Human Development and Family Science

This is an archived copy of the 2023-24 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

In addition to the Graduate School’s required application requirements, submit the statement of purpose indicating reasons for pursuing graduate study, specifying your special interests within your chosen discipline and including your background preparation in that area. Mention any relevant skills or experience you have acquired. In addition, be sure to address the following, in 500 words or less:

  1. How your interest in this field developed.
  2. Why you chose our program at NDSU.
  3. The experiences you have had (e.g. informal, academic, employment, volunteer) that you see as related to this graduate program or your professional goals.
  4. What your professional goals are and how this graduate program will help you accomplish your professional goals.

Family Financial Planning

HDFS 677Financial Counseling3
HDFS 740Theories & Research in Family Financial Planning I3
HDFS 762Retirement Planning, Employee Benefits and the Family3
HDFS 763Personal Income Taxation3
HDFS 765Insurance Planning for Families3
HDFS 766Estate Planning for Families3
HDFS 769Financial Planning Case Studies3
HDFS 770Fundamentals of Financial Planning3
HDFS 771Investing for the Family's Future3
Theories & Research in Family Financial Planning II
Professional Practices in Family Financial Planning
Housing/Real Estate
Military Personal Financial Readiness
Master's Paper
Master's Thesis
Other elective approved by advisor
Total Credits36


HDFS 723Foundations in Integrative Aging Studies3
HDFS 721Contemporary Perspectives on Adult Development and Aging3
3 credits from Block 2:3
Physical Health, Wellness, Nutrition and Active Aging
Socioemotional and Cognitive Well-being throughout Adulthood
Graduate Seminar (Focused on the Aging Individual)
3 credits from Block 3:3
Family Relationships and Aging
Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Environments for Aging
Graduate Seminar (Focused on Aging in Context)
3 credits from Block 4:3
Aging Policy and Advocacy
Implementation of Community Programs for Older Adults
Applied Research Methods and Evaluation of Aging Programs
Graduate Seminar (Focused on Translational Practice)
HDFS 794Practicum/Internship3
12 credits of electives selected from any of the above courses12
Total Credits30

Youth Development 

HDFS 710Foundations of Youth Development3
HDFS 711Youth Development3
HDFS 712Positive Youth Development in Community Settings3
HDFS 713Adolescents and Their Families3
HDFS 716Youth Professionals as Consumers of Research3
HDFS 717Design and Evaluation of Youth Programs3
HDFS 718Youth Development Personnel and Program Management3
HDFS 719Youth Policy3
HDFS 730Youth-Adult Relationships3
HDFS 794Practicum/Internship3
Electives (select 2 courses)6
Contemporary Youth Issues (*)
Youth Culture
Graduate Seminar (*)
HDFS 794 Practicum/Internship (Additional hours)
Total Credits36

*Upon approval of topic by adviser. Can be taken more than once with different topics.

Family Financial Planning 

Select one of the options: Financial Planning or Financial Counseling

Financial Planning Option
HDFS 762Retirement Planning, Employee Benefits and the Family3
HDFS 763Personal Income Taxation3
HDFS 765Insurance Planning for Families3
HDFS 766Estate Planning for Families3
HDFS 769Financial Planning Case Studies3
HDFS 771Investing for the Family's Future3
Total Credits18
Financial Counseling Option
HDFS 677Financial Counseling3
HDFS 740Theories & Research in Family Financial Planning I3
HDFS 768Housing/Real Estate3
HDFS 770Fundamentals of Financial Planning3
Select 6 credits of the following:6
Theories & Research in Family Financial Planning II
Retirement Planning, Employee Benefits and the Family
Personal Income Taxation
Insurance Planning for Families
Estate Planning for Families
Investing for the Family's Future
Military Personal Financial Readiness
Total Credits18


Required Courses
HDFS 721Contemporary Perspectives on Adult Development and Aging3
HDFS 723Foundations in Integrative Aging Studies3
Elective Courses- Select 26
Physical Health, Wellness, Nutrition and Active Aging
Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Environments for Aging
Applied Research Methods and Evaluation of Aging Programs
Socioemotional and Cognitive Well-being throughout Adulthood
Family Relationships and Aging
Aging Policy and Advocacy
Implementation of Community Programs for Older Adults
Graduate Seminar (*)
Total Credits12

Youth Development

HDFS 710Foundations of Youth Development3
HDFS 711Youth Development3
Select 2 courses from the following:6
Positive Youth Development in Community Settings
Adolescents and Their Families
Contemporary Youth Issues 1
Youth Culture
Youth Policy
Youth-Adult Relationships
Graduate Seminar 1
Total Credits12

With approval of topic by advisor.

Youth Program Management and Evaluation 

HDFS 710Foundations of Youth Development3
HDFS 717Design and Evaluation of Youth Programs3
HDFS 718Youth Development Personnel and Program Management3
Select one course from the following: 3
Positive Youth Development in Community Settings
Contemporary Youth Issues 1
Youth Policy
Graduate Seminar 1
Total Credits12

With approval of topic by advisor.

James Deal, Ph.D.
University of Georgia, 1987
Research Interests: Identity Development in Emerging Adults, Particularly in the Areas of Religion and the Transition to College; First Generation and/or Low Income Students and Issues Related to Financial Support

Margaret Fitzgerald, Ph.D.

Iowa State University, 1997

Research Interests: Family Owned Businesses--copreneurial couples, women and minority-owned businesses, the interface between the business, family and community, and managerial adjustment strategies.

Heather Fuller, Ph.D.
University of Michigan, 2009
Research Interests: Social Relationships and Well-Being Across the Lifespan (e.g. Intergenerational Relationships); Successful Aging and Health Promotion; Aging in Rural and Cross-Cultural Contexts; Aging Families and Caregiving; Survey Research and Program Evaluation

Joel Hektner, Ph.D.
University of Chicago, 1996
Research Interests: Design and Effectiveness of Programs to Prevent Adjustment Problems and Promote Well-Being in Children and Adolescents; Peer Affiliation Patterns and Peer Influences on Children's Behaviors; Family and School Conditions that Facilitate Optimal Experiences (Flow) and Optimal Development; the Experience Sampling Method

Leanna McWood, Ph.D.

Auburn University, 2020
Research Interests: Extracurricular Involvement; Social Relationships; Contextual Influences; Sleep; Adolescent Development

Natira Mullet, Ph.D.

Texas Tech University, 2020

Research Interests: Intergenerational, cultural and familial protective factors to reduce interpersonal trauma and resulting substance use and mental health outcomes among marginalized communities.

Melissa O'Connor, Ph.D.
University of South Florida, 2010
Research Interests: Examining Age-Related Differences and Changes in Cognitive and Functional Abilities, Such as Driving, Among Healthy Adults and Clinical Populations; Quantitative Methods and Psychometrics; Interventions for Improving Cognition, Health, and Everyday Functioning; and Attitudes Toward Dementia

Rachelle Vettern, Ph.D.
North Dakota State University, 2006
Research Interests: Leadership and Volunteer Development