Theatre Arts

Plans of Study

B.F.A. Design & Tech

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This guide is not an official curriculum. This guide is a sample four-year degree plan of how students might plan this major with other degree requirements to complete their education in four years.Student plans will vary from this sample due to a variety of factors, such as, but not limited to, start year, education goals, transfer credit, and course availability. To ensure proper degree completion, enrolled students should utilize Degree Map and Schedule Planner in Campus Connection and consult regularly with academic advisors to ensure graduation requirements are being met.  

ENGL 1103ENGL 1203
THEA 1501THEA 1613
THEA 1803THEA 1813
THEA 220 or 2211THEA 220 or 2211
THEA 270 or 2713THEA 223 or 2241
THEA 272 or 2793THEA 270 or 2713
Quantitative Reasoning Gen Ed3THEA 276 or THEA 2773
 17 17
THEA 210 or 2111-2ART 1313
THEA 222 THEA 210 or 2111-2
THEA 272 or 2793THEA 224 or 2231
THEA 2753THEA 276 or THEA 277 
THEA 278 THEA 2803
Science & Technology Gen Ed3THEA 3701-3
 THEA 3763
 10-11 12-15
THEA 210 or 2111-2THEA 210 or 2111-2
THEA 3701-3THEA 3773
THEA 486 or 4873ART 1113
COMM 1103ENGL 3803
Science & Technology w/Lab Gen Ed4Upper Level Writing Gen Ed3
Elective (if needed)1Social & Behavorial Sciences/Global Perspectives Gen Ed3
 13-16 16-17
THEA 3653THEA 210 or 2111-2
THEA 4503THEA 4813
THEA 4803MUSC 100 or 1033
THEA 486 or 4873Social & Behavioral Science/Cultural Diversity Gen Ed3
Science & Technology Gen Ed3Wellness Gen Ed2
 15 12-13
Total Credits: 112-121

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This guide is not an official curriculum. This guide is a sample four-year degree plan of how students might plan this major with other degree requirements to complete their education in four years.Student plans will vary from this sample due to a variety of factors, such as, but not limited to, start year, education goals, transfer credit, and course availability. To ensure proper degree completion, enrolled students should utilize Degree Map and Schedule Planner in Campus Connection and consult regularly with academic advisors to ensure graduation requirements are being met.  

B.F.A. Musical Theatre

ENGL 1104ENGL 1203
MUSC 1013MUSC 1601
MUSC 1671MUSC 1671
THEA 1501THEA 210, 220, or 2211-2
THEA 1613THEA 2632
THEA 1803THEA 2663
THEA 2703THEA 270 or 2713
THEA 2201Quantitative Reasoning Gen Ed3
THEA 3622 
 21 17-18
MUSC 100 or 1033ART 1113
MUSC 1303COMM 1103
MUSC 1321MUSC 2671
MUSC 2671THEA 210, 223, or 2241-2
THEA 210 or THEA 2221-2THEA 2632
THEA 2783THEA 2803
THEA 3621THEA 4683
 Social & Behavioral Science/Cultural Diversity Gen Ed3
 13-14 19-20
MUSC 3671MUSC 3671
THEA 2101-2THEA 2101-2
THEA 2753THEA 2283
THEA 3653THEA 2632
THEA 3683THEA 466 or 4673
Science & Technology w/Lab Gen Ed4ENGL 3803
 Science & Technology Gen Ed3
 Wellness Gen Ed2
 15-16 18-19
MUSC 4671THEA 210, 223, or 2241-2
THEA 4503THEA 276 or THEA 2773
THEA 4803THEA 466 or 4673
Upper Level Writing Gen Ed3THEA 4813
Science & Technology Gen Ed3Social & Behavioral Science/Global Perspectives Gen Ed3
 13 13-14
Total Credits: 129-135

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This guide is not an official curriculum. This guide is a sample four-year degree plan of how students might plan this major with other degree requirements to complete their education in four years.Student plans will vary from this sample due to a variety of factors, such as, but not limited to, start year, education goals, transfer credit, and course availability. To ensure proper degree completion, enrolled students should utilize Degree Map and Schedule Planner in Campus Connection and consult regularly with academic advisors to ensure graduation requirements are being met.  

B.F.A. Performance

ENGL 1104ENGL 1203
THEA 1501THEA 1813
THEA 1613THEA 2663
THEA 1803THEA 2713
THEA 2621THEA 2211
THEA 2703Social and Behavioral Science/Global Perspectives Gen Ed3
THEA 2201 
 16 16
MUSC 100 or 1033COMM 1103
MUSC 1621ART 1113
THEA 2101THEA 210, THEA 222, or THEA 2231-2
THEA 2753THEA 2632
THEA 2783THEA 2763
THEA 2221THEA 2803
Science & Technology w/Lab Gen Ed4 
 16 15-16
THEA 2102THEA 2102
THEA 3613THEA 228 or 2673
THEA 3653THEA 2632
THEA 4623THEA 4663
Social & Behavorial Science/Cultural Diversity Gen Ed3ENGL 3803
 Quantitative Reasoning Gen Ed3
 14 16
THEA 3683THEA 2102
THEA 4503THEA 2632
THEA 4613THEA 4813
THEA 4803THEA 4673
Science & Technology Gen Ed3Upper Level Writing Gen Ed3
Wellness Gen Ed2Science & Technology Gen Ed3
 17 16
Total Credits: 126-127

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This guide is not an official curriculum. This guide is a sample four-year degree plan of how students might plan this major with other degree requirements to complete their education in four years.Student plans will vary from this sample due to a variety of factors, such as, but not limited to, start year, education goals, transfer credit, and course availability. To ensure proper degree completion, enrolled students should utilize Degree Map and Schedule Planner in Campus Connection and consult regularly with academic advisors to ensure graduation requirements are being met.  


ENGL 1104ENGL 1203
THEA 1501THEA 1813
THEA 1613THEA 2713
THEA 1803Wellness Gen Ed2
THEA 2703Social & Behavioral Science for BS(Foreign Language for BA )3
THEA 2201 
Quantitative Reasoning for BS(Foreign Language for BA)3 
 18 14
MUSC 100 or 1033ART 1113
THEA 2102THEA 2101
THEA 275 or 2793THEA 276, THEA 277, or THEA 278(THEA 277, THEA 278 can fill this requirement if offered)3
Theatre Elective3THEA 224, 223, or THEA 222(THEA 223, THEA 222 should be taken with corresponding class)1
AHSS Requirement 3THEA 2803
Minor Requirement for BS(Foreign Language for BA)3Science & Technology Requirement3
 Minor Requirement for BS(Foreign Language for BA)3
 17 17
THEA 2102COMM 1103
THEA 3653THEA 2102
Upper Level Writing Gen Ed3ENGL 3803
Science & Technology w/ Lab 4Theatre Elective3
Social & Behavioral Sciences 3Minor Requirement for BS(AHSS Elective for BA)3
 15 14
THEA 4503THEA 2102
THEA 4803THEA 4813
AHSS Requirement6AHSS Requirement3
Minor Requirement for BS3Minor Requirement for BS3
 Science and Technology3
 15 14
Total Credits: 124