Radiologic Sciences

Major Requirements

Radiologic Sciences Major

Degree Type: B.S.
Minimum Degree Credits to Graduate: 122

University Degree Requirements

  1. Satisfactory completion of all requirements of the curriculum in which one is enrolled.
  2. Earn a minimum total of 120 credits in approved coursework.  Some academic programs exceed this minimum.
  3. Satisfactory completion of the general education requirements as specified by the university.
  4. A minimum institutional GPA of 2.00 based on work taken at NDSU.
  5. At least 30 credits must be NDSU resident credits.  Resident credits include credits registered and paid for at NDSU.
  6. At least 36 credits presented for graduation must be in courses numbered 300 or higher.
  7. Students presenting transfer credit must meet the NDSU residence credits and the minimum upper level credit. Of the 30 credits earned in residence, a minimum of 15 semester credits must be in courses numbered 300 or above, and 15 semester credits must be in the student’s curricula for their declared major.

For complete information, please refer to the Degree and Graduation Requirements section of this Bulletin.

University General Education Requirements

A list of university approved general education courses and administrative policies are available here.

Category C: Communication12
College Composition I
College Composition II
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Upper Division Writing
Category R: Quantitative Reasoning 3
Category S: Science and Technology 10
Category A: Humanities and Fine Arts 6
Category B: Social and Behavioral Sciences 6
Category W: Wellness 2
Category D: Cultural Diversity *†
Category G: Global Perspectives *†
Total Credits39

Courses for category D & G are satisfied by completing D & G designated courses in another general education category.

General education courses may be used to satisfy requirements for both general education and the major, minor, and program emphases, where applicable. Students should carefully review major requirements to determine if specific courses can also satisfy these general education categories.

Major Requirements

Radiologic Science Major Requirements
CHP 1903
RS 200Introduction to Radiologic Sciences1
RS 496Field Experience60
InternshipProfessional education (internship) within an accredited affiliated school of radiologic technology includes the capstone experience.
BIOC 260Elements of Biochemistry4
or BIOC 460 Foundations of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I
BIOL 220
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
and Human Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory
BIOL 221
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
and Human Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory
CHEM 117
Chemical Concepts and Applications
and Chem Concepts and Applications Lab
CSCI 114Computer Applications3
or TL 116 Business Software Applications
MATH 105Trigonometry (or higher level)3
CHP 125Medical Terminology for Health Professionals1
PHRM 170Common Diseases, Prevention, and Treatment2
PHYS 211
College Physics I
and College Physics I Laboratory
PHYS 212
College Physics II
and College Physics II Laboratory
PSYC 111Introduction to Psychology3
STAT 330Introductory Statistics3
Select one microbiology course and lab from the following:3-5
Introductory Microbiology
and Introductory Microbiology Lab
General Microbiology
and General Microbiology Lab
Major Elective: Select one of the following3
Medical Anthropology
Sociology of the Family
Sociology of Aging
Death and Dying
Business and Professional Speaking
Small Group Communication
Health Communication I
COMM 381
Organizational Communication I
Interprofessional Health Care Practice
Total Credits109-111

Degree Requirements and Notes

  • All required courses must be completed with a grade of 'C' or above. All students must maintain a semester GPA of 2.0 or above for each semester in the College. A student who fails to meet this standard for two successive or three non-successive semesters may be terminated from enrollment in the College.
  • Completion of the prerequisites does not guarantee a student internship. Selection of interns is competitive. Please consult your Radiologic Sciences advisor for more information.