Theatre Arts

This is an archived copy of the 2023-24 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Sample Program Guide

B.F.A. Design & Tech

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: A Sample Program Guide provides an unofficial guide of program requirements and should be used by prospective students who are considering attending NDSU in the future. It is NOT an official curriculum and should NOT be used by current NDSU students for official degree planning purposes. Note that the official curriculum used by current NDSU students can vary from the Sample Program Guide due to a variety of factors such as, but not limited to, start year, education goals, transfer credit, and course availability.

To ensure proper program completion, enrolled students should utilize Degree Map and Schedule Planner in Campus Connection and consult regularly with their academic advisor to ensure requirements are being met.

THEA 270 or 2713THEA 1803
THEA 1103THEA 210 or 2111
THEA 220 or 2211THEA 220 or 2211
THEA 230 or 2793THEA 270 or 2713
THEA 2723THEA 3733
ENGL 1103ENGL 1203
 16 14
THEA 1613THEA 210 or 2111
THEA 210 or 2111THEA 2803
THEA 371 or 3753THEA 3703
THEA 230 or 2793THEA 376 or 3773
THEA 275 ( or science gen ed)3Science & Technology Gen Ed w/lab4
 16 14
THEA 210 or 2111THEA 210 or 2111
THEA 275 (or science gen ed)3THEA 376 or 3773
THEA 3703ENGL 3803
THEA 371 or 3753THEA 3853
COMM 1103Theatre Elective3
Social & Behavioral Science Gen ED3Upper Level Writing Gen Ed3
 16 16
THEA 3653THEA 210 or 2112
THEA 4503THEA 486 or 4873
THEA 4803ART 1113
MUSC 100 or 1033Social & Behavioral Science/Cultural Diversity Gen Ed3
Science & Technology Gen Ed3Wellness Gen Ed2
 Quan. Reasoning Gen Ed3
 15 16
Total Credits: 123

Sample Program Guide

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: A Sample Program Guide provides an unofficial guide of program requirements and should be used by prospective students who are considering attending NDSU in the future. It is NOT an official curriculum and should NOT be used by current NDSU students for official degree planning purposes. Note that the official curriculum used by current NDSU students can vary from the Sample Program Guide due to a variety of factors such as, but not limited to, start year, education goals, transfer credit, and course availability.

To ensure proper program completion, enrolled students should utilize Degree Map and Schedule Planner in Campus Connection and consult regularly with their academic advisor to ensure requirements are being met.

B.F.A. Musical Theatre

THEA 1103THEA 1803
THEA 1613THEA 210 or 2111
MUSC 1671THEA 2663
MUSC 1303THEA 2631
MUSC 1321THEA 270 or 2713
ENGL 1103THEA 220 or 2211
 ENGL 1203
 MUSC 1601
 MUSC 1671
 14 17
THEA 2101THEA 210, 223, or 2242
THEA 3622THEA Design Elective taken fall or springtake fall or spring THEA 371 / 373 / 375 
THEA 3643THEA 228 or 3683
THEA 270 or 2713THEA 2631
THEA 220 or 2211THEA 280 or 1153
MUSC 2671COMM 1103
THEA Design Elective taken fall or springtake fall or spring THEA 371 / 373 / 3753MUSC 2671
THEA 367 (Or Gen Ed)3Social & Behavioral Science Gen ED3
 17 16
THEA 2101THEA 210 or 2111
THEA 3622THEA 228 or 3683
THEA 3653THEA 466 or 3683
THEA 467 or 462 (course offered every other fall)3MUSC 3671
MUSC 3671THEA 2631
THEA 367 or 4633Science & Technology Gen Ed wlab4
Science Tech Gen Ed3Wellness Gen Ed2
 16 15
THEA 4503THEA 210 or 2111
THEA 467 if not taken Junior year THEA 466 or 3683
THEA 4803THEA 3673
MUSC 100 or 1113Social & Behavioral Science/Global Perspectives Gen Ed3
MUSC 467 or THEA 4621-3Science & Technology Gen Ed3
THEA 275 (or science gen ed)3Quantitative Reaoning Gen Ed3
Upper Level Writing Gen Ed3 
 16-18 16
Total Credits: 127-129

Sample Program Guide

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: A Sample Program Guide provides an unofficial guide of program requirements and should be used by prospective students who are considering attending NDSU in the future. It is NOT an official curriculum and should NOT be used by current NDSU students for official degree planning purposes. Note that the official curriculum used by current NDSU students can vary from the Sample Program Guide due to a variety of factors such as, but not limited to, start year, education goals, transfer credit, and course availability.

To ensure proper program completion, enrolled students should utilize Degree Map and Schedule Planner in Campus Connection and consult regularly with their academic advisor to ensure requirements are being met.

B.F.A. Performance

THEA 1613THEA 1803
THEA 1103THEA 210 or 2111
THEA 2101THEA 270 or 2713
THEA 270 or 2713THEA 220 or 2211
THEA 220 or 2211THEA 2663
ENGL 1103THEA 2621
 ENGL 1203
 Social and Behavioral Science Gen Ed3
 14 18
THEA 210 or 2111THEA 210 or 2111
THEA 2753THEA 280 or 1153
THEA 3643THEA 361 or 4663
MUSC 100 or 1113COMM 1103
THEA Design Elective taken fall or springtake fall or spring THEA 371 / 373 / 375 THEA Design Elective taken fall or springtake fall or spring THEA 371 /373 / 3753
Science & Technology w/Lab Gen Ed4Quantitative Reasoning Requirement3
 14 16
THEA 210 or 2112THEA 210 or 2112
THEA 3653Performance Elective: 160/228/3453
Performance Elective: 160/228/3453THEA 361 or 4663
THEA 462 or 4673THEA 2631
MUSC 162 or 1671THEA 461 or 3683
Social & Behavioral Science Gen Ed3ENGL 3803
 15 15
THEA 4503THEA 210 or 2111
THEA 4803THEA 2631
THEA 462 or 4673THEA 461 or 3683
Upper level Writing 3ART 1113
Science & Technology Gen Ed3Science & Technology Gen Ed3
 Wellness Gen Ed2
 Free Elective3
 15 16
Total Credits: 123

Sample Program Guide

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: A Sample Program Guide provides an unofficial guide of program requirements and should be used by prospective students who are considering attending NDSU in the future. It is NOT an official curriculum and should NOT be used by current NDSU students for official degree planning purposes. Note that the official curriculum used by current NDSU students can vary from the Sample Program Guide due to a variety of factors such as, but not limited to, start year, education goals, transfer credit, and course availability.

To ensure proper program completion, enrolled students should utilize Degree Map and Schedule Planner in Campus Connection and consult regularly with their academic advisor to ensure requirements are being met.


THEA 1103THEA 271
THEA 221
THEA 1613ENGL 1203
THEA 1803COMM 1103
THEA 270
THEA 220
4THEA 210 or 2111
ENGL 1103Gen Ed Quantitative Reasoning3
THEA 210 or 2111 
 17 14
THEA 210 or 2111THEA 210 or 2111
THEA 371, 373, or 3753Theatre Option Elective13
Theatre Option Elective13Theatre Option Elective13
Theatre Option Elective13Minor or Language 23
College Requirement Area One3Gen Ed Science & Technology 3
Minor or Language23Gen Ed Wellness2
 16 15
THEA 210 or 2111THEA 210 or 2111
THEA 3653THEA 2803
College Requirement Area Two3Theatre Option Elective13
Gen Ed Social & Behavioral Science3Theatre Option Elective13
Gen Ed Science & Technology w/ Lab 4Minor or Language23
 Gen Ed Science & Technology 3
 14 16
THEA 4503THEA 210 or 2112
THEA 4803Gen Ed Social/Beh Sciences & Global Perspectives3
Gen Ed Upper Level Writing 3Minor or Free Elective3
Minor or Language23Minor or Free Elective3
Free Elective2College Requirement Area Three3
 14 14
Total Credits: 120

Theatre Option Electives can be chosen from the courses listed on the official curriculum. The Theatre Generalist option requires a minimum of 15 credits. The Design & Technology option requires a minimum of 18 credits. 


B.S. degrees require a minimum credit total of 16 credits. B.A. degrees require the completion of a foreign language with secondary year proficiency (Ex. SPAN 101, 102, 201, and 202).