General Policies
Graduate students must follow all academic policies in the most recent catalog unless a policy states it applies only to undergraduate students.
Non-Discrimination Policy
NDSU does not discriminate in its programs and activities on the basis of age, color, gender expression/identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin, participation in lawful off-campus activity, physical or mental disability, pregnancy, public assistance status, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, spousal relationship to current employee, or veteran status, as applicable. Direct inquiries to: Vice Provost, Title IX/ADA Coordinator, Old Main 201, NDSU Main Campus, Fargo, ND, 58108, 701-231- 7708,
This publication is available in alternate format upon request. Please contact the Graduate College at (701) 231-7033 or
Graduate Courses
Courses approved at the 600, 700 and 800 level may be taken for graduate credit and used to satisfy course requirements on the student's graduate plan of study.
Didactic courses are those courses approved for graduate credit numbered 601-689, 691; 700-789,791; 800-889, 891. Courses numbered 690, 692-699, 790, 792-799, 890, 892-899 are special or experimental courses and are not to be included as didactic courses on a plan of study.
Change of Degree Objective
Students may change their degree objective within their graduate program. Students must meet the requirements of the new degree objective.
Students moving from a doctoral degree or Plan A master’s to a Plan B or C (non-thesis) masters may use, with the approval of their advisor and graduate program coordinator, up to four (4) completed research credits toward the minimum credits for the new degree objective.
Academic Standing
The scholastic requirements below apply to each student enrolled in the Graduate College. Programs may have additional requirements. Refer to your program handbook for more information.
- A student must have a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of at least 3.0 to be in good academic standing and to receive a graduate degree.
- All courses taken by a graduate student for which grades are given (not satisfactory/unsatisfactory) will be used in calculating the semester and CGPA.
- Grades of A, B, C or S may be used to fulfill graduation requirements.
- Earning more than two grades of C, D, F or U may be grounds for dismissal upon recommendation by the program coordinator.
Academic Warning
Any student in good standing whose CGPA drops to less than 3.0 at any time of attendance is placed on academic warning. Any student admitted in conditional status is placed on academic warning. A student on academic warning cannot register for the following semester until the grades for the current semester post.
An academic warning does not appear on the official academic transcript. Students are notified of their academic warning status via official NDSU email. These students remain eligible for graduate assistantships.
Academic Probation
If a student on academic warning fails to achieve a CGPA of at least 3.0 in the subsequent semester of attendance, they will be placed on academic probation.
A student on academic probation is not eligible for a graduate assistantship or tuition waiver. An academic probation does not appear on the student's official academic transcript. Students are notified of their academic probation status via official NDSU email.
To continue the pursuit of a graduate degree program, a student on academic probation must develop a remediation plan in collaboration with the advisor and submit the Academic Probation Remediation Plan form.
This plan must include:
- the specific course(s) you plan to take
- the grade you plan to earn in order to return to a CGPA of at least 3.0 within one additional semester (fall or spring) for full-time students and two semesters for part-time students (i.e. students taking 5 credits or fewer)
- explanation of the measures being taken to ensure you will receive the grades you've indicated
- signatures of the student, adviser and department chair/graduate program coordinator
The remediation form should be submitted for Graduate College approval before the first day of class the following semester. If the form is not received by the deadline, or if the goals outlined in the plan are not met in the subsequent semester(s), the student will be dismissed from the Graduate College.
Dismissal from the Graduate College
Dismissal results in the loss of active graduate student status with the Graduate College and participation in all graduate programs and course work. A dismissal is documented on the student’s official academic transcript. Students are notified of their dismissal via official NDSU email.
Graduate students may be dismissed from the Graduate College as a result of:
- failure to meet our scholastic standards
- academic or professional misconduct
- insufficient progress toward a degree
- failure to meet professional expectations or standards
- failure to submit an acceptable remediation plan
- failure to meet the goals outlined in the approved remediation plan
Dismissal is confirmed following the completion of any appeal process. Students dismissed from the Graduate College may reapply for admission after at least one calendar year from the date of their dismissal.
Enrollment Policy
Students must maintain continuous enrollment by registering for at least one graduate credit during fall and spring semester until all degree requirements are completed. If applicable, this includes the Graduate College approval of the master’s paper, thesis, or dissertation.
- Registration is required for students completing the preliminary or final examinations during the summer semester.
- Students may take up to 15 credits each semester. Students wanting to exceed the credit limit must submit the Over 15 Credit Petition form.
- A student who has not registered for longer than a continuous two-year period must reapply for admission and is subject to the degree requirements at the time of readmission
- For information regarding assistantships and enrollment see
- In some circumstances, graduate assistants who are working 20 hours per week and registered for five or more graduate credits may be considered full-time. Check with your lender, funding provider or other organization to determine their specific requirements.
See Credit Load page for more information.
Student visa holders, see the International Student and Study Abroad Services page for credit load information.
Coursework Completion Deadlines
- Coursework, including transfer credit, more than seven years old cannot be used to satisfy the requirements of any certificate or master’s degree. Current students or students returning within the seven year timeframe may petition for an exception to this policy for NDSU coursework only. The petition for exception is limited to one extension of at most one (1) calendar year. The exception must be approved by the student's advisor, the graduate program coordinator, and the Graduate College.
- Coursework, including transfer credit, more than ten years old cannot be used to satisfy degree requirements of any doctoral degree. Current students or students returning within the ten year timeframe may petition for an exception to this policy for NDSU coursework only. The petition for exception is limited to one extension of at most two (2) calendar years. The exception must be approved by the student's advisor, the graduate program coordinator, and the Graduate College.
Master’s Paper, Thesis, or Dissertation Completion Deadlines
The student will have one year from the date of the final examination to complete the Graduate College format review process and any other outstanding degree requirements. If all degree requirements are not completed within one year the student must repeat the final examination.
Graduate College Leave of Absence
Students may file a Request for Leave of Absence from their graduate program for up to two years. Forms must be received by the Graduate College prior to the Enrollment Census date and can only be submitted if the student is not enrolled or has withdrawn to zero credits (see Dates and Deadlines for details).
Filing a Request for Leave of Absence ensures that you will not need to register for semesters in which leave was approved. To re-enroll (within the two- year limit), submit the Request for Reactivation. Any approved leave of absence does not amend the seven- or ten-year coursework completion deadline.
Students who do not maintain continuous enrollment and fail to file for a leave of absence with the Graduate College must submit the Request for Reactivation form and enroll in at least one credit per missed semester (fall and spring) up to four credits.
Family and Medical Accommodation Policy for Graduate Students
The Graduate School at NDSU is committed to promoting an environment where students can successfully balance their academic and family responsibilities. The goal of this policy is to provide consistent, equitable treatment to all graduate students, regardless of family status, by providing timeline extensions for completing preliminary/qualifying examinations and by offering modified duties to students experiencing a serious health condition or needing to provide care to a new child or a seriously ill family member.
1. Extensions for Completing Preliminary/Qualifying Examinations, Final Examinations, and/or Disquisitions
A graduate student is eligible to apply for a time extension on completing preliminary/qualifying examination, final examination, and/or disquisition upon showing that they are:
- In good academic standing and making progress toward degree completion, and
- Undergoing childbirth, caring for their newborn, caring for their child with a serious medical condition, adopting a child, accepting foster placement of a child, experiencing their own serious medical condition, or experiencing a serious medical condition of a spouse/partner or parent for which they have caretaker responsibilities (medical certification may be required).
Length of Extensions:
While each extension granted under this policy will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, absent extraordinary circumstances, the additional time granted by this policy will not exceed two years.
A graduate student undergoing childbirth, adopting a child, or accepting foster placement of a child shall be entitled to receive an extension of up to one extra year for completing preliminary/qualifying examination, final examination, and/or submitting a disquisition.
A graduate student experiencing their own serious medical condition, caring for their child with a serious medical condition, or experiencing a serious medical condition of a spouse/partner or parent for which they have caretaker responsibilities shall be entitled to receive an extension of up to six extra months for completing a preliminary/qualifying examination, a final examination, and/or submitting a disquisition.
Application/Approval Process:
Graduate students who wish to obtain an extension under this policy must document their eligibility in writing to their academic unit prior to the effective date of the extension – retroactive requests will not be considered, absent extraordinary circumstances. The student’s academic unit and the Graduate School will then assess the student’s eligibility and approve/deny the extension. Additionally, international students on a visa must have their extension approved by the Office of International Student and Study Abroad Services.
Leave of Absence
Students requesting an extension may also choose to take a leave of absence from their graduate program. International students will need to consult with the Office of International Student and Study Abroad Services to determine if they are eligible for a leave of absence.
2. Modified Duties for Graduate Assistants
A graduate assistant is eligible for “modified duties” if the graduate assistant:
- Becomes a parent through childbirth, adoption, or foster placement of a child;
- Has a health condition that makes him or her unable to perform regular duties but does not necessitate a reduction in workload; or
- Will be caring for a child, spouse/partner or parent who has a serious health condition.
- Must have served as a graduate assistant for at least one academic term.
Definition and Length of Modified Duties:
“Modified duties” means a change to duties and goals without reduction of stipend for a limited period of time. A graduate assistant taking modified duties will still be at a 100% workload and 100% stipend; however, the nature of the responsibilities for this time period will be adjusted. Modified duties will include a revision of workload for up to the equivalent of a semester. If warranted and supported by appropriate medical documentation, graduate students can be excused from most, if not all, of their regular duties for up to six weeks without a reduction in pay. All eligible students will be granted a Parental Accommodation period for up to six weeks immediately following the birth of a child or the adoption of a child under the age of 6 for which the student has parental responsibilities. (Additional time may be granted based on medical documentation of exceptional medical circumstances experienced by the student or his/her child, spouse, partner, or dependent parent.)
Regardless of circumstances, modified duties agreements must conclude within 12 months.
Application/Approval Process
A graduate assistant requesting modified duties shall document their request in writing to their supervisor and department chair/head. The graduate assistant and the department will engage in an interactive process to determine how the graduate assistant’s duties will be modified and the duration of the modified duties. In the event that an agreement cannot be reached between the graduate assistant and the department, the Dean of the Graduate School shall assist in reaching an agreement. To ensure that all parties are operating under the same understanding, the agreement for modified duties shall be put in writing. Graduate assistants accepting modified duties are subject to the regular evaluation procedures used in the program; however, such evaluations shall be based on the agreed upon modified duties.