Animal Science

This is an archived copy of the 2023-24 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Sample Program Guide

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: A Sample Program Guide provides an unofficial guide of program requirements and should be used by prospective students who are considering attending NDSU in the future. It is NOT an official curriculum and should NOT be used by current NDSU students for official degree planning purposes. Note that the official curriculum used by current NDSU students can vary from the Sample Program Guide due to a variety of factors such as, but not limited to, start year, education goals, transfer credit, and course availability.

To ensure proper program completion, enrolled students should utilize Degree Map and Schedule Planner in Campus Connection and consult regularly with their academic advisor to ensure requirements are being met.

This sample plan of study applies to the Animal Production, Management, and Husbandry study option (Option 1).  

ANSC 101*1ANSC 2403
ANSC 1143BIOL 111
BIOL 100L***
CHEM 117
4COMM 1103
ENGL 1103ENGL 1203
Gen Ed Wellness2Gen Ed Humanities & Fine Arts and Cultural Diversity3
MATH 1033 
 16 16
AGEC 2423AGEC 2443
ANSC 2183BIOC 2604
ANSC 230, 231, or 232****2Gen Ed Humanities & Fine Art3
ECON 2013PLSC 3153
MICR 202
3STAT 3303
 14 16
ANSC 3003ANSC 3243
ANSC 3233ANSC 3403
ANSC 3573ANSC 3802
ANSC 3703ANSC 463
NRM/PLSC/RNG/SOIL Elective3Gen Ed Upper Division Writing3
 15 15
ANSC 379, 393, or 396*****2ANSC 4783
ANSC 482 or 488******3ANSC 480, 484, or 486******3
Gen Ed Social & Behavioral Sciences3Electives8
 14 14
Total Credits: 120

ANSC 102 or VETS 101 are also accepted, but ANSC 101 is preferred for this option.


CHEM 117 and 117L can be replaced by CHEM 121 and 121L, respectively. If a student transfers in or takes CHEM 121 instead of CHEM 117, then CHEM 140 or 240 must be taken to ensure adequate pre-requisites for BIOC 260.


BIOL 150 and BIOL 150L are also accepted, but BIOL 111 and BIOL 100L are preferred for this option.


ANSC 235 is also accepted, but requires additional pre-requisites not included on this plan of study.


ANSC 396 (Internship Experience) is recommended, but students can also take ANSC 379 (Global Seminar) or ANSC 393 (Undergraduate Research) experiences.


Two industry and production courses are required for this option. Fall course options include ANSC 482 and 488, whereas spring course options include ANSC 480, 484, and 486. 

Sample Program Guide

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: A Sample Program Guide provides an unofficial guide of program requirements and should be used by prospective students who are considering attending NDSU in the future. It is NOT an official curriculum and should NOT be used by current NDSU students for official degree planning purposes. Note that the official curriculum used by current NDSU students can vary from the Sample Program Guide due to a variety of factors such as, but not limited to, start year, education goals, transfer credit, and course availability.

To ensure proper program completion, enrolled students should utilize Degree Map and Schedule Planner in Campus Connection and consult regularly with their academic advisor to ensure requirements are being met.

This option is recommended for students interested in pursing a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree and/or students interested in graduate degree programs.

ANSC 102*1ANSC 1143
ANSC 2183BIOL 151
BIOL 150
4CHEM 122
CHEM 121
4ENGL 1103
MATH 103 or 105**3Gen Ed Wellness2
 15 16
ANSC 2403BIOC 2604
ENGL 1203COMM 1103
CHEM 341
4ECON 2013
MICR 350
5PLSC 3153
 STAT 3303
 15 16
ANSC 3003ANSC 3243
ANSC 3233ANSC 463
ANSC 3573Biomedical Science Elective (e.g., CHEM 342)****3
Gen Ed Humanities & Fine Arts and Cultural Diversity3Elective (e.g. PHYS 212)****3
PHYS 211
4Gen Ed Upper Division Writing3
 16 16
ANSC 379, 393, or 396*****2ANSC 4783
ANSC 4443ANSC 480, 484, or 486******3
Gen Ed Social & Behavioral Sciences3Gen Ed Humanities & Fine Arts3
 14 12
Total Credits: 120

ANSC 101 or VETS 101 are also accepted, but ANSC 102 is preferred for this option.


MATH 105, 107, or 146 are required to satisfy PHYS 211 pre-requisites and are accepted in place of MATH 103. The series suggests only MATH 105 is necessary to meet PHYS 211 pre-requisites, but MATH 107 and 146 are also accepted if transferred in or student is placed as eligible to take those courses. A student that does not place into MATH 105 or transfer in MATH 103 must start with MATH 103 to meet pre-requisite requirements of MATH 105.


CHEM 341L is not required for this option's degree plan, but is recommended as part of the CHEM 341 and 341L sequence to meet veterinary medicine school admission requirements. Students should review specific school requirements to determine if CHEM 341L and subsequent organic chemistry courses such as CHEM 342 and CHEM 342L are necessary.


PHYS 120 and PHYS 120L are also accepted, but do not satisfy veterinary medicine school admission requirements. PHYS 211 and PHYS 211L are therefore recommended for students pursing admission to veterinary medicine schools, which impacts MATH requirements noted earlier. Additional courses may be needed to satisfy veterinary medicine schools, but are school specific. Students should review specific school admission requirements and use electives to meet those admission requirements if not required on this option's degree plan.


ANSC 396 (Internship Experience) is recommended, but students can also take ANSC 379 (Global Seminar) or ANSC 393 (Undergraduate Research) experiences.


One industry and production course is required for this option. Fall course options include ANSC 482 and 488, whereas spring course options include ANSC 480, 484, and 486.