Applied Economics

All students pursuing a Ph.D. in Applied Economics must complete all core courses in microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics. Students select elective courses (with approval of the adviser and supervisory committee) to fulfill the remaining Graduate College credit requirements. To progress to the second year of the doctoral program, students must successfully complete qualifying exams in both microeconomics and econometrics. 

The student and major adviser prepare a plan of study by the end of the first year in residence that contains no less than 90 credits as required by the Graduate College. Of these credits, 15 are core courses and will include:

  1. six credits in microeconomic theory: New courses ECON 841 and ECON 842
  2. three credits in macroeconomic theory: existing course AGEC 743
  3. six credits in econometrics. New courses ECON 810 and ECON 811

The remaining credits are tailored to the student and can be earned through any credit-based academic activity. Additionally, mastery of at least one pre-approved field of applied economics will be demonstrated by:

  1. capacity to synthesize important economic literature in the field;
  2. demonstrated capacity to master key methods in the field; and
  3. capacity to produce original research in the field.

It is required that students have demonstrated mathematical competency in multivariate calculus, linear (matrix) algebra, and calculus based probability theory. These can be demonstrated by completion of the following courses at NDSU (or their equivalent at another university):  Math 259 or Math 265, Math 129, and Stat 367. Alternatively, a student can demonstrate the required mathematical competency by completing an approved course in Mathematical Economics (or Mathematics for Economics) equivalent to ECON 439/639 at NDSU.  

Kwame Addey, Ph.D.
North Dakota State University, 2023
Research Interests: International Trade, and Financial Markets (Statistical Arbitrage)

Jon Biermacher, Ph.D.
Oklahoma State University, 2005
Research Interests: Economics of Livestock Production, Crop Production and Marketing Systems, Technology and Biotechnology Adoption, and Rural and Community Economic Development

David Bullock, Ph.D.
Iowa State University, 1989
Research Interests: Futures and Options Markets, Over-The-Counter Derivatives, Trading, Risk Management, Agrifinance, Monte Carlo Simulation, and Big Data Applications in Agriculture

James Caton, Ph.D.
George Mason University, 2016
Research Interests: Entrepreneurship Agent-based Computational Economics, Market Process Theory, Monetary Economics 

Erik Hanson, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota, 2016
Research Interests: Agricultural Finance, Farm Management, Marketing and Production Economics

Ron Haugen, M.S.
North Dakota State University, 1989
Research Interests: Farm Management

Robert Hearne, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota, 1995
Research Interests: Natural Resource and Environmental Economics

Jeremy Jackson, Ph.D.
Washington University in St. Louis, 2008
Research Interests: Microeconomics, Political Economy, Public Finance

Thomas Krumel, Ph.D.
University of Connecticut, 2020
Research Interests: Rural Development, Labor Demand, and Labor Market Skills Mismatch

Siew Hoon Lim, Ph.D.
University of Georgia, 2005
Research Interests: Production Economics, Transportation, Industrial Organization

Raymond March, Ph.D.
Texas Tech University, 2017
Research Interests: Public and Private Provision and Governance of Health Care in the United States

Dragan Miljkovic, Ph.D.
University of Illinois, 1996
Research Interests: Agricultural Prices, International Trade, Agricultural and Food Marketing and Policy

William Nganje, Ph.D.
University of Illiniois at Urbana-Champaign, 1999
Research Interests: Agricultural Finance, Food Safety Economics

Frayne Olson, Ph.D.
University of Missouri, 2007
Research Interests: Crop Marketing Strategies, Crop Supply Chain Management, Agricultural Contracting, Agricultural Risk Management

Bryon Parman, Ph.D.
Kansas State University, 2013
Research Interests:  Whole Farm and Agribusiness Financial Structure, Risk Management, Land Values and Rents, and Farm Financial Trends

Timothy Petry, M.S.
North Dakota State University, 1973
Research interests: Livestock Marketing

Veeshan Rayamajhee, Ph.D.
University of New Mexico, 2019
Research Interests:  Individual and Collective Responses to Covariate Shocks

David Ripplinger, Ph.D.
North Dakota State University, 2011
Research Interests: Production Economics and Marketing

David Roberts, Ph.D.
Oklahoma State University, 2009
Research Interests: Natural Resource and Environmental Economics, Econometrics, Production Agriculture

Anupa Sharma, Ph.D.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2016
Research Interests: Economics, Agriculture Business and Management

Sandro Steinbach, Dr. Sc.
ETH Zurich, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 2018
Research Interests: International Trade and Agricultural Policy

Cheryl J. Wachenheim, Ph.D.
Michigan State University, 1994
Research Interests: Agribusiness

William W. Wilson, Ph.D.
University of Manitoba, 1980
Research Interests: Commodity Marketing, Agribusiness, Industrial Organization