This is an archived copy of the 2016-17 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Human & Community Education (H&CE)

H&CE 194. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

H&CE 196. Field Experience. 1-15 Credits.

H&CE 199. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

H&CE 232. Philosophy and Policy. 3 Credits.

Principles, philosophies, development, and implementation of agricultural education, family and consumer sciences education, and extension programs. Analysis of evolving concepts with emphasis on history, legislation, and principles underlying organization and practice.

H&CE 291. Seminar. 1-3 Credits.

H&CE 292. Study Abroad. 1-15 Credits.

H&CE 294. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

H&CE 299. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

H&CE 379. Study Tour Abroad. 1-6 Credits.

H&CE 391. Seminar. 1-3 Credits.

H&CE 392. Study Abroad. 1-15 Credits.

H&CE 394. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

H&CE 399. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

H&CE 444. Planning the Community Program in Agricultural Education. 3 Credits.

Determining resources and trends of local communities. Emphasis on agricultural education program policies; planning and managing the primary program components; strategies for the management and organization of youth and adult programming in agricultural education. Prereq: Admission to School of Education.

H&CE 445. Technology Transfer In Agriculture. 3 Credits.

Methods of formal and informal educational programs. Attitudes and values as influences on the introduction and acceptance of new and emerging technologies. Emphasizes global issues. Prereq: H&CE 341.

H&CE 446. Extension Education. 2 Credits.

Determining resources and trends of local communities. Emphasis on agricultural education program policies; planning and managing the primary program components; strategies for the management and organization of youth and adult programming in agricultural education. {Also offered for graduate credit - see H&CE 646.}.

H&CE 467. Advising Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America. 3 Credits.

This course prepares advisors of Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America chapters: prepares Family and Consumer Sciences teachers to build student leadership; and raises awareness of FCCLA resources available to FCS teachers.{Also offered for graduate credit - see H&CE 667.}.

H&CE 468. Methods of Teaching Family and Consumer Sciences I: Techniques. 3 Credits.

Preparation for teaching in the unique field of Family and Consumer Sciences by providing a foundation of practical methods, techniques, and assessments for students of all ages and in various environments. Prereq: Admission to the School of Education.

H&CE 469. Housing Education and Issues. 3 Credits.

Issues, curricula, and techniques for teaching and evaluating K-12 and adult housing programs.

H&CE 474. Extension Internship. 4 Credits.

Supervised full-time family and consumer sciences extension internship in an approved location. Prereq: H&CE 345.

H&CE 480. Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Teaching Methods in Agricultural Education. 3 Credits.

Methods of planning and teaching in agricultural education laboratories at secondary and post-secondary levels. Learning theories, innovations, and advanced principles in science, technology, engineering and mathematics teaching methods, materials, and ethics.

H&CE 481. Methods of Teaching Agriculture. 3 Credits.

Methods of planning and teaching agricultural education in secondary and post-secondary settings. Learning theories, innovations and advanced principles in teaching methods and materials, and ethics. Prereq: EDUC 321, EDUC 322, admission to School of Education. {Also offered for graduate credit - see H&CE 681P.}.

H&CE 482. Methods of Teaching Family and Consumer Sciences II: Professional Practices. 3 Credits.

Preparation for teaching in the unique field of Family and Consumer Sciences through discussion of programmatic issues; experiences in planning and implementing lessons, units, and courses; and opportunities to examine and practice professionalism. Prereq: EDUC 451 and H&CE 468. {Also offered for graduate credit - see 682P.}.

H&CE 483. Student Teaching Seminar. 1 Credit.

Orientation to student teaching in agricultural education and analysis of professional issues, concerns, and problems associated with AGED, FFA/SAE, and the student teaching experience. Prereq: EDUC 489, EDUC 451, EDUC486, H&CE 232, H&CE 341. For AGED: H&CE 444, H&CE 481. For FACS: H&CE 468, H&CE 482. Coreq: H&CE 487. {Also offered for graduate credit - see H&CE 683P.}.

H&CE 487. Student Teaching. 9 Credits.

Supervised teaching in an approved and accredited school. Includes an on-campus seminar. Prereq: EDUC 489, EDUC 451, EDUC 486, H&CE 232, H&CE 341. For AGED: H&CE 444, H&CE 481. For FACS: H&CE 468, H&CE 482. Coreq: H&CE 483. {Also offered for graduate credit - see H&CE 687P.}.

H&CE 487P. Student Teaching. 12 Credits.

Supervised teaching in an approved and accredited school. Includes an on-campus seminar.

H&CE 488. Applied Student Teaching. 3 Credits.

Guided student teaching experience including application of lesson planning, portfolio development, professional goal-setting, and supervised teaching in an approved and accredited school. Prereq: Admission to School of Education, completion of professional education sequence. Coreq: EDUC 485 or H&CE 483P, EDUC 487. Cross-listed with H&CE 488. {Also offered for graduate credit - see H&CE 688P.}.

H&CE 491. Seminar. 1-5 Credits.

H&CE 492. Study Abroad. 1-15 Credits.

H&CE 494. Individual Study. 1-5 Credits.

H&CE 496. Field Experience. 1-15 Credits.

H&CE 499. Special Topics. 1-5 Credits.

H&CE 646. Extension Education. 2 Credits.

Determining resources and trends of local communities. Emphasis on agricultural education program policies; planning and managing the primary program components; strategies for the management and organization of youth and adult programming in agricultural education. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see H&CE 446.}.

H&CE 667. Advising Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America. 3 Credits.

This course prepares advisors of Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America chapters: prepares Family and Consumer Sciences teachers to build student leadership; and raises awareness of FCCLA resources available to FCS teachers. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see H&CE 467.}.

H&CE 668. Methods of Teaching Family and Consumer Sciences I: Techniques. 3 Credits.

Preparation for teaching in the unique field of Family and Consumer Sciences by providing a foundation of practical methods, techniques, and assessments for students of all ages and in various environments. Prereq: Admission to the School of Education. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see H&CE 468}.

H&CE 681P. Methods of Teaching Agriculture. 3 Credits.

Methods of planning and teaching agricultural education in secondary and post-secondary settings. Learning theories, innovations and advanced principles in teaching methods and materials, and ethics. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see H&CE 481.}.

H&CE 682P. Methods of Teaching Family and Consumer Sciences II: Professional Practices. 3 Credits.

Preparation for teaching in the unique field of Family and Consumer Sciences through discussion of programmatic issues; experiences in planning and implementing lessons, units, and courses; and opportunities to examine and practice professionalism. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see H&CE 482.}.

H&CE 683P. Student Teaching Seminar. 1 Credit.

Orientation to student teaching in agricultural education and analysis of professional issues, concerns, and problems associated with AGED, FFA/SAE, and the student teaching experience. Prereq: EDUC 689P, EDUC 651P, EDUC 686P. For AGED: H&CE 681P. For FACS: H&CE 682P. Coreq: H&CE 687P. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see H&CE 483.}.

H&CE 687P. Student Teaching. 9 Credits.

Supervised teaching in an approved and accredited school. Includes an on-campus seminar. Prereq: EDUC 689P, EDUC 651P, EDUC 686P. For AGED: H&CE 681P. For FACS: H&CE 682P. Coreq: H&CE 683P. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see H&CE 487.}.

H&CE 688P. Applied Student Teaching. 3 Credits.

Guided student teaching experience including application of lesson planning, portfolio development, professional goal-setting, and supervised teaching in an approved and accredited school. Coreq: EDUC 685P, EDUC 687P. Cross-listed with H&CE 688P. {Also offered for undergraduate credit - see H&CE 488.}.

H&CE 724. Program Development In Vocational Education. 2 Credits.

Methods and curricula development in vocational family and consumer sciences education in accordance with state and federal guidelines. Includes long-range and strategic planning competencies.

H&CE 740. Vocational Philosophy and Policy. 3 Credits.

Philosophy in developing, planning, and conducting vocational education programs at federal, state, and local levels. Importance of legislation on state and local policy-making.

H&CE 743. SAE/Adult Programs. 3 Credits.

Principles of leadership, design, analysis, record keeping, student organizations, and activities in adult/youth programs. Community-based programs in adult farm business management education. Prereq: Teaching experience.

H&CE 746. International Extension. 3 Credits.

The ideological and theoretical basis of world agricultural assistance programs and their effects on different sectors and classes.

H&CE 751. Rural Survey in Agricultural Education. 3 Credits.

Research-type survey of the agricultural education resources unique to the local area/community, research data implications, and current technology implementation. Prereq: Teaching experience, EDUC 702.

H&CE 756. Program Development and Evaluation. 3 Credits.

Methods and procedures of long-range planning, strategic planning techniques, integrating new/emerging biotechnology, guidance and counseling, and evaluating program effectiveness.

H&CE 771. Human Relations for Educators. 3 Credits.

This course will develop an awareness of the constructivist approach to learning and the importance of effective human relations skills needed to enhance learning and well-being for all students.

H&CE 772. Curriculum Development in Family and Consumer Sciences. 3 Credits.

Examination of the major concepts, philosophies, and strategies that influence curriculum decisions in family and consumer sciences programs at all educational levels. Includes assessment of curriculum goals and materials.

H&CE 773. Occupational Programs in Family and Consumer Science. 3 Credits.

Planning and implementing occupational Family and Consumer Science programs in career and technical education. Focus on cooperative education, career pathways and work-based education.

H&CE 774. Teaching Family and Consumer Science with Technology. 3 Credits.

This course will prepare family and consumer science teachers to use technology as a tool in their classrooms by focusing on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to effectively use a variety of technological applications.

H&CE 775. Internship. 1-3 Credits.

Supervised experience in a formal or informal environment relevant to the application of educational principles. Setting may include middle, secondary, post-secondary, and adult programs.

H&CE 776. Research Design in Family and Consumer Sciences. 3 Credits.

Methods of research in family and consumer sciences; applications in educational settings.

H&CE 777. Evaluation in Family and Consumer Sciences. 3 Credits.

Examination of the role of course assessment, teacher effectiveness, facilities, equipment, and staffing patterns in program evaluation. Review of research on evaluation and exploration of alternative evaluation models.

H&CE 778. Administration of Family and Consumer Sciences Programs. 3 Credits.

Administration of family and consumer sciences programs. Emphasis on educational leadership and related issues in a variety of educational settings.

H&CE 779. Techniques of Supervision in Family and Consumer Sciences. 3 Credits.

This course will cover the philosophy, responsibilities, and techniques of supervision in family and consumer sciences and other learning environments.

H&CE 781. Professional Development in Agricultural Education. 1-3 Credits.

Continued professional development in technical and pedagogical subjects of current importance for professionals in agricultural education.

H&CE 787. Issues In Education. 1-3 Credits.

Exploration and assessment of a current issue associated with middle and secondary applied academic programs. Prereq: Current employment or experience as middle/secondary teacher.

H&CE 790. Graduate Seminar. 1-3 Credits.

H&CE 793. Individual Study/Tutorial. 1-5 Credits.

H&CE 794. Practicum/Internship. 1-15 Credits.

H&CE 795. Field Experience. 1-15 Credits.

H&CE 797. Master's Paper. 1-3 Credits.

H&CE 798. Master's Thesis. 1-10 Credits.