Nursing (NURS)

This is an archived copy of the 2022-23 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

NURS 150. Academic Success and Career Exploration. 1 Credit.

The course will provide an introduction to the nursing profession and immerse students in activities to facilitate academic success, teamwork, and professionalism.

NURS 189. Skills for Academic Success. 1 Credit.

This course is designed to ease the transition for new students at NDSU. Students will be introduced to campus and learn skills and techniques used by successful college students.

NURS 194. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

NURS 196. Field Experience. 1-15 Credits.

NURS 199. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

NURS 210. Orientation to Research and Evidence-Based Practice. 2 Credits.

This course will introduce quantitative and qualitative types of research and various types of evidence used to support nursing practice. Techniques for searching databases will be integrated and the research process will be introduced. Prereq: admission to the professional nursing program.

NURS 230. Introduction to Nursing and Evidence Based Practice. 3 Credits.

This course introduces fundamental components of professional nursing and evidence-based practice. Prereq: Admission to the Nursing program.

NURS 250. Health Promotion. 2 Credits.

Introduction to community as client and setting for nursing practice. Focus on theory and methods of health promotion and teaching-learning. Introduction to providing culturally sensitive care. Prereq: Admission to program.

NURS 251. Skills and Concepts for Nursing. 2 Credits.

Introduction to the nursing process, basic nursing skills and clinical decision-making. Prereq: NURS 250 and admission to program.

NURS 252. Gerontologic Nursing. 2 Credits.

This course focuses on health, the deviations of health, and the nursing care of the geriatric population. Prereq: NURS 250 and admission to program.

NURS 289. Transition from Associate LPN to BSN. 2 Credits.

The course is designed to assist returning students in the transition back to school. The course will examine the role of the RN and provide an in-depth review of the nursing process.

NURS 291. Seminar. 1-3 Credits.

NURS 292. Global Practicum: Study Abroad. 1-15 Credits.

Pre-Arranged study at accredited foreign institutions (study abroad), domestic institutions (National Student Exchange) or on approved study abroad programs. Pre-requisite: Sophomore standing and prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. Graded 'P'or 'F' (Undergraduate), or 'S' or 'U' (Graduate).

NURS 294. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

NURS 299. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

NURS 300. Pharmacology & Pathophysiology for Nursing. 4 Credits.

Principles of pharmacology and pathophysiology are presented in an integrated manner to provide a basis for study of prototype medications in major drug classifications. Emphasis is given to the nursing role in developing a comprehensive approach to the clinical application of drug therapy through the use of the nursing process. Prereq: NURS 252 and NURS 360. Co-req: NURS 342.

NURS 326. Immersion I. 1 Credit.

Introduction to the RN to BSN online program expectations as well as support services available to each student, portfolio introduction, and team building. This course is a hybrid course. The class will meet for 1.5 days at the NDSU Fargo site and additional course work will be completed individually by the student online. Prereq: Licensed as a Registered Nurse and admitted to the RN to BSN Track.

NURS 341. Foundations of Clinical Nursing. 3 Credits.

This course emphasizes the physiologic, psychologic, and pathophysiologic concepts that provide the foundation for professional nursing care. Prereq: NURS 251, NURS 360, CHEM 117, CHEM 117L, BIOC 260. Co-req: NURS 342 and NURS 300.

NURS 342. Adult Health Nursing I. 5 Credits.

This course emphasizes the etiology, pathephysiology, and the nursing care of adult clients experiencing common disorders of body systems. Prereq: NURS 251, NURS 360, BIOL 220, BIOL 220L, BIOL 221, BIOL 221L, MICR 202, MICR 202L, HNES 250, PSYC 250 or HDFS 230. Co-req: NURS 341 and NURS 300.

NURS 346. NDSU RN to BSN Immersion II. 1 Credit.

Face-to-face immersion for introduction to the semester's courses, guest speakers with nursing expertise in specialty areas, systems thinking simulation, portfolio update, and team-building workshop. Co-req: NURS 386, NURS 388.

NURS 352. Family Nursing I. 4 Credits.

This course focuses on nursing care and health promotion for the childbearing family, and includes identification and care of high-risk clients. Prereq: NURS 300, NURS 341 and NURS 342.

NURS 356. The Essence of Nursing. 3 Credits.

This course will explore the current health care environment with special emphasis on patient-centered care, ethics, professionalism and therapeutic communication. This course is offered completely online. The duration of the course is 8 weeks. Co-req: NURS 326, NURS 420.

NURS 360. Health Assessment. 4 Credits.

Focuses on health assessment and health promotion of individual clients through utilization of the nursing process and basic nursing concepts. Prereq: NURS 210, NURS 250.

NURS 362. Family Nursing II. 4 Credits.

Focuses on nursing care of the child and family as client. Includes infancy through adolescence, hospitalized and within the community, acutely ill and chronically ill; common stressors throughout the growing years; strategies for health promotion. Prereq: NURS 300, NURS 341, NURS 342, and PSYC 250; or NURS 300, NURS 341, NURS 342, HDFS 230, HDFS 320, and HDFS 340.

NURS 366. Quality and Safety in Nursing. 3 Credits.

This course focuses on the nurse's role in providing safe, quality health care in health systems. Prereq: Students must be accepted into the RN to BSN program and have finished the first and second semester of the program.

NURS 372. Expanded Family Nursing I. 2 Credits.

Builds upon prior learning and knowledge about obstetrical and neonatal nursing care with an increased emphasis on advanced concepts including labor & childbirth, complications of childbearing, and common female reproductive conditions. Prereq: NURS 360. Co-req: NURS 374.

NURS 374. Expanded Family Nursing II. 2 Credits.

Provides the student an opportunity to integrate prior learning and knowledge about pediatric nursing care with an increased emphasis on growth and development, family dynamics, health promotion, and cultural influences. Prereq: NURS 360. Co-req: NURS 372.

NURS 379. Global Seminar. 1-6 Credits.

NDSU instructed experience or field study in a foreign country. Conducted in English for residence credit. Pre-requisite: Prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. May be repeated. Standard Grading.

NURS 382. Clinical Applications. 1 Credit.

This course provides nursing practice experiences to enhance problem solving, critical thinking, and communication skills. Prereq: NURS 300, NURS 341, NURS 342. Co-req: NURS 352.

NURS 386. Chronicity Throughout the Lifespan I. 3 Credits.

This course will examine the impact of chronic health conditions on the client, the family, society and the health care system. Co-req: NURS 346, NURS 388.

NURS 388. Chronicity Throughout the Lifespan II. 3 Credits.

Students will explore the most common chronic diseases and treatment, including implications for clients, families, society, and health care systems. Co-req: NURS 346, NURS 386.

NURS 391. Seminar. 1-3 Credits.

NURS 392. Global Practicum: Study Abroad. 1-15 Credits.

Pre-Arranged study at accredited foreign institutions (study abroad), domestic institutions (National Student Exchange) or on approved study abroad programs. Pre-requisite: Sophomore standing and prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. Graded 'P'or 'F' (Undergraduate), or 'S' or 'U' (Graduate).

NURS 394. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

NURS 397. Fe/Coop Ed/Internship. 1-4 Credits.

NURS 399. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

NURS 402. Mental Health Nursing. 4 Credits.

Synthesis and application of nursing and psychiatric-mental health concepts to promote the wellness of individuals and groups. Prereq: NURS 352, NURS 362.

NURS 403. Adult Health Nursing II. 1-5 Credits.

Focuses on the etiology, pathophysiology, and nursing care of adult clients experiencing selected clinical problems originating from respiratory and cardiovascular systems, neuro trauma, and multisystem problems. Care of families of clients is also emphasized. Prereq: NURS 352, NURS 362.

NURS 404. Adult Health III. 4 Credits.

The etiology, pathophysiologic mechanisms, and organization of nursing care of adult clients experiencing selected complex stressors. Prereq: NURS 342, NURS 403 and admission to program.

NURS 405. Psychsocial Nursing. 2 Credits.

In this course the student will synthesize prior learning with further exploration of psychosocial nursing. Prereq: Licensure as practical nurse, admission to program.

NURS 406. Community & Public Health Nursing. 4 Credits.

The focus of this course will include the core functions of public health, partnering with the community, primary prevention, creation of healthy environments, service to those at risk, stewardship of resources, and multidisciplinary collaboration. Prereq: NURS 250, NURS 402, NURS 403 or NURS 289 and NURS 360.

NURS 407L. Expanded Clinical Practice for the LPN-BSN. 3 Credits.

This course focuses on the etiology, pathophysiologic mechanisms, and mental health aspects of nursing care for patients in a variety of settings including medical/surgical, critical care, labor and delivery and simulation. Prereq: NURS 372 and NURS 407.

NURS 407. Adult Health: Complex Problems. 3 Credits.

Designed for persons with a nursing license, this course focuses on the etiology, pathophysiologic mechanisms, and organization of nursing care for adult clients experiencing selected complex stressors. Prereq: NURS 360.

NURS 410. Research and Redesign. 2 Credits.

A study of the research process. Emphasis is placed on critically evaluating nursing research and utilizing research for evidence-based practice. Discussion about quality improvement principles prepares the nurse to participate in redesign. Prereq: NURS 210, NURS 342, NURS 360 and admission to the professional nursing program.

NURS 420. Evidence-Based Practice and Research in Nursing. 3 Credits.

This course will introduce the research process with the emphasis on developing skills as a consumer of research. Students will gain knowledge in the areas of research methods, critical appraisal of research, and the concepts of evidence-based practice. Course prerequisite: NURS 289 or NURS 356. Prereq: for RN to BSN is co-requisites of NURS 326 and NURS 356.

NURS 422. Contemporary Issues in Mental Health Nursing. 2 Credits.

This elective course is designed to increase awareness of contemporary issues in mental health nursing, with emphasis on psychiatric disorders in the general hospital, interpersonal violence, addiction, and emotional intelligence. Prereq: admission to the professional Nursing program.

NURS 426. NDSU RN to BSN Immersion III. 1 Credit.

Face-to-face immersion with introduction to the semester's courses, guest speakers to address nursing roles in the community, portfolio update, and team building projects. Co-req: NURS 446, NURS 446L, NURS 436.

NURS 436. Transcultural Nursing Care. 3 Credits.

Nursing 436 Transcultural Nursing will explore the effects of race and culture on life patterns with special emphasis on health care and health care practices. The course is offered completely online. Duration of the course is eight weeks. Co-req: NURS 426, NURS 446, NURS 446L.

NURS 446. Population Focused Nursing Care. 3 Credits.

The focus of this course will include the core functions of public health, partnering with the community, primary and secondary prevention, creation of healthy environments, service to those at risk, stewardship of resources, and multidisciplinary collaboration. Co-req: NURS 426, NURS 446L, NURS 436.

NURS 446L. Population Focused Nursing Care - Clinical. 1 Credit.

This course will provide students the opportunity to collaborate with public health agencies or community sites to implement principles of population-focused care. The experience can be arranged in the student's residence community. Co-req: NURS 426, NURS 446, NURS 436.

NURS 450. Nursing Synthesis/Practicum. 4 Credits.

NURS 450 is the capstone course in the nursing major and provides a framework for the student's transition to the entry-level professional role. 1 credit didactic, 3 credits clinical. Prereq: CHP 400, NURS 250, NURS 251, NURS 252, NURS 341, NURS 342, NURS 352, NURS 360, NURS 362, NURS 402, NURS 403 and NURS 460 and admission to program. Co-req: NURS 404, NURS 406.

NURS 456. RN to BSN Immersion IV. 1 Credit.

Face-to-face immersion for introduction to the semester's courses. Guest speakers to introduce advancing to master's or doctorate degrees, portfolio update, and leadership workshop. Co-req: NURS 426, NURS 462, NURS 462L.

NURS 460. Management, Leadership and Career Development. 3 Credits.

This course focuses on the study of management and leadership concepts and issues in professional nursing. This course will also incorporate a guide for career development. Prereq: NURS 342 or NURS 360.

NURS 462. Nurses as Leaders. 3 Credits.

This online course focuses on the study of leadership and management concepts and issues in professional nursing. Co-req: NURS 456, NURS 462L, NURS 478.

NURS 462L. Nursing Leadership Practicum. 1 Credit.

Students will develop a capstone project to improve an aspect of health care, utilizing knowledge from previous courses, including research, and evidence-based practice, leadership, quality and safety. Co-req: NURS 456, NURS 462, NURS 478.

NURS 478. BSN Capstone. 3 Credits.

Students will develop a capstone project to improve an aspect of health care, utilizing knowledge from previous courses, including research and evidence-based practice, leadership, quality and safety. Co-req: NURS 456, NURS 462, NURS 462L.

NURS 479. Global Seminar. 1-6 Credits.

NDSU instructed experience or field study in a foreign country. Conducted in English for residence credit. Pre-requisite: Prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. May be repeated. Standard Grading.

NURS 491. Seminar. 1-5 Credits.

NURS 492. Global Practicum: Study Abroad. 1-15 Credits.

Pre-Arranged study at accredited foreign institutions (study abroad), domestic institutions (National Student Exchange) or on approved study abroad programs. Pre-requisite: Sophomore standing and prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. Graded 'P'or 'F' (Undergraduate), or 'S' or 'U' (Graduate).

NURS 494. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

NURS 496. Field Experience. 1-15 Credits.

NURS 499. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

NURS 679. Global Seminar. 1-6 Credits.

NURS 690. Graduate Seminar. 1-3 Credits.

NURS 692. Global Practicum: Study Abroad. 1-15 Credits.

Pre-Arranged study at accredited foreign institutions (study abroad), domestic institutions (National Student Exchange) or on approved study abroad programs. Pre-requisite: Sophomore standing and prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. Graded 'P'or 'F' (Undergraduate), or 'S' or 'U' (Graduate).

NURS 695. Field Experience. 1-15 Credits.

NURS 696. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

NURS 790. Graduate Seminar. 1-3 Credits.

NURS 791. Temporary/Trial Topics. 1-5 Credits.

NURS 793. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

NURS 794. Practicum. 1-8 Credits.

NURS 795. Field Experience. 1-15 Credits.

NURS 796. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

NURS 797. Master's Paper. 1-3 Credits.

NURS 798. Master's Thesis. 1-10 Credits.

NURS 801. Theoretical Perspectives of the Discipline. 2 Credits.

The course is designed to help the student analyze, critique and apply a variety of nursing theories, models and conceptual frameworks in advanced nursing practice. Incorporation of writing methods emphasized for professional development.

NURS 802. Ethics and Health Policy in Nursing. 2 Credits.

Analyze interactions among common clinical, organizational, societal, and policy decisions from ethical and legal perspectives. Evaluates selected theories and models of decision making and health care.

NURS 804. Nursing Research/Evidence Based Practice. 3 Credits.

Exploration of methodologies of scholarly inquiry in nursing with an emphasis on the utilization of evidenced based practice in the advanced nursing practice role.

NURS 806. Health Care Delivery Systems and Financing. 2 Credits.

Analysis of health care system and financial management for measurement of patient outcomes are the focus of this course. Advanced practice nurses play a leadership role while participating in system decisions including monitoring financial information and promoting quality improvement in managing and utilizing health care.

NURS 808. Informatics in Advanced Nursing Practice. 2 Credits.

Course focuses on the various information and communication technology tools used in the care of patients, communities, and populations. Provides an understanding on how to use information to gather data, create information, and generate knowledge in the delivery of care among providers, patients, and all system levels.

NURS 810. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. 2 Credits.

This course critically examines patterns of health behaviors, risk assessment, lifestyles, developmental stages, sociocultural, psychological, and spiritual contributions to well-being. Includes data-based assessment and management of preventive health services and common acute and chronic conditions.

NURS 812. Advanced Health Assessment. 3 Credits.

Performance of health histories, complete physical/psychosocial assessments, and developmental assessments of clients from across the lifespan. A laboratory component is included.

NURS 812P. Assessment Practicum. 6 Credits.

In this course the student integrates health history, physical examination and laboratory evaluations in a plan for management of client needs. Prereq: NURS 812.

NURS 814. Advanced Pathophysiology Across the Lifespan I. 2 Credits.

General pathophysiological responses to selected body systems to disease processes are presented from both biological and behavioral perspectives. Emphasis on normal cellular function, developmental changes and common physiological symptoms.

NURS 815. Population Health/Epidemiology for Advanced Practice Nursing. 3 Credits.

Epidemiologic techniques, reporting, and research will be presented. Emphasis is placed on disease prevention and control. Health problems of national and international significance will be examined and strategies for solutions and/or management will be proposed.

NURS 816. Advanced Pathophysiology Across the Lifespan II. 2 Credits.

Builds on the context from NURS 814 with emphasis on normal cellular function, developmental changes and common physiological symptoms. Synergistic clinical manifestations and total body-mind responses to system alterations. Prereq: NURS 814.

NURS 820. Advanced Practice Roles. 3 Credits.

This course addresses scope of practice, legal parameters of advanced practice, and leadership in the advanced practice nursing role. Restrictions: Current 3rd status in the NDSU DNP program.

NURS 830. Clinical Applications. 3 Credits.

Student designs individualized study in an area of focus. Options include extension of a scholarly study, extended clinical practice, intensive study of specialized treatment modality and other appropriate foci. Prereq: NURS 634.

NURS 831. Advanced Pharmacology I. 2 Credits.

Information relative to therapeutic management guidelines for treatment of selected disease processes. Drug information by classification and basic principles of pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetics, clinical uses, mechanisms of action, contraindications, adverse reactions, and client education implications.

NURS 832. Advanced Pharmacology II. 2 Credits.

Continuation of information relative to therapeutic management guidelines for treatment of selected disease processes. Drug information by classification and basic principles of pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetics, clinical uses, mechanisms of action, contraindications, adverse reactions, and client education implications. Prereq: NURS 631.

NURS 833P. Family Primary Care:Residency I. 6 Credits.

Student synthesizes skills acquired in previous didactic and clinical courses to provide diagnosis, treatment, and management of an increasingly varied group of clients. Prereq: NURS 833.

NURS 833. Family Primary Care I:Assessment and Management. 3 Credits.

Clinical decision making skills are fostered in the diagnosis, management, monitoring and evaluation of common acute, emergent, and chronic health conditions. Selected case studies of clients will be examined in relation to problems, diagnoses, plans, and evaluations. Prereq: NURS 812P, NURS 816.

NURS 834. Family Primary Care II:Assessment and Management. 3 Credits.

Clinical decision making skills are fostered in the diagnosis, management, monitoring and evaluation of common acute, emergent, and chronic health conditions. Selected case studies of clients will be examined in relation to problems, diagnoses, plans, and evaluations. Prereq: NURS 833.

NURS 834P. Family Primary Care:Residency II. 6 Credits.

Students synthesize skills acquired in previous didactic and clinical courses, in particular NURS 833P, to provide diagnosis, treatment, and management of an increasingly varied group of clients. Prereq: NURS 833P.

NURS 835P. Practicum IV: FNP Role Integration. 6 Credits.

Application of skills and clinical experiences in primary care. Didactic concepts are incorporated in the student's practice, supervised by a health care provider who has documented expertise in the area of specialization. History, physical examinations, and diagnostic analysis will be integrated into evaluation of clients. Prereq: NURS 834P.

NURS 835. Family Primary Care III: Assessment and Management. 2 Credits.

Continuation of Family Primary Care I and II. Focus on health promotion, maintenance, restoration and disease prevention. Application of health-related theories, family dynamics, methods of human genetics, research protocols, ethics, cost effectiveness and legal ramifications for advanced nursing practice. Prereq: NURS 834.

NURS 836P. Practicum V: FNP Role Integration. 7 Credits.

Application of skills and clinical experiences in primary care. Didactic concepts are incorporated in the student's practice, supervised by a health care provider who has documented expertise in the area of specialization. History, physical examinations, and diagnostic analysis will be integrated into evaluation of clients. Prereq: NURS 835P.

NURS 850P. Family Primary Care: Specialty Practicum. 3 Credits.

Students are immersed into a specialty clinical area and supervised by a healthcare provider with expertise in the specialty. Theory, research, and didactic learning are incorporated in the student's clinical experience. Prereq: NURS 834P.

NURS 880. Interprofessional Collaborative Practice. 2 Credits.

Building on prior learning, graduate nursing students will synthesize and analyze interprofessional skills required to assume the role of provider on the healthcare team, such as communication, collaboration, leadership, conflict resolution, consultations, team building, and roles and responsibilities. Prereq: NURS 820.

NURS 890. Seminar. 1-5 Credits.

NURS 893. Individual Study/Tutorial. 1-5 Credits.

NURS 894. Practicum/Internship. 1-8 Credits.

NURS 899S. Clinical Dissertation. 1-15 Credits.

The clinical dissertation is a scholarly work that focuses on practice issues. It involves identification, development, implementation, and evaluation and/or dissemination of an evidence-based project addressing a current clinical issue. Graded 'S' or 'U'.