Grades and Grading

Grades and Honor Points

NDSU has three grading periods per academic year: fall semester, spring semester, and summer session. The quality of student work and achievement of learning outcomes is indicated by a letter grade. In computing scholastic averages, each letter grade is assigned a specific number of honor points for each credit earned. Student work is reported in terms of grade-point average for the term and institutional grade-point average for the composite of work at NDSU. Calculations are based on the following:

Grade Descriptions

Passing Grades

    Honor Points Per Credit
A Excellent 4.0
B Good 3.0
C Average 2.0
D Passing 1.0
P Pass (D or better) - undergraduate *
S Satisfactory (C or better) - graduate *
W Withdrew *
AU Audit *

Non-passing Grades

    Honor Points Per Credit
F Failure 0.0
I Incomplete *
U Unsatisfactory - graduate *

Not calculated in grade-point average, but may be calculated in attempted credits for satisfactory academic progress (SAP) used for financial aid eligibility.

Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculation

Semester (or term) GPA refers to the grade-point average for any given grading period. Cumulative or institutional GPA refers to the composite grade-point average for all courses and grading periods completed at NDSU.

Institutional cumulative grade-point average is calculated by dividing the total number of honor points earned at NDSU by the total number of credit hours in which honor points were recorded, including grades of 'F'. NDSU GPA calculations do not include developmental coursework, which does not count toward the graduation requirements. Coursework/grades accepted in transfer by NDSU are not included in the institutional cumulative GPA, and are not used in calculations for determining academic standing with the University. Refer also to Pass/Fail Grading and Repeated Courses.

Course Failures

A failing (F) grade may not be removed by special examination or transfer credit. When a failing grade has been assigned, credit for that course may be earned only by repeating it at NDSU, or via Tri-College, and completing the course satisfactorily. Review the Repeated Courses policy for full details.

Pass-Fail Grading

Pass-fail grading is available for undergraduate courses; however, the pass/fail option may not be used for courses taken to meet general education requirements, unless the course is only offered pass/fail. Students are advised to check degree-program restrictions regarding acceptance of pass/fail credits. Pass/Fail Option Request forms may be acquired online. Forms must be signed by the student's adviser. Pass/fail policies include the following:

  1. Students are limited to a total of 16 credits under the pass/fail grading option. Courses that are offered only for pass/fail grading for all students who enroll are not included in the 16-credit limitation. (Waived during the COVID-19 pandemic in spring 2020 and fall 2020.)
  2. Approval for the pass/fail option must be filed in the Office of Registration and Records by the published pass/fail deadline of the semester. Variable length and summer courses have prorated deadlines according to actual course length.  Review the online dates and deadline schedule for specific information regarding variable length and summer course deadlines.
  3. Once a pass/fail request has been submitted and processes, it may not be changed back to a regular letter grade.
  4. A grade of 'P' is without honor points and is not included in the grade-point computation; however, a grade of 'F' is included in the grade-point computation.
  5. If a course is taken for a regular grade, it cannot be repeated on a pass/fail basis.