Animal Science

 Plan of Study

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This guide is not an official curriculum. This guide is a sample four-year degree plan of how students might plan this major with other degree requirements to complete their education in four years.Student plans will vary from this sample due to a variety of factors, such as, but not limited to, start year, education goals, transfer credit, and course availability. To ensure proper degree completion, enrolled students should utilize Degree Map and Schedule Planner in Campus Connection and consult regularly with academic advisors to ensure graduation requirements are being met.  

This sample plan of study applies to the Animal Production, Management, and Husbandry study option (Option 1).  For other study options, see examples on the departmental website.

ANSC 1011ANSC 2403
ANSC 1143BIOL 111 or 1503
ENGL 110 (C)4BIOL 111L or BIOL 150L1
VETS 1353ENGL 1203
MATH 1033COMM 110 (C)3
CHEM 117 or 121 (S)3Gen Ed Humanities & Fine Arts and Cultural Diversity (A & D)3
CHEM 117L or 121L (S)1 
 18 16
AGEC 2423AGEC 2443
ANSC 230, 231, 232, or 2352BIOC 2604
ECON 201 (B & G)3STAT 330 (R)3
ENGL 120 (C)3Gen Ed Humanities & Fine Art (A)3
MICR 202
202L (S)
3Gen Ed Science & Technology (S)3
 14 16
ANSC 3003ANSC 3243
ANSC 3233ANSC 3403
ANSC 3573ANSC 3802
ANSC 3703ANSC 463
ANSC 379, 393, or 3962Gen Ed Upper Division Writing (C)3
 14 15
ANSC 482 or 488**3ANSC 4783
Gen Ed Social & Behavioral Sciences (B)3ANSC 480, 484, ANSC 485, or ANSC 486**3
Animal Prod, Mgt, & Husbandry Elective3Elective3
Animal Prod, Mgt, & Husbandry Elective3Elective4
Gen Ed Wellness (W)2 
 14 13
Total Credits: 120

Two production courses are required. ANSC 482 and 488 are offered during fall semester; ANSC 480, 485, and 486 are offered during spring semester.