Sociology is the scientific study of social structure, social inequality, social change, and social interaction that comprise societies. The sociological perspective examines the broad social context in which people live. This context shapes our beliefs and attitudes and sets guidelines for what we do.
The curriculum is structured to introduce majors to the sociology discipline and provide them with conceptual and practical tools to understand social behavior and societies. Areas of study include small groups, populations, inequality, diversity, gender, social change, families, community development, organizations, medical sociology, aging, and the environment.
Plan of Study
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This guide is not an official curriculum. This guide is a sample four-year degree plan of how students might plan this major with other degree requirements to complete their education in four years.Student plans will vary from this sample due to a variety of factors, such as, but not limited to, start year, education goals, transfer credit, and course availability. To ensure proper degree completion, enrolled students should utilize Degree Map and Schedule Planner in Campus Connection and consult regularly with academic advisors to ensure graduation requirements are being met.