Precision Agriculture Technology & Management

This is an archived copy of the 2023-24 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Major Requirements

Major: Precision Agriculture Technology & Management

Degree Type: Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
Minimum Degree Credits to Graduate: 120

University Degree Requirements

  1. Satisfactory completion of all requirements of the curriculum in which one is enrolled.
  2. Earn a minimum total of 120 credits in approved coursework.  Some academic programs exceed this minimum.
  3. Satisfactory completion of the general education requirements as specified by the university.
  4. A minimum institutional GPA of 2.00 based on work taken at NDSU.
  5. At least 30 credits must be NDSU resident credits.  Resident credits include credits registered and paid for at NDSU.
  6. At least 36 credits presented for graduation must be in courses numbered 300 or higher.
  7. Students presenting transfer credit must meet the NDSU residence credits and the minimum upper level credit. Of the 30 credits earned in residence, a minimum of 15 semester credits must be in courses numbered 300 or above, and 15 semester credits must be in the student’s curricula for their declared major.

For complete information, please refer to the Degree and Graduation Requirements section of this Bulletin.

University General Education Requirements

Communication (C)12
College Composition I
College Composition II
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Upper Division Writing
Quantitative Reasoning (R) 3
Science and Technology (S) 10
Humanities and Fine Arts (A) 6
Social and Behavioral Sciences (B) 6
Wellness (W) 2
Cultural Diversity (D) *†
Global Perspectives (G) *†
Total Credits39

 May be satisfied by completing courses in another General Education category.

 General education courses may be used to satisfy requirements for both general education and the major, minor, and program emphases, where applicable.  Students should carefully review major requirements to determine if specific courses can also satisfy these general education categories.

  •  A list of university approved general education courses and administrative policies are available here.

Precision Agriculture Technology & Management Major

Core Requirements
AGEC 242Introduction to Agricultural Management3
ASM 225Computer Applications in Agricultural Systems Management3
ASM 354Electricity and Electronic Applications3
ASM 348Agricultural Technology Exposition1
or PAG 348 Agricultural Technology Exposition
ASM 378Machinery Principles and Management3
ASM 475Management of Agricultural Systems (Capstone)2
or PAG 475 Precision Ag Systems Capstone
CSCI 114Computer Applications3
or TL 116 Business Software Applications
CHEM 121General Chemistry I3
MATH 103College Algebra3
PAG 115Introduction to Precision Agriculture2
PHYS 120Fundamentals of Physics3
PHYS 120LFundamentals of Physics Laboratory1
or CHEM 121L General Chemistry I Laboratory
STAT 330Introductory Statistics3
Option Requirement
Select one option to complete this major: Precision Agriculture or Agricultural Technology51 or 56
Total Credits84-89

Precision agriculture option

Precision Ag Option 1
PAG 115LIntroduction to Precision Agriculture Lab1
PAG 215Mapping of Precision Ag Data3
PAG 315Electronic Systems in Precision Ag3
PAG 454Applications of Precision Agriculture3
PAG 496Field Experience/Practicum (Internship)1
GEOG 455Introduction to Geographic Information Systems4
PLSC 110World Food Crops3
or ANSC 114 Introduction to Animal Sciences
PPTH 324Introductory Plant Pathology3
or ANSC 218 Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals
PLSC 225Principles of Crop Production3
or ANSC 220 Livestock Production
SOIL 210Introduction to Soil Science3
or ANSC 223 Introduction to Animal Nutrition
SOIL 322Soil Fertility and Fertilizers3
or ANSC 240 Meat Animal Evaluation and Marketing
Option Electives
Select 21 credits from the Program Option Electives list below.21
Total Credits51

Agricultural Technology Option

Agricultural Technology Option 1
ASM 115Fundamentals of Agricultural Systems Management3
ASM 125Fabrication & Construction Technology3
ASM 264Natural Resource Management Systems3
ASM 264LNatural Resource Management Systems Laboratory1
ASM 323Post-Harvest Technology3
ASM 373Tractors & Power Units3
ASM 374Power Units Laboratory1
ASM 429Hydraulic Power Principles and Applications3
ACCT 102Fundamentals of Accounting3
ECON 201Principles of Microeconomics3
ECON 202Principles of Macroeconomics3
Option Electives
Select 27 credits from the Program Option Electives list below.27
Total Credits56


Please select the appropriate number of elective credits for your option from the list below. 2
ACCT 201Elements of Accounting II3
AGEC 244Agricultural Marketing3
AGEC 246Introduction to Agricultural Finance3
ANSC 114Introduction to Animal Sciences3
ANSC 218Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals3
ANSC 220Livestock Production3
ANSC 222Meat Animal Evaluation
ANSC 240Meat Animal Evaluation and Marketing3
ANSC 320Dairy Cattle Selection
ANSC 323Fundamentals of Nutrition3
ANSC 330Competitive Meat Grading and Evaluation2
ANSC 331Competitive Livestock Evaluation2
ANSC 357Animal Genetics3
ANSC 463Physiology of Reproduction3
ANSC 470Applied Nutrition4
ASM 115Fundamentals of Agricultural Systems Management3
ASM 125Fabrication & Construction Technology3
ASM 2343D Printing and Manufacturing2
ASM 264Natural Resource Management Systems3
ASM 264LNatural Resource Management Systems Laboratory1
ASM 373Tractors & Power Units3
ASM 374Power Units Laboratory1
ASM 429Hydraulic Power Principles and Applications3
BIOL 150General Biology I3
BIOL 150LGeneral Biology I Laboratory1
BUSN 340International Business3
BUSN 487Managerial Economics3
COMM 212Interpersonal Communication3
COMM 216Intercultural Communication3
COMM 308Business and Professional Speaking3
CSCI 479Introduction to Data Mining3
ECON 105Elements of Economics3
ECON 341Intermediate Microeconomics3
ECON 343Intermediate Macroeconomics3
ENT 210Insects, Humans and the Environment3
ENT 350General Entomology3
ENT 360Economic Entomology1-3
ENT 410Intergrated Management of Pests3
ENT 470Insect Ecology3
FIN 320Principles of Finance3
GEOG 105Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems3
GEOG 455Introduction to Geographic Information Systems4
GEOG 456Advanced Geographic Information Systems3
GEOG 470Remote Sensing3
GEOG 480Geographic Information Systems Pattern Analysis and Modeling3
IME 335Welding Technology3
MGMT 320Foundations of Management3
MRKT 320Foundations of Marketing3
ME 311Introduction To Aviation3
ME 312Introduction to Flight2
ME 313Commercial Instrument Ground School3
NRM 452Managing Natural and Rangeland Resources using GIS3
PLSC 110World Food Crops3
PLSC 215Weed Identification1
PLSC 225Principles of Crop Production3
PLSC 315Genetics3
PLSC 315LGenetics Laboratory1
PLSC 320Principles of Forage Production3
PLSC 323Principles of Weed Science3
PAG 115LIntroduction to Precision Agriculture Lab1
PAG 215Mapping of Precision Ag Data3
PAG 315Electronic Systems in Precision Ag3
PAG 454Applications of Precision Agriculture3
PPTH 324Introductory Plant Pathology3
PPTH 454Diseases Of Field and Forage Crops3
SOIL 210Introduction to Soil Science3
SOIL 217Introduction to Meteorology & Climatology3
SOIL 322Soil Fertility and Fertilizers3
SOIL 351Soil Ecology3
SOIL 410Soils and Land Use3
SOIL 433Soil Ecohydrology and Physics3
SOIL 444Soil Genesis and Survey3
SOIL 447Microclimatology3
SOIL 465Soil And Plant Analysis3
SOIL 480Soils and Pollution3

Courses required in either option may be used as electives in the other option.


In consultation with your advisor, courses not appearing on the list that are intended to be used in this area require a substitution form to be submitted to the Office of Registration and Records by the student's advisor during the term in which the student completes the course.

Minor Requirements

Minor: Precision Agriculture

Required Credits: 17

Required Courses
PAG 115Introduction to Precision Agriculture2
PAG 215Mapping of Precision Ag Data3
PAG 454Applications of Precision Agriculture3
GEOG 105Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems3
Elective Courses - Select 6 credits from the following:6
Electric Energy Application in Agriculture
Numerical Modeling in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Transport Processes
Bioenvironmental Systems Design
Biobased Energy
Resource Conservation and Irrigation Engineering
Agricultural Power
Machinery Analysis & Design
Fluid Power Systems Design
Instrumentation & Measurements
Agricultural Marketing
Introduction to Agricultural Finance
Farm and Agribusiness Management II
Introduction to Animal Sciences
Natural Resource Management Systems
Electricity and Electronic Applications
Machinery Principles and Management
Hydraulic Power Principles and Applications
General Biology I
General Biology I Laboratory
Introduction to Data Mining
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Advanced Geographic Information Systems
Remote Sensing
Geographic Information Systems Pattern Analysis and Modeling
Introduction To Aviation
Introduction to Flight
Commercial Instrument Ground School
Introduction to Precision Agriculture Lab
Electronic Systems in Precision Ag
Applications of Big Data in Precision Agriculture
Precision Ag Systems Capstone
Principles of Crop Production
Rangeland Resources Watershed Management
Introduction to Meteorology & Climatology
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Total Credits17

 Minor Requirements and Notes:                                                                   

  • A minimum of 8 credits must be taken at NDSU.
  • Students must earn a minimum 2.00 GPA for the minor requirements.