
Plans of Study

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This guide is not an official curriculum. This guide is a sample four-year degree plan of how students might plan this major with other degree requirements to complete their education in four years.Student plans will vary from this sample due to a variety of factors, such as, but not limited to, start year, education goals, transfer credit, and course availability. To ensure proper degree completion, enrolled students should utilize Degree Map and Schedule Planner in Campus Connection and consult regularly with academic advisors to ensure graduation requirements are being met.  

ENGL 1104ENGL 1203
MATH 103 or 104 (R) or Higher3Humanities & Fine Arts Gen Ed3
PSYC 1113Any 200 level PSYC class3
Science & Technology Gen Ed3Science & Technology w/Lab Gen Ed 4
Social & Behavioral Sciences Gen Ed3Social & Behavioral Science/Global Perspective Gen Ed3
PSYC 1891 
 17 16
STAT 3303PSYC 3513
200 level PSYC3COMM 1103
PSYC 3503Humanities & Fine Arts/Cultural Diversity Gen Ed3
Science & Technology Gen Ed3Supporting track or minor3
Wellness Gen Ed2Elective3
 14 15
Elective3400 level PSYC class3
PSYC Elective3400 level PSYC class3
Supporting track or minor3Supporting track or minor3
Supporting track or minor3Supporting track or minor3
ENGL 324, 325, or 4593Elective3
 15 15
400 level PSYC class3400 level PSYC3
400 level PSYC class3PSYC 480 or 489 (Capstone Experience)3
Supporting track or minor3Supporting track or minor3
 15 13
Total Credits: 120

Degree Notes:

  • Students earning a Bachelor of Science degree must select one of the three tracks (Natural Science, Social Science or Minor Program of Study) in consultation with an adviser (14 credit minimum).

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This guide is not an official curriculum. This guide is a sample four-year degree plan of how students might plan this major with other degree requirements to complete their education in four years.Student plans will vary from this sample due to a variety of factors, such as, but not limited to, start year, education goals, transfer credit, and course availability. To ensure proper degree completion, enrolled students should utilize Degree Map and Schedule Planner in Campus Connection and consult regularly with academic advisors to ensure graduation requirements are being met.  

ENGL 1104ENGL 1203
MATH 103 or 104 (R) or Higher3Humanities & Fine Arts Gen Ed3
PSYC 1113Any 200 level PSYC class3
Science & Technology Gen Ed3Science & Technology w/Lab Gen Ed4
Social & Behavioral Sciences/Global Perspectives Gen Ed3Social & Behavioral Sciences Gen Ed3
PSYC 1891 
 17 16
STAT 3303PSYC 3513
200 level PSYC3COMM 1103
PSYC 3503Humanities & Fine Arts/Cultural Diversity Gen Ed3
Science & Technology Gen Ed3Modern Language 1024
Modern Language 1014 
 16 13
Elective3400 level PSYC class3
PSYC Elective3400 level PSYC class3
Wellness Gen Ed2Modern Language 2023
Modern Language 2013Elective3
ENGL 324, 325, or 4593Elective3
 14 15
400 level PSYC class3400 level PSYC3
400 level PSYC class3PSYC 480 or 489 (Capstone Experience)3
 15 14
Total Credits: 120

Degree Notes:

  • Students earning a Bachelor of Arts degree must complete the Modern Foreign Language proficiency (3-14 credits).