Health, Nutrition and Exercise Science
This is an archived copy of the 2020-21 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://bulletin.ndsu.edu.
Program Description
The Department of Health, Nutrition, and Exercise Sciences (HNES) offers graduate study leading to the Master of Science (M.S.) degree in HNES with options in Exercise/Nutrition Science and Leadership in Physical Education and Sport (online). The HNES department also offers a Master of Science (M.S.) in Dietetics (online through the Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance), Master of Science (M.S.) in Advanced Athletic Training and a Master of Athletic Training (MATrg) degree. A Ph.D. degree in Exercise Science and Nutrition is also available.
M.S. in Health, Nutrition and Exercise Sciences
Option in Exercise/Nutrition Science
The Exercise/Nutrition Science option prepares the graduate for advanced positions with an emphasis in the areas of physical activity, exercise science, nutrition, and health promotion. The department is devoted to researching and understanding the long-term effects of physical activity and nutrition, and translating this research into effective exercise science and wellness programs for children, adolescents, and adults of all ages. This option is appropriate for athletic trainers, nutrition, and exercise science graduates.
Admission requirements are as follows:
- Cumulative baccalaureate GPA of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale.
- Completion of a Bachelor's degree from an accredited university in field closely related to Nutrition, Dietetics, or Exercise Science.
- A faculty has agreed to be the applicant’s mentor.
Accelerated BS/MS in Dietetics and Nutrition
This is a combined program for undergraduate dietetics students. Students apply for the dietetics program in the spring of their second (sophomore) year and then apply for the accelerated M.S. program in the fall of their third (junior) year. Students in this option will earn a B.S. in Dietetics, an M.S. in Exercise/Nutrition Science, and complete the required 1200 hours of supervised practice to sit for the national Registration Exam for Dietitians. The program is designed to be completed in 5 years. Students who are interested should contact the College of Human Development and Education Academic Advisor located in EML 270 for more information.
Option in Leadership in Physical Education and Sport
The Leadership in Physical Education and Sport (LPES) option is an online program that prepares teachers, coaches, and sport leaders to become actively engaged in leadership roles within school systems or professional organizations. This degree prepares students to be master teachers, head coaches, department heads, and activities directors at the interscholastic level; assistant coaches, lecturers, and assistant or lead directors at the intercollegiate level; and to become actively engaged in leadership roles within professional organizations.
Admission requirements are as follows:
- Cumulative baccalaureate GPA of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale.
- Undergraduate degree in the field of Kinesiology (physical education, coaching, sports management, etc.)
A 3.0 is needed to be considered for full acceptance into the LPES program. Applicants with a undergraduate GPA below 3.0 will be considered for conditional acceptance and will have to complete 6 graduate credit hours with grades of at least B to be considered for full standing. Meeting these criteria does not guarantee acceptance.
M.S. in Dietetics (On-line)
The Dietetics program prepares registered dietitians to practice at an advanced level or pursue doctoral study. The Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance program in Dietetics provides opportunities for registered dietitians and registration-eligible dietetic graduates to integrate and apply principles from the biomedical sciences, human behavior, and management to design and lead effective food and nutrition programs in a variety of settings. This program is fully online (http://www.ndsu.edu/hnes/dietetics_on_line).
In a multi-institution degree program, students (must be registered dietitians or registration-eligible dietetic graduates):
- Apply and are admitted to one university;
- Enroll in all courses at that university; and
- Graduate or receive a certificate from that university.
Ph.D. in Exercise Science and Nutrition
The Department of Health, Nutrition and Exercise Sciences (HNES) offers a doctoral program in Exercise Science and Nutrition. Exercise Science and Nutrition includes the study of energy systems, nutrient intake, behavior motivation, and the physiology and mechanics of movement. Faculty are scholars in community nutrition, nutrition across the lifespan, clinical nutrition, exercise science, biomechanics, and physical activity and health. Prevention and treatment of obesity, improving physical activity, and building community-based health enhancements across the lifespan are strengths of the HNES faculty. Graduates of this program will have a strong understanding of both Exercise Science and Nutrition that will enable them to assume positions of leadership in research and teaching in community, government, university or other professional agencies and organizations.
Admission requirements are as follows:
1) Cumulative baccalaureate GPA of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale.
2) Graduate Record Examination (GRE).
3) Completion of a Bachelor's or Master’s degree from an accredited university in field closely related to Nutrition, Health, Dietetics, Kinesiology, or Exercise Science.
4) A faculty has agreed to be the applicant’s mentor.
In addition to Graduate School admission requirements, the following criteria will be considered at the time of application for admission into graduate study. Admission to a master's degree program is considered ONLY after all required application materials have been received and reviewed. In order to be considered, the applicant must have a Bachelor of Science degree in an HNES related field from an accredited institution, an overall undergraduate GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, and have submitted all required materials as listed. The GRE is required for the Ph.D. and the M.S. option in Exercise/Nutrition Science.
During the application process, the applicant must submit an exhibit of his/her written competency through an essay discussing professional philosophy and professional goals.
The Department of Health, Nutrition, and Exercise Sciences reserves the right to obtain additional information about the applicant's professional competence from qualified professionals. Admission decisions are based upon the predicted success of the applicant as a student and professional in the chosen field and are made only after considering all available data.
Financial Assistance
Both research and teaching assistantships may be available. Applications are considered on the basis of scholarship, potential to undertake advanced study and research, and financial need. To be considered for an assistantship, a completed Graduate School application, official transcripts, and three letters of reference must be received by the Graduate School by the program deadline. The department admits students for fall semester only in the Ph.D. program and the MS Exercise/Nutrition option. Graduate assistants receive a financial stipend for their work, and a full tuition waiver for fall, spring, and summer semesters. Assistantships are available contingent upon current funding and faculty need.
Exercise/Nutrition Science Option
Plan A- thesis
The thesis typically includes a problem statement, a review of existing literature relevant to that problem, and the creation and presentation of new knowledge in providing a solution to the problem. Each student assembles a supervisory committee and pass a final oral examination in which the supervisory committee serves as the examining committee. Following a successful defense, the candidate will submit an electronic copy of their thesis to the Graduate School for review. This path is recommended for all students but specifically relevant for those interested in going on to further graduate work (PhD, DPT, MD). Total Credits 31.
Plan B- paper
The Plan B master's student will develop a thorough understanding of existing knowledge and the ability to apply that existing knowledge to a problem of interest. Note that under this degree, the new knowledge being created is limited, and this is the primary difference between the Plan A and Plan B degrees. The precise nature of the individual creative component is defined by the program. Examples of possible creative components include a comprehensive paper or an integrated field experience. Each student would assemble a supervisory committee and pass a final oral examination. Following a successful defense, the candidate will compose an executive summary or assemble other appropriate documentation as defined by the program to be submitted to the Graduate School. This submission to the Graduate School is to be approved by the student's supervisory committee. This path is recommended for all students but is specifically relevant for those who wish to obtain employment directly after completing their degree or who may still be interested in further graduate work but the scope of the next step is not yet defined.Total credits 31.
Plan C-Internship/Capstone
The Plan C is designed for programs in which a well-defined culminating experience is more important than is an individual creative component. Each program will define a culminating experience such as a capstone experience or some other approach to measure the candidate's understanding of the relevant material in the area (certification, internship experience/project). The student's supervisory committee would generally consist of faculty solely from within that discipline. The supervisory committee may specify that a certain level of performance (i.e., a minimum GPA) be obtained in specified courses or in the program itself. Upon completion of the appropriate course work and culminating experience, the candidate must submit the examination documentation (if required by program) and an Application for Graduate Degree to Graduate School. This path is recommended for all students but is specifically relevant for those who are currently employed full-time in the community and are wishing to advance their current employment status (i.e., no further graduate work). Total credits 34.
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses- Plan A, B, C | ||
HNES 790 | Graduate Seminar (Introduction to HNES ) | 1 |
HNES 726 | Nutrition in Wellness | 3 |
HNES 713 | Graduate Exercise Physiology | 3 |
Additional Required Courses- Plan A & B Only | ||
HNES 710 | Introduction to Research Design and Methods in HNES | 3 |
HNES 727 | Physical Activity Epidemiology | 3 |
STAT 725 | Applied Statistics | 3 |
HNES 798 | Master's Thesis | 6 |
or | ||
HNES 797 | Master's Paper | 1-3 |
Additional Required Plan C Only | ||
HNES 793 | Individual Study | 1-5 |
and/or | ||
HNES 794 | Practicum/Internship | 1-15 |
and/or | ||
HNES 795 | Field Experience | 1-15 |
Electives | 9 | |
HNES 660 | Leadership and Communication in Dietetics | 3 |
HNES 703 | Graduate Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise | 3 |
HNES 704 | Psychological Foundation of Sport & Physical Activity | 3 |
HNES 724 | Nutrition Education | 3 |
HNES 735 | Nutrition and Human Performance | |
HNES 760 | Skeletal Muscle Physiology | 3 |
HNES 761 | Physiological and Fitness Assessment in Exercise Science | 3 |
HNES 762 | Exercise Endocrinology | |
HNES 770 | Evidence Based Research and Practice | 2 |
HNES 777 | Scholarly Writing and Presenting in HNES | 3 |
HNES 791 | Temporary/Trial Topics | 1-5 |
HNES 792 | Graduate Teaching Experience | 1-6 |
Leadership in Physical Education and Sport Option
Code | Title | Credits |
Required | ||
HNES 700 | Research in Physical Education and Sport | 3 |
HNES 701 | Leadership and Supervision | 3 |
HNES 712 | Principles of Management | 3 |
Elective | ||
HNES 704 | Psychological Foundation of Sport & Physical Activity | 3 |
HNES 705 | Analysis of Sport Skill Instruction and Acquisition | 3 |
HNES 707 | Sport in American Society | 3 |
HNES 708 | Positive Youth Development through Sport | 3 |
HNES 709 | Leadership Influence in Physical Education and Sport | 3 |
HNES 711 | Physical Education Curriculum | 3 |
HNES 714 | Legal Liability in HPER | 3 |
HNES 715 | Teaching Concepts -Based Fitness | 3 |
HNES 716 | Financial Management in Sport | 3 |
HNES 731 | Governance in Sport | 3 |
HNES 736 | Ethical Leadership | 3 |
HNES 790 | Graduate Seminar | 1-3 |
HNES 792 | Graduate Teaching Experience | 1-6 |
HNES 793 | Individual Study | 1-3 |
HNES 795 | Field Experience | 1-3 |
Dietetics Option
A Dietetics graduate candidate must complete a minimum of 36 credit hours to earn a Master of Science degree, 30 of which are didactic. The remaining 6-credits required to complete the degree must follow one of 3 plans.
Plan A – Thesis [if planning on a terminal degree or only recommended if the student is able to travel to NDSU to meet with the major professor].
Plan B – Comprehensive Study - After consulting with the major advisor and selecting a topic, students will carry out planning and completion of this research-based project in frequent interactions with a supervisory committee. The culmination of this project would be a comprehensive report or a manuscript that could be submitted to a journal.
Plan C – This plan would require 36 credits of coursework. Elective graduate courses totaling six credits will be taken from the electives.
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Core Courses | 9 | |
Introduction to Research Design and Methods in HNES | ||
Current Issues in Dietetics | ||
Applied Statistics | ||
Electives | 21 | |
Cost Controls in Hospitality and Food Service Systems | ||
Entrepreneurship in Dietetics | ||
Community Health and Nutrition Education | ||
Nutrition, Health and Aging | ||
Sports Nutrition | ||
Nutrition Education | ||
Nutrition in Wellness | ||
Grant Writing for the Health Professional | ||
Fundamentals of Leadership | ||
Foodservice Operation Management | ||
Food Writing for Professionals | ||
Foodservice Systems within Healthcare | ||
Maternal and Child Nutrition | ||
International Nutrition | ||
Nutrition: A Focus on Life Stages | ||
Obesity Across the Lifespan | ||
Community Health Leadership | ||
Nutrition and Health Disparities | ||
Understanding Food Culture | ||
Advanced Human Nutrition: Macronutrients | ||
Metabolism of Micronutrients | ||
Phytochemicals | ||
Advanced Clinical Nutrition | ||
Pediatric Clinical Nutrition | ||
Nutritional Aspects of Oncology | ||
Clinical Aspects of Nutrition Support | ||
Nutrition and Immunology | ||
HNES 798 | Master's Thesis | 6 |
or HNES 797 | Master's Paper | |
Total Credits | 36 |
Bryan Christensen, Ph.D.
University of Kansas, 2000
Research Interests: Biomechanics, Sports Psychology, Strength and Conditioning
Shannon David, Ph.D.
Ohio University, 2013
Research Interests: Patient-Clinician Relationship, Patient Oriented Outcomes
Joe Deutsch, Ph.D.
North Dakota State University, 2007
Research Interests: Physical Education Teacher Education, Youth Sport Coaching
Marty Douglas, Ph.D.
Michigan State University, 2009
Research Interests: Adapted Physical Activity
Kara Gange, Ph.D.
North Dakota State University, 2010
Research Interests: Therapeutic Modalities, Diagnostic Ultrasound
Julie Garden-Robinson, Ph.D.
North Dakota State University, 1994
Research Interests: Nutrition Education, Chronic Disease Prevention, Food Safety/Science
Kyle Hackney, Ph.D.
Syracuse University, 2013
Research Interests: Skeletal Muscle, Sarcopenia, Muscle Inactivity, Ergogenic Aids
Elizabeth Hilliard, Ph.D.
North Dakota State University, 2018
Research Interests: Breastfeeding Support and Promotion in the Workplace, and Infant and Child Feeding Practices
Jenny Linker, Ph.D.
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2011
Research Interests: Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs, Physical Education Teacher Preparation
Katie Lyman, Ph.D.
University of South Florida, 2014
Research interests: Kinesio Tape®, Emergency Medicine, Electromyography
Ryan McGrath, Ph.D.
University of Idaho, 2015
Research Interests: Frailty and Health, Epidemiology of Aging, Physical Activity and Health for Aging Adults and Persons with Disabilities, Disability Prevention
Yeong Rhee, Ph.D.
Oklahoma State University, 1999
Research Interests: Chronic Disease Prevention, Functional Foods
Sherri Nordstrom Stastny, Ph.D.
North Dakota State University, 2007
Research Interests: Nutrition for Healthy Aging
Bradford N. Strand, Ph.D.
University of New Mexico, 1988
Research Interests: Physical Education Curriculum and Instruction, Fitness Education, Sport Sociology
Donna J. Terbizan, Ph.D.
The Ohio State University, 1982
Research Interests: Exercise Physiology, Fitness, Wellness, Exercise Science, Chronic Disease Change