Major Requirements
Major: Health Education
Degree Type: B.S.
Required Degree Credits to Graduate: 122
General Education Requirements for Baccalaureate Degree
- A list of approved general education courses is available here .
- General education courses may be used to satisfy requirements for both general education and the major, minor, and program emphases, where applicable. Students should carefully review the major, minor, and program emphases requirements for minimum grade restrictions, should they apply.
Course List Code | Title | Credits |
| College Composition I | |
| College Composition II | |
| Fundamentals of Public Speaking | |
† | |
Total Credits | 39 |
Major Requirements
Course List Code | Title | Credits |
ENGL 358 | Writing in the Humanities and Social Sciences (May satisfy general education category C) | 3 |
HNES 217 | Personal and Community Health (May satisfy general education category W) * | 3 |
PSYC 111 | Introduction to Psychology (May satisfy general education category B) | 3 |
SOC 110 | Introduction to Sociology (May satisfy general education category B) | 3 |
HDFS 135 | Family Science ** | 3 |
HDFS 230 | Life Span Development | 3 |
or PSYC 250 | Developmental Psychology |
HNES 110 | Introduction to Health and Physical Education * | 3 |
HNES 200 | Principles of Nutrition * | 3 |
or HNES 250 | Nutrition Science |
HNES 341 | Psychosocial Aspects of Health * | 3 |
HNES 345 | Materials and Concepts of Health Education * | 3 |
HNES 367 | Principles of Conditioning * | 3 |
HNES 445 | Organization and Administration of Coordinated School Health Programs * | 3 |
PSYC 210 | Human Sexuality ** | 3 |
PSYC 212 | Psychological Aspects of Drug Use and Abuse ** | 3 |
EDUC 321 | Introduction to Teaching | 3 |
EDUC 322 | Educational Psychology | 3 |
EDUC 451 | Instructional Planning, Methods and Assessment | 3 |
EDUC 481 | Classroom Practice Methods of Teaching I: (Health Ed K-12) | 3 |
EDUC 485 | Student Teaching Seminar | 1 |
EDUC 486 | Classroom Management for Diverse Learners | 3 |
EDUC 487 | Student Teaching | 9 |
EDUC 488 | Applied Student Teaching | 3 |
EDUC 489 | Teaching Students of Diverse Backgrounds | 3 |
HD&E 320 | Professional Issues | 1 |
Total Credits | 74 |
Degree Requirements and Notes
- A GPA of 2.75 or better in the teaching specialty is required to stay in full standing in the program, for placement in student teaching, and to exit from the program.
- A GPA of 2.75 or better in professional education requirements and completion of Praxis II and PLT exams, are required to exit the program.
- Courses taken Pass/Fail will not be used to satisfy any requirements other than total credits.
- See School of Education for admission requirements.
Plan of Study
The following combinations of courses are suggested semester schedules that allow the student to complete his/her major/option degree program in a four-year span. The arrangement of courses is based on which semesters the course is offered, the classification and the prerequisites or co-requisites required for successful completion of the course. The 4-Year Plan should be used with the curriculum guide. Remember, this is only a guide and circumstances may change the plan.
Plan of Study
The following combinations of courses are suggested semester schedules that allow the student to complete the Physical Education/Health Education double major in a four-year span. The arrangement of courses is based on which semesters the course is offered, the classification and the prerequisites or co-requisites required for successful completion of the course. The 4-Year Plan should be used with the curriculum guide. Remember, this is only a guide and circumstances may change the plan.