Education (EDUC)

This is an archived copy of the 2023-24 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

EDUC 120. Peer Counseling. 1 Credit.

Designed to bring peer counseling theory and practice together in helping freshmen overcome the hurdles of the first year. May be repeated.

EDUC 121. Approaches to Critical Reading. 1 Credit.

A developmental reading program designed to help the student improve in reading efficiency.

EDUC 123. Study Skills. 1 Credit.

Assistance in the development of study skills necessary for academic achievement through learning and practice.

EDUC 194. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

EDUC 196. Field Experience. 1-15 Credits.

EDUC 199. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

EDUC 291. Seminar. 1-3 Credits.

EDUC 292. Global Practicum: Study Abroad. 1-15 Credits.

Pre-Arranged study at accredited foreign institutions (study abroad), domestic institutions (National Student Exchange) or on approved study abroad programs. Pre-requisite: Sophomore standing and prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. Graded 'P'or 'F' (Undergraduate), or 'S' or 'U' (Graduate).

EDUC 294. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

EDUC 299. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

EDUC 300. Orientation to Elementary Teaching. 2 Credits.

Overview of elementary education with special emphasis on the role of music and physical education. Required for K-12 certification in music and physical education.

EDUC 321. Introduction to Teaching. 3 Credits.

Nature and aims of education at middle and high school levels; social, philosophical, historical, curricular, and political foundations in a changing multicultural society; analyze teaching as a career choice, initiate teacher education program exit portfolio.

EDUC 322. Educational Psychology. 3 Credits.

Strong emphasis on educational research; review of human development; emphasis on developmental domains and span of students from young child through high school learning theories, learning styles, and individual student differences including gender, exceptionalities, culture.

EDUC 379. Global Seminar. 1-6 Credits.

NDSU instructed experience or field study in a foreign country. Conducted in English for residence credit. Pre-requisite: Prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. May be repeated. Standard Grading.

EDUC 391. Seminar. 1-3 Credits.

EDUC 392. Global Practicum: Study Abroad. 1-15 Credits.

Pre-Arranged study at accredited foreign institutions (study abroad), domestic institutions (National Student Exchange) or on approved study abroad programs. Pre-requisite: Sophomore standing and prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. Graded 'P'or 'F' (Undergraduate), or 'S' or 'U' (Graduate).

EDUC 394. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

EDUC 399. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

EDUC 416. Teacher Education in International Comparative Perspective. 2 Credits.

Exploring teacher education in international contexts by comparing approaches to program development, examining curriculum characteristics, analyzing policies and investigating practices of teaching and learning in different countries. {Also available for graduate credit - see EDUC 616}.

EDUC 451. Instructional Planning, Methods and Assessment. 3 Credits.

Planning for teaching, implementing strategies, and assessing student learning. Includes microteaching activities, instructional strategies for middle and high school classrooms, data driven decision-making, assessment design, classroom technology, and other resources for the 21st century classroom. Prereq: EDUC 321, EDUC 322, admission to School of Education.

EDUC 452. Assessment and Testing of Culturally Diverse Students. 2 Credits.

Theories and strategies for selecting and implementing a variety of assessments focused on the needs of English Language Learners. Practice in using assessment results to adjust classroom instruction accordingly. Prereq: Admission to School of Education. {Also offered for graduate credit - see EDUC 652.}.

EDUC 455. Socio-Psycho-Linguistics for Teachers of English Language Learners. 3 Credits.

This course will explore how language shapes culture and vice versa, considering how assumptions, prejudices and biases toward varying language affect the classroom and ELLs. Prereq: EDUC 454. {Also offered for graduate credit - see EDUC 655.}.

EDUC 461. Introduction to Special Education. 3 Credits.

Develops skills and knowledge for recognizing and effectively teaching students with various disabilities in the K-12 setting. Examines relevant laws, educational service delivery models, curricular planning approaches, and instructional adaptations. Ten hours of field experience is required. Prereq: EDUC 321 and admission into the School of Education. {Also offered for graduate credit - See EDUC 661.}.

EDUC 463. Inclusive Instructional Planning Across the K-12 Setting. 3 Credits.

Curriculum development aligned with general education content for students with disabilities. Identifying appropriate IEP goals, supplementary aids and services, and service coordination in K-12 inclusive school contexts will be emphasized. Ten hours of field experience is required. Prereq: EDUC 321 and admission into the School of Education. {Also offered for graduate credit - See EDUC 663.}.

EDUC 475. Reading in the Content Area. 2 Credits.

Introduction to the relevance and need for incorporating reading and developing reading skills in middle and high school classrooms.

EDUC 481. Classroom Practice Methods of Teaching I:. 2-3 Credits.

Specialized methods and classroom practices appropriate to the specific subject area. May be repeated. Prereq: EDUC 321, EDUC 322, admission to School of Education.

EDUC 482. Classroom Practice/Methods of Teaching II:. 2-3 Credits.

Specialized methods and classroom practices appropriate to the specific subject area. May be repeated. Prereq: EDUC 321, EDUC 322, admission to School of Education, EDUC 481. {Also offered for graduate credit - see EDUC 682.}.

EDUC 483. Classroom Practice/Methods of Teaching III:. 2 Credits.

Specialized methods and classroom practices appropriate to the specific subject area. May be repeated. Prereq: EDUC 321, EDUC 322, admission to School of Education, EDUC 481, EDUC 482. {Also available for graduate credit - see EDUC 683P.}.

EDUC 485. Student Teaching Seminar. 1 Credit.

Orientation to student teaching. Analysis of professional issues and concerns associated with education. Prereq: EDUC 389, EDUC 451, EDUC 483, EDUC 486. Coreq: EDUC 487. {Also offered for graduate credit - see EDUC 685P.}.

EDUC 486. Classroom Management for Diverse Learners. 3 Credits.

Teacher candidates develop a plan to establish an effective management system encompassing the total classroom environment. Prereq: EDUC 321, EDUC 322, admission to School of Education. {Also offered for graduate credit - see EDUC 686.}.

EDUC 487. Student Teaching. 9 Credits.

Supervised teaching in an approved and accredited school. Includes an on-campus seminar. May be repeated. Prereq: EDUC 321, EDUC 322, EDUC 389, EDUC 451, EDUC 481, EDUC 482, EDUC 483, EDUC 486, admission to School of Education. Coreq: EDUC 485. {Also offered for graduate credit - see EDUC 687P.}.

EDUC 488. Applied Student Teaching. 3 Credits.

Guided student teaching experience including application of lesson planning, portfolio development, professional goal-setting, and supervised teaching in an approved and accredited school. Prereq: Admission to School of Education, completion of professional education sequence. Coreq: EDUC 485 or H&CE 483P, EDUC 487. Cross-listed with H&CE 488. {Also offered for graduate credit - see EDUC 688P.}.

EDUC 489. Teaching Students of Diverse Backgrounds. 3 Credits.

This class places emphasis on cultural diversity and teaching diverse students including Native Americans. Strategies for creating learning environments that contribute to positive human relationships, and strategies for teaching and assessing diverse learners are included. Prereq: EDUC 321, EDUC 322 and admission to the School of Education. {Also offered for graduate credit - see EDUC 689.}.

EDUC 491. Seminar. 1-5 Credits.

EDUC 492. Global Practicum: Study Abroad. 1-15 Credits.

Pre-Arranged study at accredited foreign institutions (study abroad), domestic institutions (National Student Exchange) or on approved study abroad programs. Pre-requisite: Sophomore standing and prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. Graded 'P'or 'F' (Undergraduate), or 'S' or 'U' (Graduate).

EDUC 494. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

EDUC 496. Field Experience. 1-15 Credits.

EDUC 499. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

EDUC 616. Teacher Education in International Comparative Perspective. 2 Credits.

Exploring teacher education in international contexts by comparing approaches to program development, examining curriculum characteristics, analyzing policies and investigating practices of teaching and learning in different countries. {Also available for undergraduate credit - see EDUC 416}.

EDUC 651P. Instructional Planning, Methods and Assessment. 3 Credits.

Planning for teaching, implementing strategies, and assessing student learning. Includes microteaching activities, instructional strategies for middle and high school classrooms, data driven decision-making, assessment design, classroom technology, and other resources for the 21st century classroom.

EDUC 655. Socio-Psycho-Linguistics for Teachers of English Language Learners. 3 Credits.

This course will explore how language shapes culture and vice versa, considering how assumptions, prejudices and biases toward varying language affect the classroom and ELLs. Prereq: EDUC 654. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see EDUC 455.}.

EDUC 661. Introduction to Special Education. 3 Credits.

Develops skills and knowledge for recognizing and effectively teaching students with various disabilities in the K-12 setting. Examines relevant laws, educational service delivery models, curricular planning approaches, and instructional adaptations. Ten hours of field experience is required. Prereq: Admission to graduate program. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - See EDUC 461.}.

EDUC 663. Inclusive Instructional Planning Across the K-12 Setting. 3 Credits.

Curriculum development aligned with general education content for students with disabilities. Identifying appropriate IEP goals, supplementary aids and services, and service coordination in K-12 inclusive school contexts will be emphasized. Ten hours of field experience is required. {Also available for undergraduate credit - see EDUC 463.}.

EDUC 664. Universal Design for Learning in K-12 Settings. 3 Credits.

Introduces the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework. Examines how it can provide guidance for designing inclusive pedagogies to address barriers to K-12 students' learning related to instruction, assessment, and learning environments. Explores theoretical relationship to Disabilities Studies in Education, models of disability, and implications for K-12 educators' practices.

EDUC 681P. Classroom Practice/Methods of Teaching I. 2-3 Credits.

Specialized methods and classroom practices appropriate to the specific subject area.

EDUC 682. Classroom Practice/Methods of Teaching II. 2-3 Credits.

Specialized methods and classroom practices appropriate to the specific subject area. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see EDUC 482.}.

EDUC 683P. Classroom Practice/Methods of Teaching III. 2-3 Credits.

Specialized methods and classroom practices appropriate to the specific subject area. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see EDUC 483.}.

EDUC 685P. Student Teaching Seminar. 1 Credit.

Orientation to student teaching. Analysis of professional issues and concerns associated with education. Prereq: EDUC 689P, EDUC 651P, EDUC 683P, EDUC 686P. Coreq: EDUC 687P. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see EDUC 485.}.

EDUC 686. Classroom Management for Diverse Learners. 3 Credits.

Teacher candidates develop a plan to establish an effective management system encompassing the total classroom environment. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see EDUC 486.}.

EDUC 687P. Student Teaching. 9 Credits.

Supervised teaching in an approved and accredited school. Includes an on-campus seminar. Prereq: EDUC 689P, EDUC 651P, EDUC 681P, EDUC 682P, EDUC 683P, EDUC 686P. Coreq: EDUC 685P. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see EDUC 487.}.

EDUC 688P. Applied Student Teaching. 3 Credits.

Guided student teaching experience including application of lesson planning, portfolio development, professional goal-setting, and supervised teaching in an approved and accredited school. Coreq: EDUC 685P, EDUC 687P. Cross-listed with H&CE 688P. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see EDUC 488.}.

EDUC 689. Teaching Students of Diverse Backgrounds. 3 Credits.

This class places emphasis on cultural diversity and teaching diverse students including Native Americans. Strategies for creating learning environments that contribute to positive human relationships, and strategies for teaching and assessing diverse learners are included. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see EDUC 489.}.

EDUC 690. Graduate Seminar. 1-3 Credits.

EDUC 692. Global Practicum: Study Abroad. 1-15 Credits.

Pre-Arranged study at accredited foreign institutions (study abroad), domestic institutions (National Student Exchange) or on approved study abroad programs. Pre-requisite: Sophomore standing and prior approval by International Student and Study Abroad Services and major department. Graded 'P'or 'F' (Undergraduate), or 'S' or 'U' (Graduate).

EDUC 695. Field Experience. 1-15 Credits.

EDUC 696. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

EDUC 702. Statistics In Educational Research. 3 Credits.

Basic theory, techniques for using descriptive and inferential statistics, application of appropriate statistical procedures, analysis and interpretation of results, and practice in the reporting of the results in appropriate formats for scholarly papers and presentations.

EDUC 703. Research, Measurement and Program Evaluation. 3 Credits.

A broad overview of methodology and design of research studies in education.

EDUC 704. Collegiate Environments. 3 Credits.

The purpose of this course is to understand college student populations, campus environments, and their interactions. By exploring the influences of campus environments on students' experiences, as well as how students influence environments, this course will provide opportunities to learn how to enhance campus environments to maximize student success. Additionally, integrating concepts and issues related to safety, inclusion, equity, campus climate, and retention, is imperative to understanding how to build environments that are responsive to the increasingly diverse characteristics of U.S. college students.

EDUC 706. Theories of College Student Development. 3 Credits.

This course examines how college students develop and learn. It is designed to introduce graduate students to major theoretical perspectives, the scholarship based on those perspectives, and how each can be used to design educational policies and practices that promote college student learning and development.

EDUC 707. Organization and Administration of Higher Education. 3 Credits.

This course deals with the organization and administration of higher education and the current and evolving problems and possibilities for higher education. Prereq: Admission to graduate program in Education.

EDUC 708. Higher Education Student Affairs and Enrollment Management. 3 Credits.

The purpose of this course is to teach about the role of student affairs professionals in schools, colleges, and other educational organizations, including recruitment, selection, orientation, development, compensation, and evaluations. Prereq: Admission to a graduate program in Education.

EDUC 709. Financing Higher Education. 3 Credits.

This course provides funding theories and procedures necessary to develop and maintain financing for higher education institutions. Prereq: Admission to a graduate program in Education.

EDUC 710. Philosophy of Education. 2 Credits.

Major philosophical concepts and principles of education from Plato to the present.

EDUC 712. Social, Cultural and Political Dimensions of Schools. 3 Credits.

Social processes and interaction among diverse populations in educational settings. Relationship of schools to society.

EDUC 714. History of American Education. 2 Credits.

Historical and intellectual development of education in the United States from the colonial period to the present.

EDUC 715. The Superintendency. 2 Credits.

This course deals with examining the role and functions of the public school district administrator.

EDUC 720. Supervision of Student Teachers. 2 Credits.

Planning and carrying out effective supervision techniques when supervising student teachers in respective subjects.

EDUC 724. Advanced Educational Psychology. 3 Credits.

Principles of effective human learning. Discussion of learning theories, the teacher as a director of learning experiences, and factors influencing students representing a variety of cultures and abilities in the educational setting.

EDUC 728. Instructional Technology for Teaching and Learning. 3 Credits.

This course provides an advanced understanding of technology concepts and contemporary computer-based programs for the teaching and learning processes. Prereq: Admission to doctoral program.

EDUC 730. Leadership, Planning and Organizational Behavior. 3 Credits.

Introduction to models of educational leadership including organizational structure, theory, and leadership styles. Consideration of concepts, problems, and issues in administration.

EDUC 731. Educational Law and Policy. 3 Credits.

Examination of the legislative and judicial actions affecting the public schools. Consideration is given to contemporary legal issues for teachers, administrators, and boards.

EDUC 732. Curriculum, Instruction and Learning Theory. 3 Credits.

Investigation of curricular decision-making and program evaluation strategies as they affect the educational program. Problem-solving skills are presented through theory and simulation. Prereq: EDUC 730.

EDUC 733. Technology and Information Systems. 3 Credits.

Provides an understanding of selected computer applications for educational administrators at the building and district office levels.

EDUC 734. Personal Communication & Ethics. 3 Credits.

Prepares aspiring school leaders to plan for their personal and professional development and to understand and use the principles of communication, ethics, and values.

EDUC 735. Personnel, Supervision and Staff Development. 3 Credits.

Specific techniques and systems to supervise instruction. Review of interpersonal communication and group process skills as applied to administrative supervision. Prereq: EDUC 730.

EDUC 736. Policy and Educational Finance. 3 Credits.

Provides school leaders with an understanding of managing and allocating resources in a political climate in which policy decisions are based on historical resource allocations.

EDUC 738. Administration of K-12 Schools. 3 Credits.

The course provides school leaders with common elements of leadership and management as they apply to the K-12 principalship. Practical applications in the K-12 setting will be considered. Prereq: EDUC 730.

EDUC 739. Administration of Secondary Schools. 2 Credits.

Common elements of leadership as they apply to the principalship. Consideration of practical applications in a secondary school setting. Prereq: EDUC 730.

EDUC 742. Elementary School Curriculum. 2 Credits.

History, development, evaluation, and revision of the curriculum. Review of recent research in elementary school curriculum.

EDUC 743. Secondary School Curriculum. 2 Credits.

Study of contemporary curriculum patterns with emphasis on curricular construction and evaluation.

EDUC 750. Reflective Practice and Research in Education. 3 Credits.

The development of reflective practices in educational settings for the purpose of improvement and growth. An overview of educational research aligned with the goal of informing practice and improving educational institutions.

EDUC 751. Students and Their Learning. 3 Credits.

Exploration of student differences and ways of adjusting teaching practice to meet individual needs and promote the equitable treatment of students. Application of learning theories to educate the whole child (cognitive, affective, social).

EDUC 752. Curriculum Design and Delivery. 3 Credits.

An inquiry-based course for the reflective practitioner to develop deep understandings of curriculum content emphasized by state and national standards documents and to acquire an effective repertoire of instructional skills.

EDUC 753. Managing/ and Monitoring Learning. 3 Credits.

This course is based on the concept that assessment drives instruction. A working definition of student learning will be defined. Multiple measures of assessment will be investigated and impacts in student learning will be explored.

EDUC 755. Exceptional Learners in the Secondary School Classroom. 3 Credits.

Legal and ethical requirements for educating exceptional learners; identification, referral, and placement procedures; development and use of the Individual Education Program; strategies for teaching and evaluating; managing academic and social behaviors of exceptional learners.

EDUC 775. Content Area Reading. 2 Credits.

Examination of content, instructional methodologies, and evaluation techniques for reading in content classes.

EDUC 778. School Fund Management. 3 Credits.

Proper recording and reporting of financial accounts for elementary and secondary schools. Use of procedures and concepts for governmental fund accounting and financial management. Prereq: M.S. Educational Administration.

EDUC 784. School Personnel Administration. 2 Credits.

Study of personnel administration in public school systems. Includes an examination of the purposes, policies, plans, procedures, and personnel administration. Prereq: EDUC 782.

EDUC 789. School Community Relations. 2 Credits.

Purposes, organization, agencies, and criteria of good school-community relationships; knowledge and techniques for effective public relations. Prereq: EDUC 739, M.S. in Educational Administration.

EDUC 790. Graduate Seminar. 1-5 Credits.

EDUC 791. Temporary/Trial Topics. 1-5 Credits.

EDUC 792. Graduate Teaching Experience. 1-6 Credits.

Graduate student teaching experiences for professional development. S/U grading.

EDUC 793. Individual Study/Tutorial. 1-5 Credits.

EDUC 794. Practicum/Internship. 1-8 Credits.

EDUC 795. Field Experience. 1-15 Credits.

EDUC 796. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

EDUC 797S. Comprehensive Project. 1-6 Credits.

EDUC 797. Master's Paper. 1-3 Credits.

EDUC 798S. Specialist Field Study. 1-3 Credits.

EDUC 798. Master's Thesis. 1-10 Credits.

EDUC 801. Foundations of Doctoral Scholarship. 3 Credits.

The expectations and responsibilities of doctoral scholars in the field of Education are examined. Expectations for knowledge acquisition, disciplined inquiry, and scholarly disposition are presented. Collegiality, collaboration, and ethical standards are emphasized. Prereq: Admission to Ed.D. program.

EDUC 802. Foundations of Educational Research. 3 Credits.

Examines various and diverse philosophical/theoretical frameworks, methodologies, techniques and designs for educational research. Explores the nature of educational research and the underpinnings of positivism/post-postivism, interpretive/constructivist and orientational paradigms with emphasis on reflective planning of studies. Prereq: admission to Doctoral program.

EDUC 803. Philosophical Foundations of Education. 3 Credits.

Through the examination of historical contexts and differing philosophical traditions within the field of education, students will reflect on and shape an informed and critical philosophy for their own scholarship and educational praxis. Admission to the Educational Doctoral Program is required.

EDUC 806. International and Comparative Education. 3 Credits.

The aim of this course is to add an international lens to our understanding of learning and education. Emphasizes globalization, comparative methods, policy, education as development, and analyzing teaching and learning within different national contexts.

EDUC 807. Diversity and Educational Policy. 3 Credits.

This course explores diversity in educational settings and investigates the purpose and implementation of educational policies related to access and services for diverse populations historically, presently, and in preparation for potential future needs.

EDUC 808. Empowerment & Transformative Education. 3 Credits.

An examination of theory, research and practice in individual and group transformation, empowerment, and advocacy development within multicultural and diverse learning contexts.

EDUC 811. Organizational Culture. 3 Credits.

This course examines organizational culture, including how culture is created, maintained, and changed through interaction. The course emphasizes deciphering organizational culture so that the decisions and actions taken by educational leaders will have greater impact on their organizations. Prereq: Admission to doctoral program in Education or consent of the instructor.

EDUC 812. Leadership in Educational Institutions. 3 Credits.

This course provides an in-depth overview of contemporary and classic theories of organizational leadership, with specific attention to the application of existing theories to educational institutions. This course addresses the implications of leadership across contexts, cultures, and time with an emphasis on understanding and appreciating the challenges faced by leaders in modern educational institutions. Prereq: Admission to doctoral program in Education or consent of the instructor.

EDUC 813. Educational Innovation and Change. 3 Credits.

This course introduces the field of organizational change, including providing an overview and analysis of the change process and the various strategies for planning and implementing change. The course will emphasize the nature, characteristics, responsibilities, and contextual determinants that influence a leader's role in changing educational organizations. Prereq: Admission to doctoral program in Education or consent of the instructor.

EDUC 831. Institutional Quality Control. 3 Credits.

History and effecting of quality control will be briefly reviewed. Global, U.S. societal, state government, accreditation, and student accountability forces will be elucidated. Successful, failed, and future institutional responses to these forces will be discussed. Prereq: Admission to doctoral program.

EDUC 832. Assessment Techniques for Educational Institutions. 3 Credits.

This course addresses all aspects of educational assessments in order to select the assessment technique that meets specific accountability mandates in the field of education. Prereq: Admission to doctoral program.

EDUC 833. Strategic Planning for Institutional Improvement. 3 Credits.

The role of strategic planning in educational institutions and its relationship to institutional improvement and effectiveness will be explored. Approaches to implementation of strategic plans designed to address institutional goals will also be discussed.

EDUC 844. Higher Education Law. 3 Credits.

To develop expertise in legal issues for students whose current positions or future career goals include administrative and management positions in higher education where they will work on legal issues with attorneys. Prereq: Admission to doctoral program.

EDUC 851. Adult Learning. 3 Credits.

Contextual influences and theoretical perspectives specific to adult learning. Theories of adult growth and development. Physical and cognitive changes throughout adulthood and other factors that have implications for the learning and teaching of adults.

EDUC 852. Foundations of Occupational & Adult Education. 3 Credits.

This course explores the nature, function, and scope of occupational and adult education. The course provides both knowledge of the history of occupational and adult education and an appreciation of historical and philosophical perspectives.

EDUC 853. Instructional Methods for Adult Learners. 3 Credits.

This course provides educators with ways to understand adult learning and to facilitate the teaching and learning transaction through an array of methods. Emphasis is on the relationship of current research to contemporary practice.

EDUC 863. Education and Training for Business and Industry. 3 Credits.

The purpose of this course is to teach the fundamentals necessary to educate and train people for the workforce according to evolving training needs of business, industry, military and government. Prereq: Admission to doctoral program.

EDUC 871. Planning and Conducting Needs Assessment. 3 Credits.

A three-phase model will be compared and contrasted to provide the skill and knowledge necessary for conducting needs assessments for educational schools and institutions. Prereq: Admission to doctoral program.

EDUC 872. Qualitative Research Methods. 3 Credits.

This course introduces foundational theories and approaches to qualitative research for education settings, including the identification and critique of various types of qualitative research, data collection techniques, approaches to coding, analysis, interpretation, and write-up. Prereq: Admission to doctoral program.

EDUC 873. Case-Based Educational Research and Statistics. 3 Credits.

The purpose of this course is to have graduate students understand statistical meanings and concepts which will provide the professional expertise needed to serve schools and institutions with their contemporary research and accountability needs. Prereq: Admission to doctoral program.

EDUC 881. Computer Data Management and Decision Making. 3 Credits.

Interpretation of effective computer applications for computer use as a decision-making and planning tool for school finance and managerial functions relating to the field of school business administration and school district superintendency. Prereq: EDUC 730, 10 credits in Educational Administration.

EDUC 882. Institutional Analysis Techniques. 3 Credits.

Surveys, focus groups, longitudinal studies, national data sets, correct statistical design and analyses, and effective reporting techniques will be reviewed and utilized in depth to address questions of institutional performance in academic and student affairs. Prereq: Admission to doctoral program.

EDUC 883. Survey Research. 3 Credits.

The study of theory, method, and techniques for conceptualizing and conducting survey research will be explored including survey design, administration, and data management.

EDUC 884. Program Evaluation Research. 3 Credits.

Major theoretical approaches to the evaluation of educational programs are reviewed, analyzed, and critiqued. Pragmatic implications for educational and social policy are addressed, as well as constructive impact on program decision-making. Prereq: Admission to doctoral program.

EDUC 885. Structural Equation Modeling Fundamentals. 3 Credits.

Conceptual and mathematical foundations of structural equation modeling techniques will be presented. Application to education research including model specification, testing, and interpretation using appropriate software will be emphasized. Prereq: EDUC 873.

EDUC 886. Advanced Qualitative Research. 3 Credits.

Examines diverse theoretical frameworks, methodologies, techniques and designs for qualitative research. Further expands requisite knowledge and analysis skills needed for the completion of research projects employing qualitative methods and research procedures. Admission to the Educational Doctoral Program is required.

EDUC 890. Graduate Seminar. 1-5 Credits.

EDUC 892. Graduate Teaching Experience. 1-6 Credits.

Graduate student teaching experiences for professional development. S/U grading.

EDUC 893. Individual Study/Tutorial. 1-5 Credits.

EDUC 894. Practicum/Internship. 1-8 Credits.

EDUC 896. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

EDUC 899. Doctoral Dissertation. 1-15 Credits.