arts (A)6
Social & Behavioral Sciences (B)6
Wellness (W)2
Total Credits42

     *Approval of a student’s proposal means that the committee believes that the approved plan is the best educational program available to that student and that it is a baccalaureate-level program.

     *It is the policy of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences that students seeking a B.U.S. degree will, following approval of the B.U.S Proposal, be expected to make continual progress toward
      completion of their degree. Discontinuing enrollment for a period of two continuous academic years or more indicates lack of progress. The approved proposals of students who lack progress will no longer
      be considered valid for graduation with a B.U.S. degree. If these students choose to continue to seek a B.U.S. degree, it will be necessary to submit a new proposal for consideration by the committee.

     *In addition to the Bachelor of University Studies' continual progress policy, NDSU requires that any student who discontinues enrollment for more than one year is subject to completing the General
      Education requirements in effect at the time of re-entry.  

For further information, contact:

Career and Advising Center
306 Ceres Hall
NDSU Dept. 2802, P.O. Box 6050
North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND 58108-6050
Telephone: 701-231-7111

Degree Requirements

Degree Type: Bachelor of University Studies (B.U.S.)
Sub-Plan: General Studies
Minimum Degree Credits to Graduate: 120

The Bachelor of University Studies (B.U.S.) degree is a baccalaureate degree program offered through the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, and is advised through the Career and Advising Center.

Student who would like to pursue the Bachelor of University Studies: General Studies option, need to be eligible for and enrolled in the NDSU Degree Completion Program. Qualifications for this program are as follows:

  • Students who do not hold a prior Bachelor’s degree
  • Students who have not been enrolled in an institution for a minimum of 2 years (24 consecutive months)
  • Students who have earned a minimum of 60 credits
  • Students who have a minimum 2.0 Cumulative Grade Point Average

University Degree Requirements

  1. Satisfactory completion of all requirements of the curriculum in which one is enrolled.
  2. Earn a minimum total of 120 credits in approved coursework.  Some academic programs exceed this minimum.
  3. Satisfactory completion of the general education requirements as specified by the university.
  4. A minimum institutional GPA of 2.00 based on work taken at NDSU.
  5. At least 30 credits must be NDSU resident credits.  Resident credits include credits registered and paid for at NDSU.
  6. At least 36 credits presented for graduation must be in courses numbered 300 or higher.
  7. Students presenting transfer credit must meet the NDSU residence credits and the minimum upper level credit. Of the 30 credits earned in residence, a minimum of 15 semester credits must be in courses numbered 300 or above, and 15 semester credits must be in the student’s curricula for their declared major.

For complete information, please refer to the Degree and Graduation Requirements section of this Bulletin.

University General Education Requirements

Communication (C)12
College Composition I
College Composition II
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Upper Division Writing
Quantitative Reasoning (R) 3
Science and Technology (S) 10
Humanities and Fine Arts (A) 6
Social and Behavioral Sciences (B) 6
Wellness (W) 2
Cultural Diversity (D) *†
Global Perspectives (G) *†
Total Credits39

 May be satisfied by completing courses in another General Education category.

 General education courses may be used to satisfy requirements for both general education and the major, minor, and program emphases, where applicable.  Students should carefully review major requirements to determine if specific courses can also satisfy these general education categories.

  •  A list of university approved general education courses and administrative policies are available here.