
This is an archived copy of the 2023-24 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Doctor of Musical Arts in Vocal Performance

Graduate Ensemble (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
Applied Study (4,4,4,4,4,4)
Music Bibliography/Research Methods
Recital (4,4,4)
D.M.A. Thesis (1,1,1,1)
Form and Analysis
Contemporary Harmonic Techniques
Analytical Techniques
Medieval/Renaissance Music History
Baroque and Classical Music History
Romantic Music History
20th & 21st Century Music History
Advanced Vocal Pedagogy
Topics in Song Literature (3,3,3)
Electives (In consultation with adviser)8
Total Credits90

 Doctor of Musical Arts in Instrumental Performance

Graduate Ensemble (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 )
Applied Study (4,4,4,4,4,4)
Music Bibliography/Research Methods
Recital (4,4,4)
D.M.A. Thesis (1,1,1,1)
Form and Analysis
Contemporary Harmonic Techniques
Analytical Techniques
Medieval/Renaissance Music History
Baroque and Classical Music History
Romantic Music History
20th & 21st Century Music History
Pedagogy/Literature (Minimum six credits in each)12
Applied Instrumental Pedagogy
Applied Instrumental Literature
Optional: Supplemental Literature2
Symphonic Literature
Band Literature:History and Development
Band Literature:Chamber Music,Other Genres
Electives (in consultation with adviser)9
Total Credits90

 Doctoral of Musical Arts in Piano Performance 

Graduate Ensemble ( 1,1,1,1) *
Applied Study (4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4)
Music Bibliography/Research Methods
Recital (4,4,4,4)
D.M.A. Thesis (1,1,1,1)
Form and Analysis
Analytical Techniques
Medieval/Renaissance Music History
Baroque and Classical Music History
Romantic Music History
20th & 21st Century Music History
Keyboard Literature
Piano Pedagogy
Indiv Study/Tutorial (Individual Study in Keyboard Literature or Piano Pedagogy)
Electives (in consultation with adviser)11
Total Credits90

 * At least 3 credits of MUSC 790 must be earned while in residence at NDSU.
** At least one course must be taken from MUSC 611-734; at least one course must be taken from MUSC 740-744

 Doctor of Musical Arts in Collaborative Piano 

Applied Study (4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4) At least 4 semesters of MUSC 731 must be taken in residence during the DMA program
Music Bibliography/Research Methods
Recital (4,4,4,4)
D.M.A. Thesis (1,1,1,1)
History/Theory *15
Form and Analysis
Contemporary Harmonic Techniques
Analytical Techniques
Medieval/Renaissance Music History
Baroque and Classical Music History
Romantic Music History
20th & 21st Century Music History
Piano Pedagogy; to be taken from:3
Piano Pedagogy
Indiv Study/Tutorial (Individual Study in Piano Pedagogy)
Vocal or Instrumental Specialization **10
Opera Literature
Graduate Diction Survey I
Graduate Diction Survey II
Graduate Ensemble
Applied Instrumental Literature
Topics in Song Literature
Electives (in consultation with adviser)8
Total Credits90

Doctor of Musical Arts in Choral Conducting

Graduate Ensemble (1,1,1,1,1,1)
Applied Study (4,4,4,4,4)
Choral Studies and Pedagogy (Up to 4 credits (2,2) may be substituted for MUSC 731 )
Music Bibliography/Research Methods
Recital (4,4,4)
D.M.A. Thesis (1,1,1,1)
Form and Analysis
Contemporary Harmonic Techniques
Analytical Techniques
Medieval/Renaissance Music History
Baroque and Classical Music History
Romantic Music History
20th & 21st Century Music History
Medieval/Renaissance Choral Literature
Baroque Choral Literature
Classical/Romantic Choral Literature
Contemporary Choral Literature
Cognate Courses determined with advisor from Conducting, Music Education, Academic Studies and Performance15
Electives (in consultation with adviser)4
Total Credits90

 Doctor of Musical Arts in Instrumental Conducting

Graduate Ensemble (1,1,1,1,1,1)
Applied Study (4,4,4,4,4)
Music Bibliography/Research Methods
Recital (4,4,4)
D.M.A. Thesis
Form and Analysis
Contemporary Harmonic Techniques
Analytical Techniques
Medieval/Renaissance Music History
Baroque and Classical Music History
Romantic Music History
20th & 21st Century Music History
Band Literature:History and Development
Band Literature:Chamber Music,Other Genres
Cognate Courses determined with advisor from Conducting, Music Education, Academic Studies and Performance15
Electives (in consultation with adviser)10
Total Credits90

Master of Music in Music Theory Pedagogy

Course List

Music Theory Core

Required Core Courses16
Contemporary Harmonic Techniques
Music Theory Pedagogy I
Music Theory Pedagogy II
Choose one of the following: 3
Form and Analysis
Analytical Techniques
Music Core
74x History (Choose based on availability in course rotation)3
MUSC 748Music Bibliography/Research Methods2
Electives (in consultation with adviser)6
Total Credits30

Overview of Program:

The primary purposes of the MM option in Music Theory Pedagogy are (1) to add to the breadth of the experiences for our graduate students and (2) to make them more attractive candidates in their job searches, especially those seeking teaching positions in higher education. The current job market in higher education prioritizes depth of knowledge and experience in more than a single specialty area. Often, this means extensive knowledge and experience in music history and/or music theory. Further, the most successful applicants on the academic job market have not only experience teaching music theory or music history, but also a relevant academic credential. This new program would allow enrolled students to advance their knowledge of music theory and their marketability in teaching the undergraduate theory sequence.

This degree track is designed for students who wish to expand their professional marketability by preparing performers/conductors for the many university positions that involve both performance and classroom teaching. The MM in Music Theory Pedagogy option will primarily be pursued by students jointly with another MM option or DMA in Performance or Conducting, though it has enough unique required courses to be granted as a single degree.

Master of Music in Music Education Degree

Music Education Core9
Psychology Of Music
Foundations of Music Education
Graduate Seminar
Music Core8
Graduate Theory Survey
Graduate Music History Survey
Applied Study
Music Electives 9
Advanced Choral Music Methods
Advanced Elementary Music Methods
History of Choral Literature
Jazz Methods and Pedagogy in Music Education
Band Literature:History and Development
Band Literature:Chamber Music,Other Genres
MUSC 794Practicum4
Total Credits30

Master of Music in Instrumental Performance

Required Courses21-24
Graduate Ensemble (3 credits)
Applied Study (8 credits)
Music Bibliography/Research Methods (2 credits)
Recital (4 credits)
Applied Instrumental Pedagogy (2-3 credits)
Applied Instrumental Literature (1-3 credits)
Optional: Choose from the following (in consultation with adviser)0-3
Symphonic Literature
Band Literature:History and Development
Band Literature:Chamber Music,Other Genres
Theory 3
Form and Analysis
Contemporary Harmonic Techniques
Analytical Techniques
Medieval/Renaissance Music History
Baroque and Classical Music History
Romantic Music History
20th & 21st Century Music History
Minimum Total Credits30

Master of Music in Piano Performance  

Required Courses16
Graduate Ensemble (1, 1)
Applied Study (At least 2 registrations; typically 2, 2, 2, 2)
Music Bibliography/Research Methods (2 credits)
Recital (Either 4 or 2, 2)
One course to be taken from each of the following areas:6
Keyboard Literature
Piano Pedagogy
An Individual Study in Keyboard Literature or Piano Pedagogy may alternately fulfill the requirement in either category
Indiv Study/Tutorial (Individual Study in Keyboard Literature or Piano Pedagogy)
Form and Analysis
Contemporary Harmonic Techniques
Analytical Techniques
History 3
Medieval/Renaissance Music History
Romantic Music History
20th & 21st Century Music History
Electives (in consultation with advisor)2
Minimum Total Credits30

Master of Music in Collaborative Piano

Required Courses20
Applied Study (Collaborative and performance; 2-4 cr each registration)
Music Bibliography/Research Methods (2 credits)
Recital (4 or 2, 2)
Vocal or instrumental specialization, choose from:4
Graduate Diction Survey I
Graduate Diction Survey II
Graduate Ensemble
Applied Instrumental Literature
One course to be taken from each of the following areas:
Form and Analysis
Contemporary Harmonic Techniques
Analytical Techniques
History 3
Medieval/Renaissance Music History
Baroque and Classical Music History
Romantic Music History
20th & 21st Century Music History
Total Credits30

 Master of Music in Vocal Performance 

Required Courses20
Graduate Ensemble
Advanced Vocal Pedagogy
Applied Study
Music Bibliography/Research Methods
One course to be taken from each of the following areas:
Form and Analysis
Contemporary Harmonic Techniques
Analytical Techniques
History 3
Medieval/Renaissance Music History
Baroque and Classical Music History
Romantic Music History
20th & 21st Century Music History
Topics in Song Literature
Electives (in consultation with advisor)1
Minimum Total Credits30

 Master of Music in Choral Conducting 

Required Courses19
Graduate Ensemble
Advanced Vocal Pedagogy
Applied Study
Choral Studies and Pedagogy (Up to 2 credits may be substituted for MUSC 731)
Music Bibliography/Research Methods (2 credits)
Recital (4 credits)
Theory (One course)3
Form and Analysis
Contemporary Harmonic Techniques
Analytical Techniques
History (One course)3
Medieval/Renaissance Music History
Baroque and Classical Music History
Romantic Music History
20th & 21st Century Music History
Literature (Two courses)6
Medieval/Renaissance Choral Literature
Baroque Choral Literature
Classical/Romantic Choral Literature
Contemporary Choral Literature
Minimum Total Credits31

Master of Music in Instrumental Conducting 

Required Courses18
Graduate Ensemble
Applied Study (Conducting )
Applied Study (Instrument )
Music Bibliography/Research Methods
Theory (One course)3
Form and Analysis
Contemporary Harmonic Techniques
Analytical Techniques
History (One course)3
Medieval/Renaissance Music History
Baroque and Classical Music History
Romantic Music History
20th & 21st Century Music History
Band Literature:History and Development
Band Literature:Chamber Music,Other Genres
Minimum Total Credits30

Jeremy Brekke, D.A., Associate Professor

Kelly W. Burns, D.M.A., Assistant Professor

Connor Challey, M.M., Lecturer

Andrew Froelich, D.M.A., Professor Emeritus

Robert W. Groves, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus

Sigurd Johnson, D.M.A., Associate Professor

Robert J. Jones, D.M.A., Professor Emeritus

Cassie Keogh, D.M.A., Associate Professor

Kyle Mack, D.A., Associate Professor

Jo Ann Miller, D.M.A., Professor

John Miller, Ph.D., Professor

Charlette Moe, D.M.A., Associate Professor

Warren Olfert, Ph.D., Professor

Matthew Patnode, D.M.A., Professor

Virginia Sublett, D.M.A, Professor Emerita

Karisa Templeton, D.M., Assistant Professor

Michael Weber, D.M.A., Professor

Tyler Wottrich, D.M.A., Associate Professor